The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
ForEach(viewModel.lists[index], id: \.self) { item in
if let ship = item {
ownShipPalletCell(ship: ship) {
navigationManager.wrappedValue.pushView(tag: "RootPage") {
ShipPalletDetailPage(ship: ship, fromOwn: true)
} share: {
let list: [ShipPallet?] = viewModel.lists[index]
ForEach(list, id: \.?.id) { item in
if let ship = item {
ownShipPalletCell(ship: ship) {
navigationManager.wrappedValue.pushView(tag: "RootPage") {
ShipPalletDetailPage(ship: ship, fromOwn: true)
} share: {
分析:应该是foreach 有时候不知道数据源问题,需要明确告诉编译器数据源和类型以及KeyPath<Data.Element, ID>