1. 什么是Cre
Cre重组酶(cyclizationrecombination),它是一种由343个氨基酸组成的单体蛋白,可以引发loxP位点的DNA 重组。
https://www.addgene.org/cre-lox/ addgene上的介绍
Inducible Cre: These constructs require the addition of an exogenous ligand (e.g. tamoxifen) to activate Cre. One advantage of this system is tight temporal regulation.
Promoter-regulated Cre: The promoter region defines the areas in which Cre will be expressed. Cre may be expressed globally under a broadly active promoter like CAG, or expressed only in a subset of cells under a more specific promoter (e.g. Rho-Cre is expressed in the retina).
Fluorescent Cre: The fusion of Cre to a fluorescent reporter enables visualization of Cre expression.
Optimized Cre: Codon-optimized Cre (iCre) is expressed at higher levels in mice than P1 bacteriophage Cre, facilitating high rates of Cre-driven recombination. CREM (or Cre-M) has been engineered to contain an intron, preventing Cre expression when cloning in E. coli. This alteration enables the generation of a single vector containing Cre and a floxed construct (unmodified Cre will cause recombination in E. coli, deleting the floxed portion of a construct during the cloning process). VCre and SCre are alternative Cre recombinases that recognize specific mutant loxP sites, VloxP and SloxP sites respectively.
Split Cre: Cre recombinase is split in half into N and C terminal Cre fragments (NCre and CCre, respectively) and placed under the control of different promoters. Expression of both N and CCre in the same cell type allows for recombination of LoxP flanked DNA sequences.
2. 什么是LoxP
loxP是一段长34bp的DNA序列,是重组酶识别的位点,被称为loxP位点(10cus of X—over in P1)。
(2)依赖于Cre的基因敲除:相反,将loxP位点放在基因的两侧(称为“floxing”,即“side by loxP”)将允许基因表达,直到Cre出现,此时基因将被破坏或删除。
(3)Cre-dependent shRNA Expression: Cre-lox被当做调节shRNA结构的开关. **在floxd-shRNA结构中,Cre可切除shRNA,使基因表达恢复到生理水平。在lox-STOP-lox shRNA构建中,Cre表达促进shRNA表达。其实跟上面是一样的,只不过(1-2)说的是基因的表达,这里是shRNA。
(4)Gene Switch: 在这里有两个目的基因:A and B. 当Cre缺失时,只有A的转录是正常的,Cre表达时则切除基因A,改变阅读框,允许基因B在框内翻译。
(5) FLEx Switch: 抑制A基因表达的同时激活B基因。For more information on FLEx switch and what you can do with it read Addgene's Blog on FLEx Vectors。对它感兴趣的话,请进一步阅读学习。
3. 什么是AAVS1
AAVS1 位点(又称为 PPP1R2C 位点)位于人类基因组第19号染色体,是一个经过验证、能确保转入 DNA 片段预期功能的“安全港”位点。该位点是一个开放的染色体结构,能保证转入基因能被正常转录。另外很重要的一点是在该位点插入外源目的片段对细胞无已知的副作用。