Express & mongoose REST API Boilerplate in ES6 with Code Coverage
Feature | Summary |
ES6 via Babel | ES6 support using Babel. |
Authentication via JsonWebToken | Supports authentication using jsonwebtoken. |
Code Linting | JavaScript code linting is done using ESLint - a pluggable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Uses ESLint with eslint-config-airbnb, which tries to follow the Airbnb JavaScript style guide. |
Auto server restart | Restart the server using nodemon in real-time anytime an edit is made, with babel compilation and eslint. |
ES6 Code Coverage via istanbul | Supports code coverage of ES6 code using istanbul and mocha. Code coverage reports are saved in coverage/ directory post yarn test execution. Open coverage/lcov-report/index.html to view coverage report. yarn test also displays code coverage summary on console. Code coverage can also be enforced overall and per file as well, configured via .istanbul.yml |
Debugging via debug | Instead of inserting and deleting console.log you can replace it with the debug function and just leave it there. You can then selectively debug portions of your code by setting DEBUG env variable. If DEBUG env variable is not set, nothing is displayed to the console. |
Promisified Code via bluebird | We love promise, don't we ? All our code is promisified and even so our tests via supertest-as-promised. |
API parameter validation via express-validation | Validate body, params, query, headers and cookies of a request (via middleware) and return a response with errors; if any of the configured validation rules fail. You won't anymore need to make your route handler dirty with such validations. |
Pre-commit hooks | Runs lint and tests before any commit is made locally, making sure that only tested and quality code is committed |
Secure app via helmet | Helmet helps secure Express apps by setting various HTTP headers. |
Uses yarn over npm | Uses new released yarn package manager by facebook. You can read more about it here |
const Joi = require('joi');
// require and configure dotenv, will load vars in .env in PROCESS.ENV
const envVarsSchema = Joi.object({...})
const { error, value: envVars } = Joi.validate(process.env, envVarsSchema);
if (error) {
throw new Error(`Config validation error: ${error.message}`);
const config = {
env: envVars.NODE_ENV,
port: envVars.PORT,
mongooseDebug: envVars.MONGOOSE_DEBUG,
jwtSecret: envVars.JWT_SECRET,
mongo: {
host: envVars.MONGO_HOST,
port: envVars.MONGO_PORT
- dotenv将根目录下的.env文件加载到process.env。
- joi是一个js对象描述和验证工具,用其校验config字段完备性和格式,也用于后台参数的安全性检查。
const express = require('express');
const logger = require('morgan');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const compress = require('compression');
const methodOverride = require('method-override');
const cors = require('cors');
const httpStatus = require('http-status');
const expressWinston = require('express-winston');
const expressValidation = require('express-validation');
const helmet = require('helmet');
const winstonInstance = require('./winston');
const routes = require('../index.route');
const config = require('./config');
const APIError = require('../server/helpers/APIError');
const app = express();
if (config.env === 'development') {
// parse body params and attache them to req.body
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// secure apps by setting various HTTP headers
// enable CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing
// enable detailed API logging in dev env
if (config.env === 'development') {
meta: true, // optional: log meta data about request (defaults to true)
msg: 'HTTP {{req.method}} {{req.url}} {{res.statusCode}} {{res.responseTime}}ms',
colorStatus: true // Color the status code (default green, 3XX cyan, 4XX yellow, 5XX red).
// mount all routes on /api path
app.use('/api', routes);
// if error is not an instanceOf APIError, convert it.
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
if (err instanceof expressValidation.ValidationError) {
// validation error contains errors which is an array of error each containing message[]
const unifiedErrorMessage = err.errors.map(error => error.messages.join('. ')).join(' and ');
const error = new APIError(unifiedErrorMessage, err.status, true);
return next(error);
} else if (!(err instanceof APIError)) {
const apiError = new APIError(err.message, err.status, err.isPublic);
return next(apiError);
return next(err);
// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use((req, res, next) => {
const err = new APIError('API not found', httpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
return next(err);
// log error in winston transports except when executing test suite
if (config.env !== 'test') {
// error handler, send stacktrace only during development
app.use((err, req, res, next) => // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
message: err.isPublic ? err.message : httpStatus[err.status],
stack: config.env === 'development' ? err.stack : {}
module.exports = app;
- 以模块化组织代码(route,model,controller,test)
- 以模块+功能命名文件
- 编写测试代码
Structure your solution by components
The very least you should do is create basic borders between components, assign a folder in your project root for each business component and make it self-contained - other components are allowed to consume its functionality only through its public interface or API.
The ultimate solution is to develop small software: divide the whole stack into self-contained components that don't share files with others, each constitutes very few files (e.g. API, service, data access, test, etc.)
Json web token (JWT), 是为了在网络应用环境间传递声明而执行的一种基于JSON的开放标准((RFC 7519).该token被设计为紧凑且安全的,特别适用于分布式站点的单点登录(SSO)场景。JWT的声明一般被用来在身份提供者和服务提供者间传递被认证的用户身份信息,以便于从资源服务器获取资源,也可以增加一些额外的其它业务逻辑所必须的声明信息,该token也可直接被用于认证,也可被加密。