Introduction and Instructions--指引及说明
Yanfly Engine Plugins - Core Engine is made for RPG Maker MV. This plugin functions primarily to fix bugs and to allow the user more control over RPG Maker MV's various features, such as the screen resolution, font, window colors, and more.
该插件适用RPG Maker MV,主要修复MV的一些BUG,并且让创作者对MV丰富的功能拥有更多的控制权,
Just place this on top of all the other Yanfly Engine Plugins.Adjust any parameters as you see fit.
You can use the plugin commands to add or remove gold more than the editor's 9,999,999 limit. You can also place notetags into items, weapons,and armors to over the 999,999 cost limit.
Plugin Command:
GainGold1234567890# Party gains 1234567890 gold. 增加金币1234567890
LoseGold9876543210# Party loses 9876543210 gold. 减少金币9876543210
Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags:物品、武器、防具备注标签
Changes the price of the item to x. This notetag allows you to bypass the editor's 999,999 gold cost limit.
Enemy Notetag:敌人备注标签
Changes the gold drop value of enemies to x. This notetag allows you to bypass the editor's 9,999,999 gold drop limit.
Change the parameters to reflect the maximum number of items a player can hold per item. If you wish to make individual items have different max values, use the following notetag:
Item, Weapon, Armor Notetag:物品、武器、防具备注标签
This changes the maximum amount of the item to x.
Even with the parameter limits raised, the editor is still confined to RPG Maker MV's default limits. To break past them, use the following notetags to allow further control over the
individual aspects for the parameters.
即使参数限制得到了提升,编辑器仍然受限于MV的默认限制。为了打破这些限制,我们可以使用以下的备注标签进一步的控制每 一方面的参数。
Actor Notetag:角色备注标签
Changes the actor's initial level to x. This allows you to bypass the editor's level 99 limit.
Changes the actor's max level to x. This allows you to bypass the editor's level 99 limit.
Class Skill Learn Notetag:职业技能学习备注标签
When placed inside a class's "Skills to Learn" notetag, this will cause the class to learn the skill at level x.
Weapon and Armor Notetags:武器和防具备注标签
Allows the piece of weapon or armor to gain or lose x amount of stat.Replace "stat" with "hp", "mp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", or "luk" to alter that specific stat. This allows the piece of equipment to go past the editor's default limitation so long as the maximum value allows for it.
允许某件武器、防具获得或失去X状态。你可以将stat替换为"hp", "mp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", 或者"luk",以此修改具体的某样你需要的属性,只要在最大值的允许范围内。
Enemy Notetags:敌人备注标签
This changes the enemy's stat to x amount. Replace "stat" with "hp","mp", "atk", "def", "mat","mdf", "agi", or "luk" to alter that specific stat. This allows the piece of equipment to go past the editor's default limitation.
该标签修改敌人状态为X。你可以将stat替换为"hp", "mp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", 或者"luk"。
This changes the enemy's exp given out to x amount. This allows the enemy give out more exp than the editor's default 9,999,999 limit.
Script Call Fail Safe--脚本调用失败安全性
Irregular code in damage formulas, script calls, conditional branches, and variable events will no longer crash the game. Instead, they will force open the console window to display the error only during test play.
伤害公式、脚本、条件分支及变量事件中的不规范代码将不会使游戏崩溃。相反的,当你在测 试的时候,只会强制的打开控制 台窗口并显示错误信息。
If the player is not in test play, the game will continue as normal without the error being shown. If the game is being played in a browser, opening up the console window will still display the error.
如果不是在测试,游戏会跳过错误继续,不会显示错误信息。如果游戏是在浏览器中运行,打 开浏览器控制台仍然会显示错误 信息。
Screen Width:屏幕宽度
Screen Height:屏幕高度
Scale Battlebacks:是否需要拉伸战斗背景
Scale Title:是否需要拉伸标题场景
Scale Game Over:是否需要拉伸游戏结束场景
Open Console:测试及DEBUG时是否需要打开控制台
Reposition Battlers:是否允许插件重新定位战斗成员
GameFont Load Timer:设置加载字体时间
Update Real Scale:不推荐使用,是否允许屏幕拉伸
Collection Clear:切换场景时,是否需要清除主场景中的对象,以释放内存
Gold Max:角色持有金币上限
Gold Font Size:展示金币数量的字体大小
Gold Icon:金币窗口中代表金币的图标
Gold Overlap:如果金币数量超过最大值,将显示此处设置的值
Default Max:角色持有物品上限值
Quantity Text Size:物品数量字体大小
Max Level:角色最高等级
Actor MaxHP:角色最大HP
Actor MaxMP:角色最大MP
Actor Parameter:
Enemy MaxHP:敌人最大HP
Enemy MaxMP:敌人最大MP
Enemy Parameter:
Animation Rate:调整战斗动画频率
Flash Target:如果敌人被选中,是否闪烁或者变白
Show Events Transition:
Show Events Snapshot:
---Map Optimization---
Refresh Update HP:
Refresh Update MP:
Refresh Update TP:
Chinese Font:中文字体
Korean Font:韩文字体
Default Font:默认字体
Font Size:字体大小
Text Align:文字居中方式
Digit Grouping:
Line Height:
Icon Width:图标宽度
Icon Height:图标高度
Face Width:角色脸图宽度
Face Height:角色脸图高度
Window Padding:窗口之间的间隙宽度
Text Padding:文字间间隙宽度
Window Opacity:窗口背景透明度
Gauge Outline:
Gauge Height:
Menu TP Bar:是否在菜单的状态窗口绘制TP条