Artificialintelligence is another hot topic in the technology field. I knew Alpha Go fordefeating the top human Go game player. But I wasn’t sure what was going onwith AI technology. And I have to admit that I am shocked to learn these 2facts: under unsupervised learning, the programmer himself has no clue how thecomputer came to the conclusion of a certain problem; Europe has no intensionto develop AI technology.
Ithink supervised learning is much safer than unsupervised learning to the humanrace. We feed the program with database, we give it a certain algorithm. Weknew that it will come out with an answer and how it generates the answer.Humans simply have not enough computational efficiency comparing tocomputer under this situation. But with unsupervised learning, I don’t know, ifwe don’t give the computer something, how does it “learn”? And what if someday,the computer “thinks” that humans will shut it down, and can you imagine how itwill “feel”? It is logical that anyone under survival threat will fight fortheir existing. Right? In my opinion, we should really think twice before wedevelop this unsupervised learning. Well, I admit I am a pessimistic person,but I play safe.
So,I understand that China is somewhat in the leading position of the computerscience. We really want to catch up with the developed country, and we thinkthis new area might be our best chance to come up with the west. But, if themost open-minded area on the planet is not considering to develop AI, which isEurope by the way, then, there must be something terrifying Europe, isn’t it?
Although,I am pessimistic to the final destination of where AI will lead us to, I cansee clearly why everyone is really going for it. Take ICBC as an example, we alreadyhave all kinds of artificial technology programs helping us. From data-pushingthe potential borrowers to answering personal clients on-line questions, we arealready using supervised learning AI. Talking about new ideas, I believe AI cantake a lot of positions in our branches. From greeting customers to dealingwith procedural business. The utilization of AI is enormous.