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2、陈德彪推荐的文章  TripImputor

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输出:是否停泊等待或者巡航,以及how far in distance距离

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17、基于云的最快路径,北京数据 & 新加坡数据

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25、Ge Y这老哥的三篇,商用导航系统,绕路欺诈检测,挺厉害,


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32、上海3个月数据,8000辆车,hunting is better than waiting

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43、预测道路障碍 & 识别障碍类型(台风、洪水等),厦门2016后半年的出租车轨迹数据,频率1分钟;


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44、目的地预测的最新论文啦啦啦~ 仅使用到5组5组的起点终点坐标对,kaggle比赛波尔图数据集,模型为带注意力机制的LSTM模型(“represent each location as a single word”)

Rossi A, Barlacchi G, Bianchini M, et al. Modeling Taxi Drivers' Behaviour for the Next Destination Prediction[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08173, 2018.


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李雪丽, 盛勇, 兰小机. 基于 Spark 的并行化出租车轨迹热点区域提取与分析 Extraction and Analysis of Hotspot Region of Parallel Taxi Trajectory Based on Spark[J]. Computer Science and Application, 2018, 8(09): 1482.

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