greedy: 贪心
You can't want this, want that, and while also wanting the other thing.
It's not about being pessimistic. It’s about being realistic.
resonated with me: 引起我的共鸣
What is the most ideal / perfect job? 你梦想中的工作是什么样的?
Probably, a really high salary, practically zero working hours and the office has to be right next to my home.
There's no such thing as free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐。
You can want it all, but you are not gonna have it all.
Either this or that. 二者只能选其一。
You can't have it both ways. 你不能什么都要。
Something's gotta give. (Something has got to give. ) 总要付出点东西。
love triangle: 三角恋
make a compromise: 妥协
zero-sum game: any gain that you have, is somebody else's loss.
make a trade-off: you have to give up something in order to get something else.
budget: 预算
If you think location is more important, then the trade-off is you need to get a smaller place.
Pick your fights. 选择最紧要的事。
Choose your battles. 选最重要的事。
Not the hill to die on. 不能死在这座山头(暗指还有更重要的事要去做)。
Don't sweat the small stuff. (Don't get too worried or nervous about the small stuff.)
Don't sweat it. 没事,别担心;和 No problems 同义。
Manage your expectations. 管理好个人的预期。
Don't over-promise, under-deliver. 不要承诺太多,实现太少。
You can't have your cake and eat it too. (You have two choices, you can have the cake, or you can eat the cake.) 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。字面解释为:你有两个选择,你可以拥有这个蛋糕,也可以吃掉这个蛋糕。