To our surprise,I was able to email our way into visiting one of th rose factories in 2019.
This was flanked on either side by rosebushes taller than my head stretching in rows,each row so close to the next that anyone passing between them had to sidle.两边都是比我的头还高的玫瑰花丛,一排排延伸开来,每一排都离得很近,任何从它们中间穿过的人都不得不侧身而过。
flank v 位于...两侧
sidle vi. 侧身而行;悄悄贴近
Those weo holidays translate into enormous pressure on workers,longer hours and exhaustion.
Was the ugliness in the roses for being produced in such a way or in us for failing to see it?玫瑰中的丑陋是因为以这种方式生产出来的,还是因为我们没有看到它?