public class DBHelper
IDatabase dbMysql = new DBMysql();
//返回单个数据,condiction里面存放where 限定条件
public string GetData(object condiction, string tableName, string fields)
string sql = "SELECT ";
sql += fields;
sql += $" FROM {tableName} ";
sql = AddWhereCondiction(sql, condiction);
return dbMysql.Query<string>(sql, condiction);
public List<T> GetDataList<T>(object condiction)
TableAttribute tableAttribute = (TableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof(TableAttribute));
string tableName = tableAttribute.tableName;
string sql = "SELECT ";
sql = AddModelPrppertyTToField<T>(sql);
sql += $" FROM {tableName} ";
sql = AddWhereCondiction(sql, condiction);
return dbMysql.QueryList<T>(sql, condiction).ToList();
public T GetData<T>(object condiction)
TableAttribute tableAttribute = (TableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof(TableAttribute));
string tableName = tableAttribute.tableName;
string sql = "SELECT ";
sql = AddModelPrppertyTToField<T>(sql);
sql += $" FROM {tableName} ";
sql = AddWhereCondiction(sql, condiction);
return dbMysql.Query<T>(sql, condiction);
public bool InsertData<T>(T model)
TableAttribute tableAttribute = (TableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof(TableAttribute));
string tableName = tableAttribute.tableName;
List<T> insertList = new List<T>() { model };
string sql = $"INSERT INTO {tableName} (";
sql = AddModelPrppertyTToField<T>(sql);
sql += ") VALUES(";
sql = AddModelPrppertyTToField<T>(sql, "@");
sql += ")";
int insertNumber = dbMysql.Insert(insertList, sql);
if (insertNumber == 1)
return true;
return false;
public bool UpdateData<T>(T condiction, string whereCondiction)
TableAttribute tableAttribute = (TableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof(TableAttribute));
string tableName = tableAttribute.tableName;
string sql = $"UPDATE {tableName} SET ";
foreach (var property in typeof(T).GetProperties())
sql += property.Name + " = @" + property.Name + ", ";
sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 2);
List<string> whereCondictionList = new List<string>() { whereCondiction };
sql = AddWhereCondiction(sql, whereCondictionList.ToList<string>());
return dbMysql.Update(sql, condiction);
public bool UpdateData<T>(T condiction, List<string> whereCondictionList)
TableAttribute tableAttribute = (TableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof(TableAttribute));
string tableName = tableAttribute.tableName;
string sql = $"UPDATE {tableName} SET ";
foreach (var property in typeof(T).GetProperties())
sql += property.Name + " = @" + property.Name + ", ";
sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 2);
sql = AddWhereCondiction(sql, whereCondictionList);
return dbMysql.Update(sql, condiction);
/*将泛型Model中的属性名称添加到SQL的执行Field中,dynamicData 为自定义变量添加,
public string AddModelPrppertyTToField<T>(string sql, string dynamicData = "")
if (dynamicData == "")
foreach (var property in typeof(T).GetProperties())
sql += property.Name + ", ";
foreach (var property in typeof(T).GetProperties())
sql += dynamicData + property.Name + ", ";
sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 2);
return sql;
public string AddWhereCondiction(string sql, List<string> whereCondiction)
sql += $" WHERE {whereCondiction[0]} = @{whereCondiction[0]} ";
if (whereCondiction.Count > 0)
foreach (var whereLimit in whereCondiction)
sql += $" AND {whereLimit} = @{whereLimit} ";
return sql;
public string AddWhereCondiction<T>(string sql,T condiction)
var properties = condiction.GetType().GetProperties();
sql += $" WHERE {properties[0].Name} = @{properties[0].Name} ";
if (typeof(T).GetProperties().Count()>1)
for(int count = 1;count<properties.Count();count++)
sql += $" AND {properties[count].Name} = @{properties[count].Name} ";
return sql;