启动子是RNA 聚合酶识别、结合和开始转录的一段DNA 序列,它含有RNA 聚合酶特异性结合和转录起始所需的保守序列,多数位于结构基因转录起始点的上游,启动子本身不被转录。但有一些启动子(如tRNA启动子)位于转录起始点的下游,这些DNA序列可以被转录。启动子的特性最初是通过能增加或降低基因转录速率的突变而鉴定的。启动子一般位于转录起始位点的上游几百至几千bp不等,怎么用plantcare预测转录起始位点?
Genome‑wide characterization and analysis of the CCT motif family
genes in soybean (Glycine max)
samtools faidx ref.fa Chr01:353407-373407 >GM0600.fa
search for CARE.png
(1)Plant growth and development
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'A-box' >A-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'AE-box' >AE-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'Box 4' >Box-4
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'CAT' >CAT-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'circadian' >Circadian
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'GA' >GA-motif
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'GATA' >GATA-motif
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'G' >G-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i 'GCN4' >GCN4-motif
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i 'GT1' >GT1-motif
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i 'I-box' >I-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i 'RY' >RY-element
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i 'MRE' >MRE
cut -f 1 A-box |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' > A-box.xls
cut -f 1 AE-box |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >AE-box.xls
cut -f 1 Box-4 |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >Box-4.xls
cut -f 1 CAT-box |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >CAT-box.xls
cut -f 1 Circadian |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >Circadian.xls
cut -f 1 GA-motif |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >GA-motif.xls
cut -f 1 GATA-motif |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >GATA-motif.xls
cut -f 1 G-box |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >G-box.xls
cut -f 1 GCN4-motif |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >GCN4-motif.xls
cut -f 1 GT1-motif |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >GT1-motif.xls
cut -f 1 I-box |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >I-box.xls
cut -f 1 MRE |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >MRE.xls
cut -f 1 RY-element |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >RY-element.xls
(2)Abiotic and biotic stresses
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'ARE' >ARE
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep 'DRE core' >DRE-core
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'LTR' >LTR
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'MBS' >MBS
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'MYB' |grep -v site>MYB
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'MYC' >MYC
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'STRE' >STRE
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'TC' >TC-rich-repeat
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'W' >W-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'WUN' >WUN-motif
cut -f 1 ARE |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >ARE.xls
cut -f 1 DRE-core |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >DRE-core.xls
cut -f 1 LTR |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >LTR.xls
cut -f 1 MBS |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >MBS.xls
cut -f 1 MYB |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >MYB.xls
cut -f 1 MYC |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >MYC.xls
cut -f 1 STRE |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >STRE.xls
cut -f 1 TC-rich-repeat |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >TC-rich-repeat.xls
cut -f 1 W-box |sort|uniq -c | awk '{print$2"\t"$1}' >W-box.xls
cut -f 1 WUN-motif |sort|uniq -c | awk {'print$2"\t"$1}' >WUN-motif.xls
(3)Phytohormone responsive
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'ABRE' >ABRE
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'as-1' >as-1
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'CGTCA' >CGTCA-motif
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'CARE' >CARE
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'ERE' >ERE
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'P' >P-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'TATC' >TATC-box
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'TCA-element' >TCA-element
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'TGACG' >TGACG-motif
grep -v Unnamed plantCARE_output_PlantCARE_*.tab|grep -v short_function|cut -f 1,2|grep -i -w 'TGA-element' >TGA-element-motif
cut -f 1 ABRE |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>ABRE.xls
cut -f 1 as-1 |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>as-1.xls
cut -f 1 CARE |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>CARE.xls
cut -f 1 CGTCA-motif |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>CGTCA-motif.xls
cut -f 1 ERE |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>ERE.xls
cut -f 1 P-box |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>P-box.xls
cut -f 1 TATC-box |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>TATC-box.xls
cut -f 1 TCA-element |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>TCA-element.xls
cut -f 1 TGACG-motif |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>TGACG-motif.xls
cut -f 1 TGA-element-motif |sort |uniq -c |awk '{print$2"\t"$1}'>TGA-element-motif.xls