Apple ID登录已经上线发布5个多月,新版本发布突然因 Apple ID登录被多次拒绝,从网上找了很多文章,感觉说的都含糊不清,大体都是让参考苹果文档Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview,但是文档中又说的不是很清楚,因此把自己的惨痛经历写下来,希望能帮助大家。
2020年7月30日 上午8:24,第1次被拒绝
Guideline 4.0 - Design
Your app uses Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not use the appropriate Sign in with Apple button design, branding, and/or user interface elements as described in the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( Specifically:
- Your Sign in with Apple button is not placed on an appropriate background. White buttons should not be on light backgrounds. Black buttons and white buttons with a black outline should not be on dark backgrounds.
- There are colors included on your Sign in with Apple button that are not white and black. White and black are the only approved colors for Sign in with Apple buttons.
- The Sign in with Apple says Apple ID 登录 but should use the following localized version: 通过Apple登录.
- Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the standard design.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, revise the Sign in with Apple button design, branding and/or user interface elements in your app so that it follows all the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines](
For information on implementing Sign in with Apple in your app:
- Review [Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview]( for specific guidance on button design
- Review [Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons]( if your sign in process happens in a browser
- Review the [Sign in with Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( for an overview of design and formatting guidelines for Sign in with Apple
Please see attached screenshot for details.
通过讨论和研究苹果 Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview文档,确定问题是,我们的登录页面,背景色是白色,按钮选择了白色图片,而苹果要求白色logo只能用于深色背景色,所以最终把apple登录按钮的logo改成了黑色logo(图片是我们自己UI提供)
2020年7月31日 上午4:55,第2次被拒绝
Guideline 4.0 - Design
Your app uses Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not use the appropriate Sign in with Apple button design, branding, and/or user interface elements as described in the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( Specifically:
- The Sign in with Apple says Apple ID 登录 but should use the following localized version: 使用Apple登录.
- Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the standard design.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, revise the Sign in with Apple button design, branding and/or user interface elements in your app so that it follows all the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines](
For information on implementing Sign in with Apple in your app:
- Review [Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview]( for specific guidance on button design
- Review [Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons]( if your sign in process happens in a browser
- Review the [Sign in with Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( for an overview of design and formatting guidelines for Sign in with Apple
Please see attached screenshot for details.
通过讨论和研究苹果 Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview文档,以及appstore上的其他App,确定问题是,使用本地化及标题的时候必须使用苹果自带的文字,ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton是自带标题的,而我们使用的是UIButton自定义按钮,因此我们决定去掉标题,只显示logo(这个问题其实第一次被拒绝也提到了,但是大家当时都没有注意到这项)
2020年8月1日 上午1:02,第3次被拒绝
Guideline 4.0 - Design
Your app uses Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not use the appropriate Sign in with Apple button design, branding, and/or user interface elements as described in the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( Specifically:
- Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the standard design.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, revise the Sign in with Apple button design, branding and/or user interface elements in your app so that it follows all the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines](
For information on implementing Sign in with Apple in your app:
- Review [Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview]( for specific guidance on button design
- Review [Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons]( if your sign in process happens in a browser
- Review the [Sign in with Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( for an overview of design and formatting guidelines for Sign in with Apple
去掉标题之后,确实没有在提示标题的问题,为啥还被拒绝呢?通过分析认为苹果让我们使用ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton去创建登录按钮,而不是使用UIButton,但是我们研究Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview,发现文档上确实写清楚是可以使用自定义按钮的(通过跟UI确认我们的设计也是符合自定义按钮的设计的),这个时候比较迷茫、焦虑了,只能尝试替换成ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton(设置成44pt*44px,圆角是22),同时焦虑的等待着苹果审核团队的电话。
2020年8月2日 上午9:35,第4次被拒绝
We appreciate your response and have scheduled a call with an Apple representative to discuss your app’s review. We anticipate calling within 3 to 5 business days.
To ensure we have the correct contact information, please reply to this message to provide a contact name and phone number for this call.
Guideline 4.0 - Design
Your app uses Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not use the appropriate Sign in with Apple button design, branding, and/or user interface elements as described in the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( Specifically:
- Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the system-provided Sign in with Apple button.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, revise the Sign in with Apple button design, branding and/or user interface elements in your app so that it follows all the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines](
For information on implementing Sign in with Apple in your app:
- Review [Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview]( for specific guidance on button design
- Review [Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons]( if your sign in process happens in a browser
- Review the [Sign in with Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( for an overview of design and formatting guidelines for Sign in with Apple
Please see attached screenshot for details.
这次更加迷茫,更加焦虑,同事进行了回复(贴上代码证明已经使用的是ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton),为什么还是被拒绝?团队再次研究Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines,发现圆形logo是不能直接ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton使用它设置的,因为设置完后跟苹果Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons提供生成的按钮,内部白色苹果占的比例不一样(偏小),最后决定还是使用自定义UIButton,图片使用Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons设计的图片,不在使用UI设计稿,这次感觉稳稳的能通过了
2020年8月3日 上午8:16,第5次被拒绝
Guideline 4.0 - Design
Your app uses Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not use the appropriate Sign in with Apple button design, branding, and/or user interface elements as described in the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( Specifically:
- Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the system-provided Sign in with Apple button. 】
Next Steps
Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the system-provided Sign in with Apple button
To resolve this issue, revise the Sign in with Apple button design, branding and/or user interface elements in your app so that it follows all the [Sign in With Apple Human Interface Guidelines](
For information on implementing Sign in with Apple in your app:
- Review [Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview]( for specific guidance on button design
- Review [Displaying Sign in with Apple Buttons]( if your sign in process happens in a browser
- Review the [Sign in with Apple Human Interface Guidelines]( for an overview of design and formatting guidelines for Sign in with Apple
这次真的不知道改如何了,正在尝试把圆图logo改成ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton默认样式的时候,苹果爸爸的电话终于来了,经过一番交流之后,才确认问题是我们的登录按钮(绿色登录按钮),比Apple id登录的logo更凸显,要求把Apple ID登录logo变得大,一眼看上去apple logo图标更凸显,改完后的效果如下:
- Your Sign in with Apple button is not placed on an appropriate background. White buttons should not be on light backgrounds. Black buttons and white buttons with a black outline should not be on dark backgrounds
浅色背景需要使用黑色设计,深色背景需要使用白色设计具体请参考Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview
- The Sign in with Apple says Apple ID 登录 but should use the following localized version: 通过Apple登录.
- Your app is using the custom Sign in with Apple button, please use the standard design.
logo和文字左右布局的有要求,请参考Sign in with Apple Buttons Overview
Apple ID登录按钮在整个页面中登录相关的按钮中必须凸显,比如按钮占比比较大,摆放位置显眼等(参考苹果官方文档,多个按钮的时候苹果登录按钮一般都是放在第一位)