You are what you eat | Food Inc.
这是一部揭露美国食物供应链黑幕的纪录片,告诉了我们真正在吃什么,以及现代食品生产及加工业对人类饮食的影响。这些采访与被采访的人都涉及到切身利益,就是流行的那话,they have a skin in the game. 值得花时间了解一下。
Stumbling on Happiness
中译本叫做《撞上幸福》,作者是哈佛大学心理学教授Daniel Gilbert。如果说佛学这条通往极乐世界的上山路不容易走的话,那么作为普通世人,可以换心理学这条路试一试。书中通过对我们人类自身的研究揭示人对事物的心里反映和变化,以此来帮助我们了解自己,帮助我们理解理想与现实、现在与未来、理性与非理性之间的心里鸿沟。此书的读书笔记已写在另外一篇文章中,有兴趣的话可以预览一下。
Stumbling on Happiness
The standard pace is for chumps.
-by Derek Sivers from Tools of Titans
That which does not kill me makes me stronger.
-by Friedrich Nietzsche
一款在线的图片编辑软件Photopea。其界面与操作跟 Photoshop 相似,处理完之后也可以保存为PSD,PNG等格式。
网址 www.photopea.com 支持手机浏览器。
Seth Godin 无疑是一位大师级的marketer,他的一篇博文First, ten,可以说简单且有效,颠覆了无数创业者搞所谓市场调研的麻烦。下面是这篇文章的节选内容:
First, ten
This, in two words, is the secret of the new marketing.
Find ten people. Ten people who trust you/respect you/need you/listen to you…
Those ten people need what you have to sell, or want it. And if they love it, you win. If they love it, they’ll each find you ten more people (or a hundred or a thousand or, perhaps, just three). Repeat.
If they don’t love it, you need a new product. Start over.
Your idea spreads. Your business grows. Not as fast as you want, but faster than you could ever imagine.