

Redis的数据管理包括 TTL过期淘汰主动驱逐 。TTL过期淘汰又可分为 主动淘汰和被动淘汰。

  • 主动淘汰: 通过后台定时线程检查,主动删除过期的key
  • 被动淘汰: client访问的时候进行检查,如果已经过期,则删除数据


# volatile-lru -> Evict using approximated LRU, only keys with an expire set.
# allkeys-lru -> Evict any key using approximated LRU.
# volatile-lfu -> Evict using approximated LFU, only keys with an expire set.
# allkeys-lfu -> Evict any key using approximated LFU.
# volatile-random -> Remove a random key having an expire set.
# allkeys-random -> Remove a random key, any key.
# volatile-ttl -> Remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL)
# noeviction -> Don't evict anything, just return an error on write operations.




robj *lookupKey(redisDb *db, robj *key, int flags) {
    dictEntry *de = dictFind(db->dict,key->ptr);
    robj *val = NULL;
    if (de) {
        val = dictGetVal(de);
        /* Forcing deletion of expired keys on a replica makes the replica
         * inconsistent with the master. We forbid it on readonly replicas, but
         * we have to allow it on writable replicas to make write commands
         * behave consistently.
         * It's possible that the WRITE flag is set even during a readonly
         * command, since the command may trigger events that cause modules to
         * perform additional writes. */
        int is_ro_replica = server.masterhost && server.repl_slave_ro;
        int force_delete_expired = flags & LOOKUP_WRITE && !is_ro_replica;
        if (expireIfNeeded(db, key, force_delete_expired)) {
            /* The key is no longer valid. */
            val = NULL;

核心实现为在lookupKey的时候,通过 expireIfNeeded 来判断数据是否过期,如果过期则删除并设置value位空。 数据删除的详细实现为 deleteExpiredKeyAndPropagate 。该函数会判断是否设置了 lazyfree_lazy_expire ,如果设置了则通过 dbAsyncDelete 进行一步删除,否则直接同步删除。之所以需要进行一步删除,是因为由于redis是单线程处理io的,如果删除的key比较大,那么可能导致析构key的内存空间的时候出现阻塞影响client请求。异步删除的详细实现本文先不做详细介绍。

void deleteExpiredKeyAndPropagate(redisDb *db, robj *keyobj) {
    mstime_t expire_latency;
    if (server.lazyfree_lazy_expire)
        dbAsyncDelete(db,keyobj); // 异步删除
    signalModifiedKey(NULL, db, keyobj);



主动淘汰的核心逻辑为 activeExpireCycle ,该函数有两个入口,对应着两个不同处理逻辑,一个是在 beforeSleep 的时候通过 ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_FAST 模式进行,另一个通过 databasesCron 后台线程进行以 ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_SLOW 驱动.


/* This function gets called every time Redis is entering the
 * main loop of the event driven library, that is, before to sleep
 * for ready file descriptors.
void beforeSleep(struct aeEventLoop *eventLoop){
        /* Run a fast expire cycle (the called function will return
     * ASAP if a fast cycle is not needed). */
    if (server.active_expire_enabled && server.masterhost == NULL)

redis会在函数进入阻塞之前调用beforeSleep,同时通过判断 active_expire_enabled 决定是否进行FAST 模式。执行FAST 模式还有两个其他条件限制:

        /* Don't start a fast cycle if the previous cycle did not exit
         * for time limit, unless the percentage of estimated stale keys is
         * too high. Also never repeat a fast cycle for the same period
         * as the fast cycle total duration itself. */
        if (!timelimit_exit &&
            server.stat_expired_stale_perc < config_cycle_acceptable_stale)

        if (start < last_fast_cycle + (long long)config_cycle_fast_duration*2)

        last_fast_cycle = start;
  • 判断上一轮执行是否因为超时而推出,且过期数据的比例低于配置的阈值,如果不是则不需要执行fast模式,slow模式即可应对数据清理
  • 距离上一次FAST是否超过时间间隔,默认间隔为 2000us


SLOW 模式的核心逻辑包含以下几个配置

void activeExpireCycle(int type) {
    /* Adjust the running parameters according to the configured expire
     * effort. The default effort is 1, and the maximum configurable effort
     * is 10. */
    unsigned long
    effort = server.active_expire_effort-1, /* Rescale from 0 to 9. */
    config_keys_per_loop = ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_KEYS_PER_LOOP +
    config_cycle_fast_duration = ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_FAST_DURATION +
    config_cycle_slow_time_perc = ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_SLOW_TIME_PERC +
    config_cycle_acceptable_stale = ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_ACCEPTABLE_STALE-
    if (dbs_per_call > server.dbnum || timelimit_exit)
        dbs_per_call = server.dbnum;
      timelimit = config_cycle_slow_time_perc*1000000/server.hz/100;
    timelimit_exit = 0;
    if (timelimit <= 0) timelimit = 1;
        if (num > config_keys_per_loop)
                num = config_keys_per_loop;
        for (j = 0; j < dbs_per_call && timelimit_exit == 0; j++) {
        do { 
                if ((iteration & 0xf) == 0) { /* check once every 16 iterations. */
                elapsed = ustime()-start;
                if (elapsed > timelimit) {
                    timelimit_exit = 1;
        }   while (sampled == 0 ||
                 (expired*100/sampled) > config_cycle_acceptable_stale);

config_keys_per_loop 每次执行扫描的key数量,默认20 可以通过 active_expire_effort 进行调整,越大每次扫描的key越多,淘汰越快,同时CPU 开销也会更大。

config_cycle_slow_time_perc 每次扫描执行的时间,如果执行超时 则会设置 timelimit_exit 为true,表明过期的key比较多,需要尽快进行清理

默认的 dbs_per_call 为16,表示每次执行需要扫描的db数,如果上一轮退出时设置了 timelimit_exit 则需要扫描所有db,尽可能快淘汰所有数据。

执行扫描时,会一次遍历所有的db,每轮循环最大采样的数据量为 config_keys_per_loop,采样时,记录过期的key数量,如果过期的key数量比例低于 config_cycle_acceptable_stale,则该db无需进行继续清理,进入下一个db继续扫描。同时每执行 16次 (iteration & 0xf) 会判断是否执行超时,如果超时则设置 timelimit_exit 并退出当前循环。


主动驱逐是redis在内存空间即将不足的时候设置的驱逐策略。根据驱逐算法可以分为LRU和LFU ,本文将详细介绍下redis LRU 的实现。标准的LRU 实现为 hash + 双链表 的模式,但是这种模式会引入pre和next指针,带来额外的内存开销,同时每次访问都需要更新指针排序,带来额外的cpu开销。因此redis并没有采用这种方式,而是实现了近似的 采样LRU ,每次随机采样N个key,默认为5个,可以通过 maxmemory-samples 进行配置。然后对采样的key进行排序,淘汰最老的数据。虽然采用了采样可能导致不精确,但是在符合长尾的请求模式里,采样模式和标准模式的淘汰效果几乎一致。

Redis LRU 实现

竟然是LRU 那么肯定需要一个字段来表示最最近的访问时间,为了减少内存的开销,redis使用了 lru::LRU_BITS 来存储最近访问时间,该字段为一个24bit的位域 , 每次key被访问时,该值会被更新为系统的lru_lock,通过直接读取server的lru_lock,减少了gettimeofday()的调用,从这里可以看到,redis某些地方真的是把性能优化到了极致

typedef struct redisObject {
    unsigned type:4;
    unsigned encoding:4;
    unsigned lru:LRU_BITS; /* LRU time (relative to global lru_clock) or
                            * LFU data (least significant 8 bits frequency
                            * and most significant 16 bits access time). */
    int refcount;
    void *ptr;
} robj;
robj *lookupKey(redisDb *db, robj *key, int flags) {
        if (!hasActiveChildProcess() && !(flags & LOOKUP_NOTOUCH)){
            if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU) {
            } else {
                val->lru = LRU_CLOCK();

LRU_CLOCK 为server的全局变量,更新频率取决于 server.hz,由于lru只有24bit因此lru_lock的最大取值范围为 #define LRU_CLOCK_MAX ((1<<LRU_BITS)-1)


void evictionPoolPopulate(int dbid, dict *sampledict, dict *keydict, struct evictionPoolEntry *pool) {
    int j, k, count;
    dictEntry *samples[server.maxmemory_samples];

    count = dictGetSomeKeys(sampledict,samples,server.maxmemory_samples);
    for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
        unsigned long long idle;
        sds key;
        robj *o;
        dictEntry *de;

        de = samples[j];
        key = dictGetKey(de);

        /* If the dictionary we are sampling from is not the main
         * dictionary (but the expires one) we need to lookup the key
         * again in the key dictionary to obtain the value object. */
        if (server.maxmemory_policy != MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_TTL) {
            if (sampledict != keydict) de = dictFind(keydict, key);
            o = dictGetVal(de);

        /* Calculate the idle time according to the policy. This is called
         * idle just because the code initially handled LRU, but is in fact
         * just a score where an higher score means better candidate. */
        if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LRU) {
            idle = estimateObjectIdleTime(o);
        } else if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU) {
            /* When we use an LRU policy, we sort the keys by idle time
             * so that we expire keys starting from greater idle time.
             * However when the policy is an LFU one, we have a frequency
             * estimation, and we want to evict keys with lower frequency
             * first. So inside the pool we put objects using the inverted
             * frequency subtracting the actual frequency to the maximum
             * frequency of 255. */
            idle = 255-LFUDecrAndReturn(o);
        } else if (server.maxmemory_policy == MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_TTL) {
            /* In this case the sooner the expire the better. */
            idle = ULLONG_MAX - (long)dictGetVal(de);
        } else {
            serverPanic("Unknown eviction policy in evictionPoolPopulate()");

        /* Insert the element inside the pool.
         * First, find the first empty bucket or the first populated
         * bucket that has an idle time smaller than our idle time. */
        k = 0;
        while (k < EVPOOL_SIZE &&
               pool[k].key &&
               pool[k].idle < idle) k++;
        if (k == 0 && pool[EVPOOL_SIZE-1].key != NULL) {
            /* Can't insert if the element is < the worst element we have
             * and there are no empty buckets. */
        } else if (k < EVPOOL_SIZE && pool[k].key == NULL) {
            /* Inserting into empty position. No setup needed before insert. */
        } else {
            /* Inserting in the middle. Now k points to the first element
             * greater than the element to insert.  */
            if (pool[EVPOOL_SIZE-1].key == NULL) {
                /* Free space on the right? Insert at k shifting
                 * all the elements from k to end to the right. */

                /* Save SDS before overwriting. */
                sds cached = pool[EVPOOL_SIZE-1].cached;
                pool[k].cached = cached;
            } else {
                /* No free space on right? Insert at k-1 */
                /* Shift all elements on the left of k (included) to the
                 * left, so we discard the element with smaller idle time. */
                sds cached = pool[0].cached; /* Save SDS before overwriting. */
                if (pool[0].key != pool[0].cached) sdsfree(pool[0].key);
                pool[k].cached = cached;

        /* Try to reuse the cached SDS string allocated in the pool entry,
         * because allocating and deallocating this object is costly
         * (according to the profiler, not my fantasy. Remember:
         * premature optimization bla bla bla. */
        int klen = sdslen(key);
        if (klen > EVPOOL_CACHED_SDS_SIZE) {
            pool[k].key = sdsdup(key);
        } else {
            pool[k].key = pool[k].cached;
        pool[k].idle = idle;
        pool[k].dbid = dbid;
  • 执行evict的时候,每次会采样随机读取N个key,然后排序比较该N个key的ttl,将ttl最小的key放入到 evictionPoolEntry , evictionPoolEntry 的最大容量为EVPOOL_SIZE(16)。
  • 如果pool已经放满, 那么判断即将被插入的key的lru,如果比pool的都大,则拒绝放入,否则查找合适的位置进行插入
  • performEvictions 遍历完所有db,然后判断是否有数据可以进行淘汰,如果有,则遍历evictionPoolEntry ,然后读取需要淘汰的key,此时在判断是allkeys-lru 还是volatile-lru,然后获取到bestkey进行驱逐。



无论是EXPIRCE还是EVICT,都可以从设计上看到对性能的权衡取舍。 主动expire的时候需要权衡每次扫描的key数量,在尽可能多淘汰过期数据的同时减低cpu的使用。EVICT的时候,则通过牺牲时间精度减少内存占用,同时通过牺牲LRU 的准确率,来降低LRU 标准实现的开销。

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