E10| Flipped the Visit Chapter 10 笔记







I was getting myself  pretty worked up about it when David's cone crushed in his grip, causing his ice cream to flop onto the table.Before my dad could stop him,David picked up the ice cream and tried to cram it back onto the cone.But the  cone was shattered and the ice cream fell over again, only this time it landed on the floor.

He grabbed the ice cream and crammed it back onto what was left of his cone, and when the bottom part of his cone crumbled completely away, he started screaming.It was awful. He was like a two-hundred-pound infant,throwing a tantrum on the floor He was yelling words I coundn't understand, and after a minute of trying to calm him down, my father said,"Julianna,can you get him another cone?"

the man behind the counter scooped as fast as he could, but in that short time David knocked over a table and two chairs with his flailing and maneged to smear chocolate everywhere.


I felt fire burn in my cheecks and a cold, hard knot tighten in my heart,我感到脸颊火辣辣地烧起来,一个冰冷、坚硬的结在我的心里扎紧了

suddently my blood ran cold吓得魂不附体,立马心惊胆寒

my heart pouding in my chest我的心砰砰直跳,我的心狂跳不停

How'd it go?=How did it go?后来呢。结果如何

How did it go today今天怎么样 ; 你今天过得好不好

my mother pushed a few wisps of hair back 把几缕头发往后推

he ground the gearshift into reverse他将换档杆挂入倒档

he accelereted onto the highway他加速上了公路

the years just seem to slip away岁月似乎就这样溜走了

I felt disconnectedfrom the world around me.我感到自己与周围世界隔绝。

I managed a smile 我勉强笑了笑

it was too long and rectangular for that它太长了,而且是长方形的

Do Something Physical 做些运动

a grocery sack rolled closed in his hand 一个卷在他手里的食品袋

in my mind there was no doubt. 在我心中这是毫无疑问的。

Sunday mornings are peaceful in our house.My father lets himself sleep in.My mother lets herself not fix breakfast.每到周日早餐,我家就充满宁静祥和。爸爸会睡到自然醒,妈妈懒得做饭。

I was just rolling the top to peek insdie 我只是滚动顶部偷看里面

as the wrapping paper fell in shreds in the floor因为包装纸在地板上摔成了碎片


 have been crushing on sb 一直迷恋

have a crush on someone爱上某人;迷恋某人fall in love with sb

例句:the lamest cover-up you've ever heard or what?

cover-up掩饰 ; 盖住 ; 包庇 ; 掩藏

I was through with Bryce.我和布莱斯玩完了

be through with完成;结束

原文:I sort of lazed around, reading and daydreaming.我有点懒散,看书,做白日梦。

I sort of drifted through the week like that.我这周就像这样飘忽不定。

sort of有几分地;有点;到某种程度;稍稍,稍微

go through意为经历,经受;仔细查看

A testimony to endurance. 坚毅的象征

fish for compliments故意要别人说赞扬话,沽名钓誉

朗文解释:to try to make someone say something nice about you, usually by firstcriticizingyourself – used to showdisapproval

原文:My father wasn't one to go fishing for compliments or signs of appreciation.我父亲不是那种想要得到赞美或感激的人

swing out内关门;外摆式;向舷外转

swung the legs out and snapped them into place把腿甩出去,啪地一声放回原位

shove up/over 挪一挪!涌向

朗文解释:phrasal verb British English spokent o move along on aseatto makespacefor someone else

例句: Shove up, mate, there’s no room to sit down here.

sifting through 通过;被筛下

sifting through the pieces筛选碎片

be intent on对某事专心致志 ; 决心要做 ; 专注于 ; 专心于

clicked on his seat belt扣上安全带

in a collage of puzzles 拼图拼贴画

at arm's length敬而远之 ; 在手臂伸得到的地方 ; 保持安全距离

例句:I held itat arm's length. 我伸直胳膊提着它

broke into a smile露出了笑容

photo album相册;相簿

tend the ground照料地面

occupational training program职业培训项目

freshly planted pansies刚种植的三色紫罗兰

the passenger side (副驾驶)乘客位

slammed the door back in place

in place 适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置

朗文解释: in the correct position

around所以可以引申成还在活动,比较活跃,还经常见,在……附近,出现 露面

原文:they're around until noon。中午之前他们不会出现。

原文:I've been up for a while. 我起床好一阵子了。

be up到了,结束了;起床

be up and about 起床走动(指病情好转)

ruin your day毁了你的一天

complete surprise完全意外的事

all I got in return我所得到的是。。

turn back to翻回到;重新提到,插回

more staying power更好的持续能力

nervous energy神经能量

full of nervous energy精力充沛

原文:she has a real passion for strawberry milkshakes

have a passion for sth /doing sth 对……有强烈的爱好

rock from side to side摇来摇去,左右晃动

squeezed the air out of me让我喘不过气来

原文:my face was buried as he squeezed the air out of me and rocked from side to side

 flopped into a chair猛地坐在椅子上,一屁股坐到椅子上

turn the ignition off/on 关火/点火


原文:Dont spill the bean if he happens by如果他碰巧经过,不要泄露秘密

spill the bean 泄密;说漏嘴

朗文解释:informal to tell something that someone else wanted you to keep asecret

stay put 待在原地; 停留不走 ; 停住不动 ; 留在原处

朗文解释:spoken to remain in one place and not move

toss aside扔弃 ; 搁置不管 ; 漠视

spring up 出现;涌现;萌芽,迅速生长

原文:I settled for watering the lawnbe around来访;露面; 在附近;起床,走动

settle for something 勉强接受,勉强认可(不能用于被动式)

朗文解释:phrasal verb toacceptsomething even though it is not the best, or not what you really want

straighten up 挺直腰

朗文解释: to make your back straight, or to stand up straight after bending down

原文:it does grow on you 你会喜欢它的

grow on somebody 渐渐使人喜欢,养成习惯

朗文解释:phrasal verb if something grows on you, you gradually like it more and more I hated his music at first, but it grows on you.

oddly afraid 怕得出奇

in a bit一会儿,马上

proceed down前进

bottom out 崩溃,价格等)达到最低点,停止恶化

朗文解释:phrasal verb 

if a situation,price etc bottoms out, it stops getting worse or lower, usually before improving again → level off/out

原文:my heart bottomed out.我的心要碎了


crank 转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯

spigot 插口;插头,塞子;(水)龙头

原文:coaxing them to spring up and greet the rising sun哄他们跳起来迎接旭日


I strapped on the lap belt系上安全带


Plus (句首)而且;加上

原文:it made a strange, muted rattling noise when I shook it.

muted( 声音) 降低的,柔和的,缄默的

rattling 格格作响的;轻快的;(非正式)绝妙的

he slid behind the wheel他哧溜一下坐到方向盘前

slid  滑;滑落;不知不觉地陷入(slide 的过去分词)

his hand on the key in the ignition他的手放在点火开关的钥匙上

ignition 着火,点燃;点火装置,点火开关

awning 雨篷;[建] 遮阳篷;甲板等上的天篷



therapeutic 疗法,治疗药物;治疗学(therapeutics)

Commotion 躁动心灵 ; 喧闹 ; 骚动

swing open the door 旋转打开

swung 是 swing 的过去式

it smelled of pine cleaner and bleach, with something vaguely pungent underneath.它闻起来有松木清洁剂和漂白剂的味道,下面有一种隐隐刺鼻的味道。

pungent 辛辣的;刺激性的;刺鼻的;苦痛的;尖刻的


armoires n. 大型衣橱(armoire的复数形式

gotta get that 得 gotta必须(等于have got to)




 hunch弯腰驼背  hunched缩成一团的

原文:nothing she said was intelligible她说的话一句也听不懂


stocky 矮壮的;健壮结实的





up and down上上下下;到处;前前后后;来来往往

bob up and down 在水面上忽沉忽浮,上下摆动

bob (使)上下跳动,振动;(使)轻敲;把(头发)剪成波波头;乘大雪橇;突然出现(或消失);(沿某个方向)快速移动;点头;微微鞠躬行礼

n. 摆动,颠簸;轻敲;快速的点头(或鞠躬);浮子;钟摆,悬挂的饰品;齐短发型,波波头;大雪橇,连橇;(一)先令;相当多的一笔钱;诗节末尾的短行;变序鸣钟

pigeon-toe 内八字

drugstoren. [药] 药房(常兼售化妆品、杂志等杂货);(美)杂货店


awning雨篷;[建] 遮阳篷;甲板等上的天篷

原文:it was very festive-looking, especially for being inside a drugstore.



his chaire shot back and he dove after it


spurt 喷射,喷出;冲刺,迸发


朗文解释:to make someone feel very tired and without any energy

scrub擦洗,擦净 scrubbing 


A wisp of hair is a small, thin, bunch of it. (毛发的)一缕; 一绺 wisp wisps

gig 现场演出;临时工作




frantically 疯狂地;狂热地

she mouthed, frantically waving me over.她大喊,疯狂地向我招手



storm 猛烈攻击,突然袭击;气冲冲地走;非常生气地说,怒骂;暴风雨来临;迅速获得成功;

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