1. Pay your bet,we don't welsh. 履行你的赌注吧,我们不赖账。
welsh: 赖账 (w大写的时候指名词威尔士人,威尔士语;形容词威尔士的,威尔士人的,威尔士语的。)
2. Hope we're on the mend? 我们是不是好起来啦?
3. When I was doing the forms at the hospital. I had a conundrum.我在医院填表格的时候,遇到个难题。
conundrum: 难题,谜语
4. Mind if I smoke? 你介意我抽烟吗?
5. Let's get some grub.让我们弄点吃的。
6. Bloody good grub at that place you were working. 你干活的地方的饭菜可真不错啊。bloody: 通常是英国人很爱用的一个加强语气的词
grub: 食物,吃的 (非常日常使用的一个词,我估计很多人都不知道,包括我自己)
7. Were those saucy mussels all your work?那多汁的贻贝是你做的吗?
8. Well, I am blown away. 我真佩服。真令我印象深刻。
blow away: 吹走;驱散;留下深刻印象。
9. The chief is a stickler for details.老大是个特别在意细节的人。
10. You are nothing more than a common thief. 40000 euros swiped from the safe. 你就是个普通的贼。你偷走了保险柜里4万欧元。
Swipe: 偷窃
11. Herr Meister is positively seething. 美斯特先生可气坏了。
seething: 在火头上,大发脾气
12. No wonder... 难怪,怪不得。。。
13. I think you might be stringing us along.我觉得你可能是在给我们下套。
14. It 's bloody diabolical. 简直残忍。
diabolical: 恶毒的,残酷的
15. Tell me more of your diabolical scheme, so that I can swoon at your manly evilness. 跟我讲讲你残忍的诡计,这样我就能陶醉在你那有男人味的邪恶中了。
swoon at: 陶醉于
16. Do I look like I know?你看我像知道的样子吗?
17. No fuss and job done. 不慌不忙并完成了工作。
no fuss: 不慌不忙,有条不紊
18. Most embarrassing fitness moment? We all are guilty of letting a little fart out every now and again right? 最尴尬的健身经历?我们所有人都会对时而放个小屁而感到愧疚,不是吗?
now and again: 不时地,时而
19. If the worst case scenarios happen, what could you do to repair the damage even a little bit or who could you ask for help? 如果最坏的场景发生了,你会做什么来补救,哪怕一点点呢,或者你会向谁求助?
20. Well, I could fork over some money,fly to spain,get some sun...我可以付点钱,去西班牙晒太阳
fork over: 支付,付出
21. I knew that helped stave off depressive episodes...我知道这会帮助我摆脱抑郁发作。
stave off: 避开,延缓
episodes: [医] 发作
22. flimsy excuse 牵强的借口
23. signature dish 拿手菜
24. We are popping out for some victuals.我们出去弄点吃的。
victual: 食物,供应食品 (注意:c 在这个词里是不发音的.)
25. Keep your hair on. 淡定。 (这个小句子有趣又很好用吧?:)