【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 5(I)词汇 Stages of Negotiation
A negotiation is a discussion between people who want to reach an agreement.
Whether negotiating a business deal or a salary, a negotiation will normally go through five stages.
Before entering a negotiation, negotiators must plan and prepare their positions.
In the planning stage, negotiators will research the other side's position and anticipate where they may agree or disagree. 【填空】【朗读】
They will also set goals, establish their bottom line, and research the other side.
During the clarifying stage, negotiators will contact each other to clarify what they want to achieve.
By discovering what the other side wants, both parties can see if they share common goals. 【填空】
Once their needs have been clarified, the negotiations can begin.
【选择】-What will negotiators do before a negotiation? -They will plan their positions.
【选择】-What is one benefit of findingcommon ground in a negotiation? -It helps create a positive negotiating environment.
【填空】By clarifying what the other side wants, both parties can see whether they share common goals. 通过明确对方想要什么,双方可以看到他们是否有共同的目标。
【跟读】Before a negotiation, negotiators must plan their positions.
bargaining n. 讨价还价;交易;交涉
During the bargaining stage, negotiators make compromises until an agreement is reached.
They often aim for an outcome that benefits both sides without giving up too much.
In the settling stage, negotiators reach an agreement and decide how to implement it.
After the terms of an agreement have been decided, a contract will be drafted and signed.
If an agreement can't be reached, negotiators may find a third party for advice.
implementing v. 贯彻,实行(implement 的现在分词)
In the implementation stage, an agreement or contract is put into effect. 【跟读】
Implementing an agreement strengthens the relationship between both parties.
If both parties follow through on the agreement, it will be easier to negotiate next time.
【选择】-When may negotiators consult a third party for advice? -when an agreement can't be reached
【选择】During which stage are compromises made to reach an agreement? -bargaining stage
【选择】When do negotiators determine their goals and set their bottom line? -planing stage (During the planing stage, both sides will determine what they want and what they are willing to accept.)
【填空】The clarifying stage is used to obtain information from the other side and discover what outcome they aim to achieve.
【填空】In the bargaining stage, each side adjusts their position until an agreement is reached.
【填空】If both parties uphold an agreement after implementing it, it will atrengthen their relationship. 如果双方在执行协议之后仍然坚持立场,那么两国关系将会进一步加强。
【填空】Once an agreement has been implemented successfully, it will be easier to negotiate in the future.
【朗读】If an agreement isn't reached in the settling stage, a third party may need tomediate.