play idealize myApp
生成 .ipr文件,idea打开ipr文件。
- In IntelliJ IDEA, on the Run menu, select Edit Configurations.
- Right-click on Application under Defaults and select Add New Configuration.
- Under Main class, enter play.server.Server.
- Under VM parameters, enter -Dapplication.path=".".
- Under Working directory, enter the application path.
- Under Before launch, remove Make if exists.
- Edit the run configuration and in VM parameters, append -Dplay.id=test.
- Right-click on your module and select Open Module Settings.
- Select the Dependencies tab.
- Click Add… and select Single-Entry Module Library.
- Select $PLAY_HOME/modules/testrunner/lib/play-testrunner.jar and click OK.
Do not commit the .iml files when you work in a team! 添加进gitingnore文件