

1. 从最基本、最容易纠正的先开始纠正:自我反省一下,有多少同学英语标点符号是胡乱用的?

2. 错误的输出多半是因为错误的输入导致的,正所谓garbage in, garbage out。多听native speaker的发音(正确的输入),才能讲出标准的语音(正确的输出)。多听,每天上下班路上收听Open Language。

3. 发音要从最基本的开始纠正。自我反省一下,每个元音都发对了吗?辅音都发对了吗?(有多少北方同学W还在发V的,有多少四川同学L和M还是不分的?)

4. 每次学到一个新单词或新句式就记下来,好记性不如烂笔头。一句两句不要嫌少嫌烦,什么东西都是积少成多的。另外,新学到的词、句要自己多用多造句,最好是能现学现用,这样记得比较牢。利用碎片时间常翻自己的笔记,光记下而不温故知新的话还是会忘,艾宾浩斯记忆曲线都知道吧?

5. 英语水平提升到一定程度的同学肯定都遇过瓶颈,基本生活表达已经没问题了,但是怎么听CNN还是听不太懂。归根到底,还是输入不够多。中文对话及时没听太清,也不影响同学们的理解,因为同学们的中文储备已经足以对所有的中文对话进行“预判”。什么叫“预判”?举例,加入你听到别人问你:“你看过北京天___前升国旗吗?"但是横线处没听见的话,你会自动脑补横线处应该是“天安门”。但是,如果换成英语,别人问题你:"Did you know that they passed a new bill at ___ Hill yesterday?" 同样也是横线处没听清,如果你的英语储备不够的话,你可能不知道横线处讲的是"Capitol Hill"。

6. 知道正确的说法,却一定要坚持错误的说法。举例,有多少人明明已经知道APP要念/æp/而不是/ei pi: pi:/,却还是坚持念/ei pi: pi:/?

7. 可以多上上国外的论坛,比如Reddit,theOatmeal。可以学到很多俚语的表达,因为论坛的内容都是轻松搞笑的,没有学习的压力,更容易记住。

8. 明明一句句子里每个单词都认识,但听力还是听不懂。很多时候都是因为:a) 你没有把每个单词都念对,至少念的和native speaker念的不一样 b) 你不知道连读,例如going to = gonna; want to = wanna; trying to = tryna等等。

9.想到2个工具型网站推荐给大家。第一个叫urban dictionary,可以查到所有的俚语(slang)解释。另一个叫thesaurus,可以用来查同义、反义词,这样写作时就可以变化一下词语,不至于一个词用到底。







stir-fried rice/liver 炒饭, 炒猪肝

scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋


customs 海关,风俗,  costume 服装,

plural,  teeth are the plural of tooth

Hey sometimes you should do things you don't like. Sometimes you have to suck it up and finish what you've started. It's part of life.

Might I have a word with you?


raffle(lottery), ruffle, rifle

experts, specialist, professional

vocation, job, appointment,occupation


career, professions


elegant arrogant

adversity  advertise, misery, What does she know about misery? 她怎么会懂得人间疾苦。

pervade pervasive pervasiveness  v. 弥漫,遍及  adj.普遍的;到处渗透的;流行的 n.普世性,无处不在。

workaholic, alcohol

sympathy, empathy(empathize VS emphasize),

league, alliance, association, union

in any case, by all means, on all accounts 无论如何

eat some oranges to enhance immunity.

on the debit sides

ambiguity : a little bit = an element of  ,  There was an element of ambiguity in the president's reply.

tier : second tier city, first tier city

sponsor,  sensor

travel domestically but also internationally

conspicuous consumption,  aspiration class

The spring festival gala

Good gracious!  (fixed phase) 天哪!(太漂亮了,太好看了,太完美了,太。。。)

to be exact 确切的说


I'm envious, jealous of

gear up for  为。。。做准备


blurt sth. out

lucky money, red envelops, red pocket




seek out (sought out),  I sought you out to thank you and now I have thanked you...

get all the bases covered

make a point of doing 特地,特意做。。。

for that matter 同样的。。。表前后说的内容一致,放在后面一句的句尾,给前面叙述的内容增加一个同样正确的东西。

interpret a dream

Right and another reason to keep it enabled was because we have quite a few other environments which are subjected to constant load – FI environments/Upgrade under constant load/environments where we shutdown node and monitor recovery rates/node or disk replacements under constant load/Ip change under constant load et al – we wanted to have these JFRs generated by default to aid debugging memory issues on any of these environments, easy to miss enabling it if not thus by default.

At this stage of 3.2 though, should be fine to disable it by default.

hit the ground running

a track record in success

bet on you

be obsessed with  痴迷于;  have a fascination/an obsession with

draw lots

stop such a thing from recurring

on God's good humor  听天由命,听从上帝安排

make everyday count = make everyday valuable

And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing , do you? (1.find sth appealing,  2.appealing look/express/voice  恳求的眼神、表情、声音)

Have some company over

fair enough =  make sense

I completely empathize = I can certainly relate = I know exactly how you feel.

live off

mutual benefit

psychological pressure/stress

take refuge in

compound = means to make it worse by adding it  加剧。    加剧,复合(的),围地 a massive compound just outside of town.大别墅。 

context = In the social context of fitness 在全民健身的社会大背景下

meet in person 会面

be in a dilemma

raise a family

approval rate  支持率

Fight for $15 Movement : Honestly, I've always considered myself a progressive. 实话说 我一直自诩自己为进步分子

Be patient and attentive  耐心细致


Coffee Break:

make a coffee run

get me a large black coffee, grab a couple of sugar packets

pick me up a cappuccino

I'll get receipt and we'll just square up when I get back.  (split the bill)

You'd better make that two blueberry muffins, and I'm not about to share my own.

I hope I have enough hands to carry all of this.

I wouldn't mind getting out of the office for a bit, I'll go along with you. Such a gentleman.

Take down

动词短语"take down"意思是写下或记下某些东西,大部分是指记下某人的练习方式或某一事件的细节。

The verb phrase "take down" means to write down or record something, most often someone's contact information or details of an event.

If anyone calls, please don't forget to take down their name and phone number.

Staff Incentive Programs

build-out a team, set into a more stable growth pattern 更稳定的增长模式。

start exploring incentivizing our employees to keep up their good work. 开始探索激励员工来保持良好表现。

monetary compensation

non-financial incentives

create a commission model

start giving out an end-of-year bonus that's based on performance.

provide their employees with drinks and snacks in the office.

No one works well when hungry.

create an "employee of the month" system 创建每月最佳员工体系

We don't necessarily have to  give an award, just recognition of one employee's hard work.

make sure the selection process is transparent so that we don't lapse into favoritism.

Paying for the professional development of our employees is also a great way to invest in our team while making them feed valued.


one of my first jobs out of college paid for me to take a few courses that really helped me up my game(improve) in the office, and to this day I'm still using those skills.

a well-structured appraisal system where every 6 months I would meet with a manager to discuss not only my performance but also the directions I hoped to move in professionally.

It was through that discussion that we were able to identify some of my weaknesses and find ways to help me with them.

Interview Series 1 - The Introduction

very common practice    惯例;习惯作法

I missed what you've just said about the new system. Would you fill me in ,please?

fill me in on the details of the job on the telephone.

start by 从..始.  Perhaps we can start by discussing your background and resume details a little?

totally recommend  强烈推荐。

There're many ways we can solve this problem, but I recommend taking a direct approach.

Don't be late so often.

a varied cultural background

background check

Thank you for making some time to see me , miss xx. It's a great pleasure to meet you finally.  谢谢你抽空见我,很高兴终于见到你了。

The pleasure's all mine.  我的荣幸。  elegance|elegant, arrogance|arrogant

I would really like a coffee.  A coffee would be nice/lovely. I would be really happy. Thank you!

first impressions really counts.

body language, gesture , movements.  march

Interview Series 2 - Discussing Your Background

you could give me a brief overview = tell me about yourself  自我简介

Could you give us a brief overview of what the marketing team has been working on this week?

Before we talk about the specific(具体的,特定的,细节的go deep into) job description, let me give you a brief overview of what we do here at ABC Corporation.

strong IT background

It's matter most.

Let's move on to discuss your education ,shall we?

Please feel free to post your questions and comments on our website.

Thanks for you feedback, I'll pass your suggestions on to design team.

Office series 1:

October holiday = National Day

Let's do our best to stay ahead of schedule so that even if we encounter delays , we won't fall behind.

embezzle the money from the company, embezzle public fund/money

be in / get a real treat 大饱口福,受到款待

He's always been a extremely career-focused individual. That is , until he met his wife. 他是一个特别重事业的人。 当然,那是在遇到他太太之前。

Don't focus so much time and energey on the trivial details. 不要把过多的时间和精力花在那些琐碎的小事上。

breathe a sigh of relief 如释重负,松了口气

official holiday 法定假日,  federal holiday 联邦假日

go on road trips    自驾游

travel domestically 国内旅行;  travel abroad by public funds 公款出国旅游

Well, it could be confusing to figure out the exact schedules of these long holidays. Would you be willing to work this weekend to make up for the extra days you're taking off.

work in the beginning of the holiday if that's fine with you.

Should I come to office or work from home.

I'm more focused in the office.

Just keep up with your regular tasks. And if you need any assistance, let me know.

It's too expansive to travel during the break.

Just make sure you double check with me regarding holiday schedules in the future.

Office series 2: A post-holiday surprise B1-Pre-Intermediate

Pretty low-key. It's nice to have some R&R and spend some quality time with my family. 挺平静的, 放松休息、陪陪家人也不错。

bring sb up to speed  使……了解最新情况

Could you bring me up to speed with where you are in terms of your work. 你能跟我汇报一下你的工作进度嘛。

stay on schedule, stay ahead of schedule, (fall) behind schedule

Bring a new hire onboard to oversee marketing.

Oh, I was hoping to step into that role myself. 我挺希望自己以后能胜任那份工作的。

have skills to oversee the entire department

I'm so envious of my sister: She stepped into a management position directly out of college.

Are you sure you want to step into the matter? It might take up a lot of your time and energy.

Although she is a famous celebrity ,she's actually quite low-key. 尽管她是个很有名的名星,但实际上非常低调。

A nice tan is a compliment 注意:晒黑是赞美

Don't forget that in today's lesson, Helen comments on Brad's tan. In traditional Chinese views, getting a tan is not a good thing.

But it works the other way around in Western cultures. It's actually a compliment, especially after a beach holiday.

That's why "a nice tan" is a common way to talk about the holidays.

Other phrases like "You look rested", "you look refreshed" also work well.

记得在今天的对话里,Helen对Brad说“Nice tan!". 中国传统审美觉得晒黑不好看,可是西方人却认为晒黑是种赞美, 特别是一个海滩假期后。

所以“Nice tan”在假期后的寒暄中出现频率特别高。你也可以说“You look rested", "You look refreshed", 来表示对方看起来气色很好。

Office series 3: Introducing a new team member B2-Intermediate

Karen has been telling me great things about you. 一直听Karen说你很厉害。

Allow me to formally introduce Zach.

I've been very impressed by his previous work,

build team/out marketing up from scratch

I'm very excited about what he can bring to the table here.

I jumped at the opportunity to join because i really do believe that you guys have created a great product.

It's time to ramp up(improve, increase) the marketing efforts.  是时候加大市场力度

ramp up cybersecurity measures 加强防范网络安全

Our efforts are quite scattered  我们的努力还不成体系。

Maybe that's why the efforts are quite scattered because Brad is a little scatterbrained.(can't get together.)

scatter all over the ground 散落一地。

We need a clear strategy and plan of action to bring everything together. 清晰的策略和运营方案,把所有工作统一起来。

Fill Zach in| walk Zach through -  on what you've been doing so far.

Why don't we sit down right after this  and get the ball rolling?(开始,启动)

I'd like to take you guys out for lunch today to welcome Zach. You guys can also get to know each other a little bit more.

What impressed me the most about the film wat its original story and all the plot twists that comes with it. (sth was its sth and sth.) 原创故事,跌宕起伏的情节

The way that sb did left a deep impression on me!

I always knew you were a fantastic baker , but I'm even more impressed by your cooking!

This is a great reflection of American work culture。 工作文化的一种反映

Office series 4: Online marketing B2-Intermediate

clear the air  澄清情况,消除误会。 clear things up

start off on the right foot

you were hoping to step into a more senior role

show me the ropes  指导,带我入门

pose relevant information about our product on our social media(社交媒体)pages.

Let's take a step back.  退一步  (compare with "Oh ,no I take that back. 哦,不,我收回刚才说的。"")

It's kind of all over the place.  凌乱的,杂乱无章的

hit it off  一拍即合,投缘,相处得好

self-starter  做事积极主动的人,有主观能动性的人 someone is motivated.

How many times a day do you post to your Wechat moments(social media).

show a lot of initiative. 展现很高的主动性

take a bit more initiative. 更主动一些。

create a new clean air initiative  提出一项新的清洁空气倡议。

Using the past tense for politeness

Many times when English speakers are demonstrating politeness, they will use certain verbs in the past tense. For example, “I was thinking we could have Italian tonight” means “I want to have Italian tonight”. It’s best to use the subjunctive form (were: would; can: could) of the following verb.

This structure is most commonly used with the verbs "think", "hope" and "wonder".

在英语里,要表现礼貌或婉转的态度,最常用的方法就是使用动词过去式的虚拟语气。比如说 “I was thinking we could have Italian tonight”,意思就是 “I want to have Italian tonight”。用过去时虚拟语气要婉转、有礼貌得多。大家注意,在这种情况下,使用过去时和时态并没有关系。目的是软化语气。

这个语法结构经常和"think", "hope", "wonder"这几个动词搭配。

I was thinking that we could

I was wondering if you would help

They were wondering why you haven't visited in so long.

I was hoping to leave work early today. Is that alright?

Office series 5: Trade shows B2-Intermediate

offline initiatives

trade shows, trade fairs

attending trade shows is a great way to gain exposure and get sales leads (销售机会,潜在客户).

cost-effective 有性价比的adj.

in terms of promoting brand awareness

see it as brand building within the industry  把它视作业内品牌建设的机会。

It gives us insight into what our competitors are doing.  给我们深入了解。。。

Sounds good! That's exactly what I had in mind. 太好了, 我也正是这么想的。

When you are learning a new language , you need exposure to native speaker. 学习一门新语言的时候,需要接触母语人士。

funny commercials are a great way to gain exposure to new customers. 有趣广告

get exposure to all kinds of new ideas and ways of thinking.

lead genaration strategy 用户引流策略

We've been generating more leads ,but we haven't found a good way to convert them into sales. 我们一直在增加潜在客户,但是还没能找到有效方法把他们转化成实际销售。

leads 信息、线索;成为潜在客户; Any leads you have would be a great help!

当你想着重谈论一件事、让大家注意时, 就可以用"in terms of"来引导话题。它可以使用在句首,也可以用在句子中断或快结尾时。在正式书写和日常口语中,这个短语也都很常用。

It can be used in both formal writing and everyday speech.

和它意思相近的短语还有:Other similar phrases include:

With respect to


With regards to


When it comes to


Office series 6: Year-end party B1-Pre-Intermediate

sb gives me good vibes

rent a venue, somewhere with a good vibe, a relaxed atmosphere. 租个场地,气氛比较好

It's that time of the year again. 每年这个时候又到了。

take off 快速发展,腾飞

year-end-party,  end of year party , the annual party

Wow, times really flies, doesn't it? So what are you thinking? What do you have in mind?

do something extra special to recognize everybody's hard work.

depends on the nature of the event.  看活动性质了。

get people around the office to put on a show 让在场(办公室)的同事们表演一场节目。

get catering, hire a caterer, 请厨师,请餐饮提供商。

We've got a lot of talent around the office. 我们办公室可谓卧虎藏龙(人才济济)。

make a good emcee

Could we do a raffle at the end of the night as well? 搞一次抽奖。lucky draw

rifle  ['raɪfl]

raffle ['ræfl]

ruffle ['rʌfl]把〔平整的表面〕弄乱[弄皱],褶边,使起伏不平,使有点生气,使略为不快

go over well 受欢迎

It'll be a great bonding experience for the team. 团队增进感情的好机会。

Do you want to take the lead on this? 你想牵头组织这个...吗?

make a good something  当,成为

will make a wonderful father

will make a good president (Donald Trump)

would make a fantastic profile pic! 头像照片

will make awful accountant 当不好会计

Office series 10: last meeting before Chinese New Year B2-Intermediate

hone in on something or someone 着手,抵近 to move toward or focus attention on an objective. 例句:Let's hone in. 我们开始吧 Researchers are honing in on the cause of the disease.

Weekend hot pot A2-Elementary

Should we get the half and half pot? Original and medium spicy?

They have a special on fatty beef slices today.

Fantastic! Let's get two orders!

Let's order a bunch of meatballs, tofu, and veggies(vegetarian) that we usually get too.

Organs freak Americans out.

Nothing beats hot pot on a cold winter night.

Everybody freaked out over/about our Halloween costumes this year.  大家都被我们今年万圣节装扮吓着了。

Hotpot Origins 火锅起源

And thus, hotpot was born! It probably didn't taste as good as it does today, but everything needs to start from somewhere!  这就是火锅的起源。可能当时的味道没有现在好,但是那却是火锅的雏形。


Paying by cards: swipe, chip or tap? A2-Elementary

debit card, credit card

Can I tap?  我可以闪付吗?

Our machine doesn't support tap, only chip or swipe.  我们的机器不支持闪付, 只能芯片插卡或刷卡。

It says the PIN is wrong. Can you try swipe? 显示密码错误, 你能重刷一次吗?

Swipe the credit card then sign the receipt.  刷信用卡后在收据上签字。

Swipe you ID to enter the building.  刷身份证进入大楼。

support their expensive lifestyle  维持奢侈生活。

go through  经历,浏览(1)、to experience; (2)、to look at/read carefully.

Shopping at Costco B1-Pre-Intermediate

membership card

clear up the trunk for all the bulk buying(大量购物,批发采购 wholesale)

Let's stock up on some toilet paper while it's dirt cheap! 囤货

I have coupons for cleaning products(household items) like detergent and laundry liquid. 优惠券

Huge savings.

at the other end of the store  另一头

Let's stick with food first.  还是先专心买食物吧。

Are you decent? 一般指你是否衣冠不整,是否得体,是否不错。有穿衣服?敲姑娘门时可以问。

He's a really decent guy and quit handsome to boot. 他人不错,而且还很帅。

Oh ,no I take that back. 哦,不,我收回刚才说的。

It's insanely cheap!  便宜的离谱。 dirt cheap

Since when do you do sth.

miss out  错过

It says we can get an additional 10% off if we buy a whole case. 一整箱再打9折

just hold your horses.  别急,耐心一点,淡定一点。

Let’s hit(go to) the deli section now. They have rotisserie chicken for $2.99 today. 让我们去熟食区吧。今天烤鸡才卖$2.99美元。

hit the road      上路 to set off on a journey

hit the sack/hay 上床休息 to go to bed

hit the spot 到位,正点,恰到好处,to be exactly what was needed.

That's enough toothpaste to last me a lifetime! 这些牙膏够我用一辈子了。

Don't miss out on the company banquet with free-flowing alcohol. 酒水畅饮

suffer from a fear of missing out, or FOMO, so they accept every invitation that comes their way(发生在某人身上).

Returning a Product A2-Elementary

What's the reason for returning these products.

The TV/light flickers a lot and at times the image is not very clear.

I spilled some coffee on it and now it won't work  溅,洒,涌,溢

We can only exchange and refund defective products. We cannot take responsibility for misuse or damages.

I don't know why they make these things so delicate anyways. 

delicate (adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;easily damaged or broken)

delegate (vt. 委派…为代表 | n. 代表),  A good manager knows when to delegate. 一个好的经理知道何时该放权。  It takes experience to judge correctly how much power should be delegated. 应该下放多少权力需要靠经验来准确判断。

I'm delicate like glass, please don't hurt me.

Just Browsing A2-Elementary

I'm just browsing.

It goes well with everyting.

Well I do like it, but I'm going to take a look around the mall a little bit more.虽然,但是

browse the internet for the latest news.

Why was the salesperson in today’s lesson so excited to give the customer their card? Well, it’s likely that the dialogue took place in a very expensive or luxury store. There, the salespeople need to make sales in order to make money. If you are very good at selling things, you can make a lot of money doing these jobs. In most shopping malls, however, stores like H&M, Zara, and The Gap don’t pay their staff for making a sale. So, if you go into these stores, it’s much easier to just browse without anybody bugging you.


Buying cosmetics and skincare products B2-Intermediate

I've got a laundry list of things from my wife. I have no idea what most of them are. 超长的购物清单, 上面的大部分东西, 我基本上没一样知道。


facial cleanser

toner 爽肤水

moisturizer  润肤霜  ['mɔɪstʃəraɪzɛr]  moisture 水分,湿气


eye cream




serum 精华液 

makeup set 彩妆套装;  warmer shades of makeup look great on me.

cosmetics (makeup) 化装品

skincare products


deodorant set    [dɪ'odərənt]

brand's best-selling

It's almost half the retail price in China. 价格几乎是中国零售价的一半。

look great on any woman

You will be thrilled! 你会很高兴的

I'll spray some for you to try out.  spray myself with perfume.

boarding pass 登机牌

check out 结账

We need to check out of the hotel room before 2PM.  2点前退房

neutral colors 柔和的 will allow your furniture to stand out.

sth. give sb. an allergic reaction 导致sb过敏反应.

He's got a laundry list of ingredients for his famous food. 一大串原料

The tenured professor has a laundry list of academic achievements.  一串很长的成就列表。

a tenured professor 终身教授

a tenured position 终身职位

That roller coaster ride was absolutely thrilling. 坐过山车太刺激了。

This is why most Americans head to the drugstore for more reasonably priced products that perform just as well.这就是为什么大多数美国人去药店买一些价格更合理功能相近的产品

At the Job Interview B1-Pre-Intermediate

Nice to meet you! Thanks for this opportunity.

I graduated from Nanjing University of Technology in 2005, with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology. After working for 9 years , I went on get my MBA from Shanghai University, graduating in 2017.

Well, after finishing my undergraduate, I started to work for a startup as a engineer and then was promoted to Team Supervisor. It was a very small company so I was able to gain a lot of experience in various areas of technology. Unfortunately, the company went out of business after a year. The next 2 positions I held were short-lived because of company restructuring and my decision  to pursue an MBA degree. But despite the transitions, I've always worked in Software testing and have continued developing my skills and experience in this field. I've managed to grow in each position , taking on more challenging roles and managing more team members.

Well, I love your product. It's always been my dream to work for the firm. I believe I have both the knowledge and skills to be the software testing manager which is a great fit with your firm.

I've proven to be a problem solver. I'm very good at analyzing problems and coming up with solutions. I know what key metrics to measure and how to improve them. I'm also extremely driven and proactive.  非常有动力又积极主动。

Well, I used to try to do everything myself. But as I worked in more senior roles , I've learned that a good manager needs to leverage his team and bring out the best in team.

Writing a Job Description B1-Pre-Intermediate

Can you give me some pointers on writing a job description.  pointers指南

I figure you're me best bet! figure=think; best bet  最好的办法,最合适的人

a good overview of the position 职位概况

I need to include a lot more information though, don't I?  我需要写上更多信息,对不对?

the key responsibilities of the position. This is where you explain the day-to-day of the job. 解释一下每天的工作内容

I can handle that. 比I can do it 好太多!

Be sure to list them in order of importance. 要保证按重要程度排列出来

add "other duties as assigned" in the end of this section in case special project come up in the future. "也会被安排其它职责"

the position qualification 职位资格,申请条件

competitive salary  竞争薪酬

pay grade 工资等级

background check

physical requirements 身体条件

Experience was considered an important qualification for the job.

What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2016 C1-Upper-Intermediate

Recruiters spend an average of six seconds reviewing a resume before they make the initial decision on candidates. That means you have to win them over fast.

put simply, hiring managers

active links to your LinkedIn profile and any other social media accounts 有效链接. 加一个有效链接到你的领英帐户或别的社交账户

There is no point in doing 做...没有意义

a professional looking for an opportunities that will allow me to apply my skills.

To capture the hiring manager's attention, start your resume with a short paragrah that states your years of experience,job history, and major career achievements.Instead of labeling the section a "summary", use the header to highlight your area of expertise.

Weave your talants into your work experience. Employers are looking for more than a list of skills. They want to know how you've applied them.

Incorporate keyworks in the job desciption into your resume.

to show that you're the right fit for the role. 来表明你确实适合这个位置

quantify your achievements/accomplishments.

whenever possible 尽可能。

open up new distribution channels 销售渠道,分销渠道

Result by action sentence structure:


Decreased costs by 10% by implementing new procedures.


Improved efficiency by eliminating waste in supply chain.


Reduced customer complaints by 25% in 6-month period by designing new sales training programs.


Increased revenue by 150% by creating strategic marketing plan.


Built strong sales team by introducing new employee incentive program.


What should a resume look like in 2016? To capture all the vital points covered in today's dialogue, we've prepared a great resume template for you:


John Adams




Retail industry manager

Director of Inventory Planning & Management • Branch Manager 9 Years in Progressive Roles with Large Regional Chains • Financial Responsibility to $35M

Merchandise Planning & Allocation    Multi-Site Retail Operations

Inventory Planning & Control      Merchandise Markdowns & Allowances

Vendor Relations & Negotiations  Inventory Shrinkage Control & Management

Financial Planning & Profit Analysis    Employee Training, Development & Leadership

Professional experience

Grayson’s Furniture Stores    2011–Present

Assistant General Manager/Branch Manager ($35M sales/year), Jacksonville, FL  2013–Present

Branch Manager ($12M sales/year), Charlotte, NC    2013

Branch Manager ($7M sales/year), Fayetteville, NC    2012–2013

Branch Manager ($4M sales/year), Durham, NC    2012

Assistant Manager ($7M sales/year), Newport News, VA      2011–2012

Promoted rapidly through a series of increasingly responsible management positions based on strong financial, operating, team building, and team leadership performance.

Currently manage 160 employees at 6 regional locations.

Notable achievements:

1. Won 14 “Branch Manager of Month” and “General Manager of Year” awards for profit and revenue growth.

Achieved record sales in multiple markets (up to 40% sales growth and 31% margin increase).

Reduced absenteeism 47% and turnover 35% with strategies to recruit, train, and retain high quality employees.

Implemented next-generation POS technology. Reduced annual purchasing costs 3.5%.

2. Floating Manager (13-store district with 150 employees), VA/MD Regional District  2008–2011

3. Assistant Manager, Newport News, VA    2007–2008

Received 3 “Top Sales Producer” awards.

Ranked #4 out of 214 sales associates nationwide.

Launched new safety product in response to regulatory requirements and sold $2M in first year.

Drove sales growth through a strong focus on customer service, merchandising, and teamwork.


Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude,2007 • University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Job hunting in the Digital Age C1-Upper-Intermediate

Honestly, it's such a drag! 老实说没什么进展!

I've been so busy rewritting my resume, tweaking them for each job I apply for, and updating LinkedIn profile.

Job hunting is a job in and of itself.

go about  (deal with)

browse job posts

search engine  搜索引擎

Since employees can leave honest reviews that companies can't alter, I will use it.

Exactly, I also read that over 50% of vacancies aren't even advertised. In other words, networking is key.

That's insane!(It's unbelievable | incredible)

I've actully been thinking about jumping ship recently.

A number of recruiters have tried to poach(水煮、偷猎、挖墙角) me these past few months, and the companies also interest me a lot.

I'm so jealous.  真羡慕

since 句首表既然、因为,句中表自从

That's why I'm also seraching for job opportunities by company, since I already know their mission and vision align with mine.

Well, best of luck! Let's celebrate once you've found your perfect march. 如果你找到合适的工作,我们一定要好好庆祝。

Employee Reference Check B1-Pre-Intermediate

I'm calling on behalf of

Do you have a couple of minutes? have a monment to talk?

He was a joy to work with.

rate his overall performance

rate his professionalism  职业素养

He was fantastic

a go-getter 积极主动的人

I bend over backwards to make myself at home.  (try very hard to be helpful) 我尽力设法让自己不感到拘束

On occasion he would arrived a little late to work. But he was quick to fix that after I brought it to his attention.

He was very personable and friendly. 人缘好

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.

Using LinkedIn C1-Upper-Intermediate

I have no idea where to start. Securing a good job in economy seems pretty daunting.

LinkedIn is probably a good place to get the ball rolling.

hunt for jobs through traditional portals(门户网站).

You have to leverage all the connections you have to get a leg up. 利用所有的关系网来取得优势。

work experience, educational background, expertise, special capacities(capabilities, abilities).

So it's like social networking but with a professional bent. 所以它是一个社交网络,不过偏向于职场化

You can read where people work or have worked to see if they can act as middleman in connecting you directly to companies. Finding a job is all about who you know,after all, and being directly connected like that can make a world of difference.

But my professional network is pretty much nonexistent.

LinkedIn has an algorithm to suggest jobs that may be of interest to you based on the experiences you listed in your profile.

job-occupation-profession-vocation, professionals-experts-specialist

professional development 职业发展


bring awareness to issues of (climate change) 获得关注...

What is the Super Bowl? B2-Intermediate

do things on purpose so you wouldn't get me.

pull it off  成功做成(一件很难的事)

FBI  Federal bureau of investigation联邦调查局

CIA  central intelligence agency    中央情报局

IQ  intelligence quotient

root for 支持,为...加油

stand for (represent, can't bear)

tune into  (your feelings)  了解、聆听

tune in  收听,收看  (tune in to channel 5 every night at 6:00 PM to watch the everning news)


be going up against 对抗

go head to head 正面对决

What's the big deal all about.

That's not really telling me much.  跟没说一样啊?

I think I'm beginning to have a better understanding of all of this.

I usually like rooting for the underdog

He's kind of like the captain of the team.

Vacation email auto-reply A2-Elementary

Do you have a second to help me with an out of office auto reply?

Hello, thank you for your email. I will be on a Chinese New Year vacation from Feb 15th to Feb 22th.

I will have limited access to email. However I can be reached on my mobile number.

If you need immediate assistance during my absence, please contact this number 008618012631511.

I will do my best to respond to your email as soon as I return.

Chinese New Year company dinner B2-Intermediate

You're in for a treat!  有口福了,被款待,你会满意的,你会喜欢的, 你有福气了,你幸运了。

I can hold my liquor.

He always gives a speech. Hope it doesn't drag on for too long.

【Ok everyone, I know you are all eagerly awaiting for the fun part, but I'd like to take a brief moment to say a little something , if I may.Every year as we gather together, I always see so many new faces who have joined us over last twelve months. It shows our ambition and determination to grow. But not everything has been smoothly sailing, we met a great deal of challenges. However, we overcame them and we execlled. We landed new clients, established better partenerships and finished off with the best sales year in our company's history. All the success is because of your hard work and dedication. I'd like to thank each and every one of you. Let's keep up our good work and make the coming year an even better one. Cheers! Kudos to you all.】

Overcoming your fears of public speaking is easier said than done.

After several intensive rounds of chemotherapy, he was finally able to overcome the cancer.

Sometimes I have trouble holding my tongue.

There are times when you just have to hold your anger in on matter how outaged you are.

get hammered.

get wasted.

Quick tips for the work party scene


Gearing up for the next work party? Planning on getting completely hammered? You may want to think twice about that. In the west, work parties can be precarious social events where a poorly made comment can land you on your boss’s blacklist. Although drinking and being social are always encouraged, it’s generally recommended that you watch your intake and make sure that you don’t go too wild.

准备参加公司聚会? 想喝个不醉不归? 你可得三思而后行。在西方,工作聚会是个比较敏感的社交活动,一个糟糕的评论都可能让你被老板列入黑名单。尽管饮酒和社交总是受到鼓励,但一般建议你注意别喝太多,不要疯的太厉害。

So, just how much should you drink? Depending on how much liquor you can hold, this may be a lot or maybe it will just be one glass. The important thing here is just to keep yourself nicely buzzed without blurting anything out or disgracing yourself with a drunken show. The last thing you want is for your relatively sober supervisor to remember you by your drunken habits or the intimate details of your private life. Every company has their own culture though, so just make sure you find out what is and isn't acceptable.

那么,究竟应该喝多少酒呢? 这得取决于你酒量如何,你可能酒量很好,也可能一杯就倒。这里最重要的是,你要保持清醒,不要醉到把任何事情都说出来,或者耍起酒疯。你最不希望看到的是,你相对清醒的上司会因为你的醉酒习惯或私人生活的细节而记住你。每个公司都有自己的文化,所以一定要弄清楚什么公司是不可接受的。

Lastly, you might want to keep in mind that there is a lot less pressure to drink at these events and you are not expected to match the drinks of your peers. If you feel that you’ve had enough, just say so and most people will accept that you are at your limit or just want to keep things low-key. 


Buying Chinese New Year gifts B2-Intermediate

I'm still doing some last-minute shopping for everyone.

I wouldn't give my adult relatives cash or even coupons for that matter.

I come from a very close-knit family, my parents are very close to their siblings , so am I to my cousins.

We also make a point of going to visit other relatives throughout the holiday. And when you go visit, it's not polite to go empty-handed.

But buying gifts for everyone does add a bit of pressure.  Money aside, I'm just running out of ideas.

I can certainly relate( I completely empathize) 完全有同感。

Sounds like you've got all the bases covered.  听起来你准备的真周全。

I can't relate to people who sleep in, It just seems like a waste of the day.

It puts me in a awkward position when ...

be awkward in social situation.

Using the phrase 'for that matter'

The phrase “for that matter” is used to show that some new statement is just as true as the previous statement. In most cases, it's used to expand the previous statement to include more.

for that matter的意思是告诉读者,接下来要做的新的陈述跟之前的表述一样正确。大多数情况下,这个短语用来给前一个陈述增加一些内容。

What does it take to be a CEO? Part 1 C2-Advanced

People often crack the code of the best path to becoming a CEO.

But the world doesn't really work that way. There are too many variables, many of them way beyond your control.

A surprising number of CEOs do not fit the stereotype of the straight-A students who seemed destined to run a big company someday.

He has noticed three recurring themes in people he has interviewed.

They share a habit of mind better described as applied curiousity. They want to know how things work and wander how they can work better.

They naturally gravitate to the fire, it's in their DNA.

The third theme is how they managed their own careers on their way to the top.

They focused on doing their current job well rather than obsessing over the job they want.

That doesn't mean keeping ambition in check.

be savvy about company politics.

Focus on building a track record of success, and people will keep betting on you.

Immigrants gavitate toward larger cities beacuse smaller towns lack the social networks that they need to thrive.

Shi is increasingly becoming more and more obsessed with yoga and meditation.

I won't stop obsessing over every last detail!

I've had a fascination, some might call it obsession, with Turkish culture since I was a young boy.


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