FLV(Flash Video)是Adobe公司推出的⼀种流媒体格式,由于其封装后的⾳视频⽂件体积⼩、封装简单等特点,⾮常适合于互联⽹上使⽤。⽬前主流的视频⽹站基本都⽀持FLV。采⽤FLV格式封装的⽂件后缀为.flv。
FLV封装格式是由⼀个⽂件头(file header)和 ⽂件体(file Body)组成。其中,FLV body由⼀对对的(Previous Tag Size字段 + tag)组成。Previous Tag Size字段 排列在Tag之前,占⽤4个字节。Previous Tag Size记录了前⾯⼀个Tag的⼤⼩,⽤于逆向读取处理。FLV header后的第⼀个Pervious Tag Size的值为0。
FLV header
00000 1 0 1
保留位 音频 保留位 视频
FLV Body
FLV Header之后,就是FLV File Body。FLV File Body是由⼀连串的back-pointers + tags构成。Back-pointer表示Previous Tag Size(前⼀个tag的字节数据⻓度),占4个字节。
00 00 01 7F | 计算出⼤⼩ 383= 0x0000017F
每⼀个Tag也是由两部分组成:tag header和tag data。Tag Header⾥存放的是当前tag的类型、数据区(tag data)的⻓度等信息。
tag header
tag header⼀般占11个字节的内存空间。FLV tag结构如下:
1. flv⽂件中Timestamp和TimestampExtended拼出来的是dts。也就是解码时间。Timestamp和TimestampExtended拼出来dts单位为ms。(如果不存在B帧,当然dts等于pts)
2. CompositionTime 表示PTS相对于DTS的偏移值, 在每个视频tag的第14~16字节, 显示时间(pts) = 解码时间(tag的第5~8字节) + CompositionTime
Script data脚本数据就是描述视频或⾳频的信息的数据,如宽度、⾼度、时间等等,⼀个⽂件中通常只有⼀个元数据,⾳频tag和视频tag就是⾳视频信息了,采样、声道、频率,编码等信息。
Script Tag Data结构(脚本类型、帧类型)
该类型Tag⼜被称为MetaData Tag,存放⼀些关于FLV视频和⾳频的元信息,⽐如:duration、width、height等。通常该类型Tag会作为FLV⽂件的第⼀个tag,并且只有⼀个,跟在File Header后。该类型Tag DaTa的结构如下所示(source.200kbps.768x320.flv⽂件为例):
第⼀个AMF包: 第1个字节表示AMF包类型,⼀般总是0x02,表示字符串。第2-3个字节为UI16类型值,标识字符串的⻓度,⼀般总是0x000A(“onMetaData”⻓度)。后⾯字节为具体的字符串,⼀般总为“onMetaData”(6F,6E,4D,65,74,61,44,61,74,61)。
第⼆个AMF包: 第1个字节表示AMF包类型,⼀般总是0x08,表示数组。第2-5个字节为UI32类型值,表示数组元素的个数。后⾯即为各数组元素的封装,数组元素为元素名称和值组成的对。常⻅的数组元素如下表所示。
注:Lavf54.63.104即是 Libavformat version 54.63.104. 即是ffmpeg对于库的版本
Audio Tag Data结构(⾳频类型)
⾳频Tag Data区域开始的:
- 第⼀个字节包含了⾳频数据的参数信息,
- 第⼆个字节开始为⾳频流数据。
If the SoundFormat indicates AAC, the SoundType should be set to 1 (stereo) and the SoundRate should be set to 3 (44 kHz). However, this does not mean that AAC audio in FLV is always stereo, 44 kHz data. Instead, the Flash Player ignores these values and extracts the channel and sample rate data is encoded in the AAC bitstream.
The AudioSpecificConfig is explained in ISO 14496-3. AAC sequence header存放的是AudioSpecificConfig结构,该结构则在“ISO-14496-3 Audio”中描述。
《完整版ISO-14496-3(2009-09).pdf📎 完整版ISO-14496-3(2009-09).pdf》
如果是AAC数据,如果他是AAC RAW, tag data[3] 开始才是真正的AAC frame data。
Video Tag Data结构(视频类型)
视频Tag Data开始的:
- 第⼀个字节包含视频数据的参数信息,
- 第⼆个字节开始为视频流数据。
(1)CompositionTime 单位毫秒
CompositionTime 每个视频tag(整个tag)的第14~16字节(如果是tag data偏移[3]~[5],[0],[1][2:AVCPackettype] )(表示PTS相对于DTS的偏移值 )。
CompositionTime 单位为ms : 显示时间 = 解码时间(tag的第5 ~ 8字节,位置索引[4]~[7])+ CompositionTime
AVC sequence header就是AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord结构,该结构在标准⽂档“ISO-14496-15 AVC file format”📎 ISOIEC 14496-15 Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format.pdf中有详细说明。
major_brand && minor_version && compatible_brands
关于上述三个术语的解释,在wiki上摘抄了⼀段英⽂放在这⼉供⼤家⾃⼰分析,wiki地址为File Type Box。所有从iso base media file format中衍⽣出来的⽂件都在www.mp4ra.org上注册,已注册列表为http://mp4ra.org/#/brands。
In order to identify the specifications to which a file based on ISO base media file format complies, brands are used as identifiers in the file format. They are set in a box named File Type Box ('ftyp'), which must be placed in the beginning of the file. It is somewhat analogous to the so-called fourcc code, used for a similar purpose for media embedded in AVI container format.[50] A brand might indicate the type of encoding used, how the data of each encoding is stored, constraints and extensions that are applied to the file, the compatibility, or the intended usage of the file. Brands are a printable four-character codes. A File Type Box contains two kinds of brands. One is "major_brand" which identifies the specification of the
best use for the file. It is followed by "minor_version," an informative 4 bytes integer for the minor version of the major brand. The second kind of brand is "compatible_brands," which identifies multiple specifications to which the file complies. All files shall contain a File Type Box, but for compatibility reasons with an earlier version of the specification, files may be conformant to ISO base media file format and not contain a File Type Box. In that case they should be read as if they contained an ftyp with major and compatible brand "mp41" (MP4 v1 –ISO 14496-1, Chapter 13).[1] Many in-use brands (ftyps) are not registered and can be foundon some webpages.[26]
A multimedia file structured upon ISO base media file format may be compatible with more than one concrete specification, and it is therefore not always possible to speak of a single "type" or "brand" for the file. In this regard, the utility of the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension type and file name extension is somewhat reduced. In spite of that, when a derived specification is written, a new file extension will be used, a new MIME type and a new Macintosh file type.[1]
题记:时间戳将每⼀秒分成90000份,即将每⼀毫秒分成90份 在flv中直接存储的都是毫秒级 在TS存储的是时间戳级
编码顺序 I P P B B B......
对应帧号 0 1 5 3 2 4.......
时间戳占4个字节 其中第四个字节是⾼位 前三个字节是低位(每个tag的5~8字节)
如6E 8D A8 01 = 0x 01 6E 8D A8 = 24022440
CompositionTime 每个视频tag的第14~16字节(表示PTS相对于DTS的偏移值 )
CompositionTime 单位为ms 显示时间 = 解码时间(tag的第5~8字节) + CompositionTime
tag0 (脚本) :时间戳为0
tag1 (视频) :第⼀个视频时间戳 值为0 ⽆CompositionTime (头信息)
tag2 (⾳频) :第⼀个⾳频时间戳 值为0
tag3 (视频) :00 00 00 00 值:0 00:00:00:00 (解码时间) CompositionTime:0x 00 00 50
值:80 00:00:00:80 I帧 显示时间: 00:00:00: 80 poc=0
tag4 (视频) :00 00 28 00 值:40 00:00:00:40 (解码时间) CompositionTime:0x 00 00 50
值:80 00:00:00:80 P帧 显示时间: 00:00:00: 120 poc=1
tag5 (视频) :00 00 50 00 值:80 00:00:00:80 (显示时间) CompositionTime:0x 00 00 C8
值:200 00:00:00:200 P帧 显示时间: 00:00:00: 280 poc=5
tag6 (⾳频) :00 00 50 00 值:80 00:00:00:80(显示时间)
tag7 (⾳频) :00 00 67 00 值:103 00:00:00:103(显示时间)
tag8 (视频) :00 00 78 00 值:120 00:00:00:120 (解码时间) CompositionTime:0x 00 00 50
值:80 00:00:00:80 B帧 显示时间: 00:00:00: 200 poc=3
tag9 (⾳频) :00 00 7E 00 值:126 00:00:00:126(显示时间)
tag10 (⾳频) :00 00 96 00 值:150 00:00:00:150(显示时间)
tag11 (视频) :00 00 A0 00 值:160 00:00:00:160(解码时间) CompositionTime:0x 00 00 00
值:00 00:00:00:00 b帧 显示时间: 00:00:00: 160 poc=2
tag12 (⾳频) :00 00 AD 00 值:173 00:00:00:173(显示时间)
tag13 (⾳频) :00 00 C4 00 值:196 00:00:00:196(显示时间)
tag14(视频) :00 00 C8 00 值:200 00:00:00:200(解码时间) CompositionTime:0x 00 00 28
值:40 00:00:00:40 b帧 显示时间: 00:00:00: 240 poc=4我们可以看到 每个视频tag相差约
40ms 刚好是25fps视频 每帧视频的播放时⻓
编码顺序 I P P B B B......
对应帧号 0 1 5 3 2 4.......