这句话的翻译重难点在于“器”字。James Legge和许渊冲两人都采用的是直译,一个用的“utensil”,一个用的“implement”,二者有“工具、器具、用具”的意思,许渊冲用了副词“mere”来修饰。而辜鸿铭则采用的是意译,想把这句话的意思讲明白:什么叫做不像器物呢?原来是想表达“君子应当博学多识,具有多方面才干,不只局限于某个方面”。但是,这里的“machine”似乎用得不够恰当。科林斯词典对“machine”的定义是:A machine is a piece of equipment which uses electricity or an engine in order to do a particular kind of job.也就是近现代意义上的、用电或者引擎带动的“机器”了。
【James Legge】The Master said, "The accomplished scholar is not a utensil."
【辜鸿铭】Confucius remarked, “A wise man will not make himself into a mere machine fit only to do one kind of work.”
【许渊冲】An intelligentman, said the Master, is not a mere implement.