而要论近年在世界范围内最火的动画片,那必定是英国的 Peppa Pig 了!这部“带娃神器”,描述了粉红猪小妹及其家人和其他动物家庭的日常生活,于2004年5月首播,此后逐渐受到全世界儿童的欢迎。
American parents claim their children are picking up British accents from Peppa Pig
① The Peppa Pig cartoon depicts the character Peppa and her family in a fictional British town filled with other animal families. It first aired in 2004 in the UK and is now globally popular.
② Peppa's very British accent is now apparently rubbing off on children from all over the world.
③ Parents in the US have been sharing clips on social media of their kids speaking with Peppa's distinctive southern British accent.
④ According to experts though, American kids may have picked up a Britishism or two, but the claim that they're developing a whole accent based off a cartoon, is not entirely true.
⑤ Typically, children develop the accent of the community around them. However, it's possible that kids learn to mimic individual words from the show, especially in cases where the child doesn't already know the word.
⑥ So while some American toddlers are saying a few words or phrases in British English, it's quite unlikely that they'd be acquiring an entire second dialect from just watching a TV show.
⑦ Some parents are also reporting that they've heard their kids snorting like a piggy, but the snorts are not in a British accent.
pick up: 不费力地学会;(偶然)学会
depict /dɪˈpɪkt/: vt. 描述;描画
rub off on someone /rʌb/: 影响某人;感染某人
clip /klɪp/:n.(电影或电视节目的)剪辑;片段
mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/: vt. 模仿;摹拟
toddler/ˈtɒdlə, ˈtɑːdlər/: n. 学步的小孩
snort /snɔ:t, snɔ:rt/: vi. 从鼻中喷气做声