1.advent n.
2.convene v.
3.convention n.
4.intervene v.
5.invent v.
6.prevent v.
7.venture n.
ven 来
The meaning seven is 7. We can regard it as seventh on one week.
On Sunday, We can do as we please, living a colorful life, getting rid of the stress of work. So Sunday is behalf '色来'.
We convened to prevent the advent of the venture's intervening.
1.advent n.到来,来临
2.convene v.聚集,集合,召开(con 全部,全部都来了)
3.convention n.会议,习俗,惯例(全部来干嘛呢?参加会议或者例会)
conventional adj.传统的
unconventional adj.非传统的