



1.   说明:

2.   Heavily mutated Omicron variant puts scientists on alert

3.   How severe are Omicron infections?

4.   Beyond Omicron: what’s next for COVID’s viral evolution 

5.   How bad is Omicron? What scientists know so far

6.   Omicron’s lasting mysteries: four questions scientists are racing to answer

7.   Will Omicron end the pandemic? Here’s what experts say

8.   Where did Omicron come from? Three key theories

9.   Will Omicron finally overpower China’s COVID defences?




2. Heavilymutated Omicron variant puts scientists on alert

nature  news article NEWS 25 November 2021

“There’s a lot we don’t understand about this variant,” RichardLessells, an infectious-diseases physician at the University of KwaZulu-Natalin Durban, South Africa,said at a press briefing organized by South Africa’shealth department on 25 November. “The mutation profile gives us concern, butnow we need to do the work to understand the significance of this variant andwhat it means for the response to the pandemic.”

On 26November, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the strain, known asB.1.1.529, as a variant of concern and named it Omicron, on the advice ofscientists who are part of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2Virus Evolution. Omicron joins Delta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma on the current WHOlist of variants of concern.

“A burning question is ‘does it reduce vaccine effectiveness, becauseit has so many changes?’,” says Aris Katzourakis, who studies virus evolutionat the University of Oxford, UK. Moore says breakthrough infections have beenreported in South Africa among people who have received any of the three kindsof vaccines in use there, from Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer–BioNTech andOxford–AstraZeneca. Two quarantined travellers in Hong Kong who have testedpositive for the variant were vaccinated with the Pfizer jab, according to newsreports. One individual had travelled from South Africa; the other was infectedduring hotel quarantining.

Researchersin South Africa will also study whether B.1.1.529 causes disease that is moresevere or milder than that produced by other variants, Lessells said. “Thereally key question comes around disease severity.”

严重突变的 OMICRON 变体让科学家们保持警惕

nature  news article NEWS 25 November 2021



英国牛津大学研究病毒进化的 Aris Katzourakis 说:“一个紧迫的问题是‘它是否会降低疫苗的有效性,因为它有很多变化?’”。摩尔说,南非已经报告了在接受强生、辉瑞-BioNTech和牛津-阿斯利康的三种疫苗中的任何一种的人中出现突破性感染。据新闻报道,两名在香港被隔离的旅客对该变异进行了阳性检测,他们接种了辉瑞疫苗。一个人从南非来过;另一人在酒店隔离期间被感染。


3.How severe are Omicron infections?

nature  news article NEWS 17 December 2021

Ithas been less than four weeks since the announcement that a mutation-ladencoronavirus variant had been discovered in southern Africa. Since then, dozensof countries around the world have reported Omicron cases — including aworrying number of infections in people who have either been vaccinated orexperienced previous SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Thishas fuelled suggestions that Omicron causes milder disease than previousvariants. But researchers say it is too early to be sure, and keymethodological details of that study have not yet been published. Such detailsare crucial when interpreting data on disease severity, which can be confoundedby factors such as hospital capacity, the age and overall health of thoseinitially infected, and the extent of previous exposure to coronavirus.

Similarly,a 16 December report from Imperial College London found no evidence ofdiminished hospitalizations from Omicron infections compared with Delta inEngland, although this was again based on relatively few cases. Overall, thenumbers are still too small to draw firm conclusions about the severity ofdisease caused by Omicron, says Troels Lillebæk, an infectious-diseasespecialist at the University of Copenhagen.

Omicron 感染有多严重?

nature  news article NEWS 17 December 2021



同样,伦敦帝国理工学院12月16日的一份报告发现,与英格兰的Delta相比,没有证据表明Omicron感染的住院人数有所减少,尽管这再次基于相对较少的病例。哥本哈根大学传染病专家Troels Lillebæk表示,总体而言,这些数字仍然太小,无法就Omicron引起的疾病的严重程度得出确切的结论。

4.Beyond Omicron: what’s next for COVID’s viral evolution

nature  news feature article NEWS FEATURE 07 December 2021

“Now that we’ve had almost two years to see how SARS-CoV-2 evolves, Ithink there are clear parallels with 229E,” says Bloom. Variants such asOmicron and Delta carry mutations that blunt the potency of antibodies raisedagainst past versions of SARS-CoV-2. And the forces propelling this ‘antigenicchange’ are likely to grow stronger as most of the planet gains immunity to thevirus through infection, vaccination or both. Researchers are racing tocharacterize the highly mutated Omicron variant. But its rapid rise in SouthAfrica suggests that it has already found a way to dodge human immunity.

Scientistsare searching for ways to predict the virus’s next moves, looking to other pathogensfor clues. They are tracking the effects of the mutations in the variants thathave arisen so far, while watching out for new ones. They expect SARS-CoV-2eventually to evolve more predictably and become like other respiratory viruses— but when this shift will occur, and which infection it might resemble is notclear.

Otherestablished human viruses do not make the leaps in infectivity that SARS-CoV-2has in the past two years, and Bloom and other scientists expect the virus toeventually behave in the same way. Trevor Bedford, an evolutionary biologist atthe Fred Hutchinson, says the virus must balance its ability to replicate tohigh levels in people’s airways with the need to keep them healthy enough toinfect new hosts. “The virus doesn’t want to put someone in bed and make themsick enough that they’re not encountering a number of other people,” he says. Oneway for the virus to thread this needle would be to evolve to grow to lowerlevels in people’s airways, but maintain infections for a longer period oftime, increasing the number of new hosts exposed to the virus, says Rambaut.“Ultimately there’s going to be trade-off between how much virus you canproduce and how quickly you elicit the immune system.” By lying low, SARS-CoV-2could ensure its continued spread.

Ifthe virus evolved in this way, it might become less severe, but that outcome isfar from certain. “There’s this assumption that something more transmissiblebecomes less virulent. I don’t think that’s the position we should take,” saysBalloux. Variants including Alpha, Beta and Delta have been linked toheightened rates of hospitalization and death — potentially because they growto such high levels in people’s airways. The assertion that viruses evolve tobecome milder “is a bit of a myth”, says Rambaut. “The reality is far morecomplex.”

超越 OMICRON:SARS-COV-2进化的下一步是什么

nature  news feature article NEWS FEATURE 07 December 2021



其他已确定的人类病毒在传染性方面没有SARS-CoV-2在过去两年中的飞跃,布鲁姆和其他科学家预计该病毒最终会以同样的方式表现。Fred Hutchinson的进化生物学家Trevor Bedford说,该病毒必须平衡其在人类呼吸道中复制到高水平的能力与保持它们足够健康以感染新宿主的需要。“病毒不想让某人躺在床上,让他们病得很重,以至于他们不会遇到很多其他人,”他说。Rambaut说,病毒穿过这根针的一种方法是进化为在人的呼吸道中生长到较低水平,但会在较长时间内保持感染,从而增加暴露于病毒的新宿主的数量。“最终,你会在你能产生多少病毒和你激发免疫系统的速度之间做出权衡。”通过保持低调,SARS-CoV-2可以确保其继续传播。


5.How bad is Omicron? What scientists know so far

nature  news article NEWS 02 December 2021

How fast is Omicron spreading?

Basedon the rise in COVID-19 cases and on sequencing data, Wenseleers estimates thatOmicron can infect three to six times as many people as Delta, over the sametime period. “That’s a huge advantage for the virus — but not for us,” he adds.

Can Omicron overcome immunity fromvaccines or infection?

Thevariant’s swift rise in South Africa hints that it has some capacity to evadeimmunity. Around one-quarter of South Africans are fully vaccinated, and it’slikely that a large fraction of the population was infected with SARS-CoV-2 inearlier waves, says Wenseleers, based on heightened death rates since the startof the pandemic.

Inthis context, Omicron’s success in southern Africa might be due largely to itscapacity to infect people who recovered from COVID-19 caused by Delta and othervariants, as well as those who’ve been vaccinated. A 2 December preprint1 fromresearchers at the NICD found that reinfections in South Africa have increasedas Omicron has spread. “Unfortunately, this is the perfect environment forimmune-escape variants to develop,” says Althaus.

Howwell the variant spreads elsewhere might depend on factors such as vaccinationand previous infection rates, says Aris Katzourakis, who researches viralevolution at the University of Oxford, UK. “If you throw it into the mix in ahighly vaccinated population that has given up on other control measures, itmight have the edge there.”

Does Omicron cause milder or more severedisease than previous variants?

Earlyreports linked Omicron with mild disease, raising hopes that the variant mightbe less severe than some of its predecessors. But these reports — which areoften based on anecdotes or scant scraps of data — can be misleading, cautionsMüge Çevik, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of St Andrews,UK. “Everyone is trying to find some data that could guide us,” she says. “Butit’s very difficult at the moment.”

Amajor challenge when assessing a variant’s severity is how to control for themany confounding variables that can influence the course of disease,particularly when outbreaks are geographically localized. For example, reports ofmild disease from Omicron infection in South Africa could reflect the fact thatthe country has a relatively young population, many of whom have already beenexposed to SARS-CoV-2.


naturenews article NEWS 02 December 2021






英国牛津大学研究病毒进化的 Aris Katzourakis 说,这种变异在其他地方的传播程度可能取决于疫苗接种和以前的感染率等因素。“如果你把它混入已经放弃其他控制措施的高度接种疫苗的人群中,它可能在那里具有优势。”

Omicron 是否会导致比以前的变种更轻微或更严重的疾病?



6.Omicron‘s lasting mysteries: four questions scientists are racing to answer

nature  news feature article NEWS FEATURE 24 February 2022

Is it less severe? If so, why?

Hospitalizationand death rates for Omicron, compared with those for previous variants, seem tosuggest that it is a weaker strain. But because many people have some level ofimmunity, through COVID-19 vaccination or previous infection, it’s challengingto untangle how much of that reduced severity stems from people’s immunesystems being preconditioned to take on the virus, and how much from someinherent feature of the virus itself.

“It’s much more difficult to have a ‘clean’ genetic and immunologicalstudy,” says Jean-Laurent Casanova, a paediatric immunologist at theRockefeller University in New York City.

Omicron 的永恒之谜:科学家们竞相回答的四个问题

nature  news feature article NEWS FEATURE 24 February 2022



“进行‘干净’的遗传和免疫学研究要困难得多,”纽约市洛克菲勒大学的儿科免疫学家 Jean-Laurent Casanova 说。

7.Will Omicron end the pandemic? Here’s what experts say

nature  news article  NEWS 31 January 2022

Althoughvaccines are likely to continue protecting against severe symptoms, Pagel says,infection will continue to spread. “I think the assumption is that none of thevaccines are going to give you long-lasting protection against infection,” shesays.

Tangagrees: “I don’t think vaccines are the way this pandemic is going to end.”

So,how will it end? Not with Omicron, researchers predict. “This will not be thelast variant, and so the next variant will have its own characteristics,”Medley says.

Thereare no guarantees that the next variant will be milder, but Tang says thatseems to be the pattern so far. “This virus is getting milder and milder witheach iteration,” he says.


nature  news article  NEWS 31 January 2022





8.Where did Omicron come from? Three key theories

nature  news feature article NEWS FEATURE 28 January 2022

Anothercurious feature of Omicron is that, from a genomic viewpoint, it consists ofthree distinct sublineages (called BA.1, BA.2 and BA.3) that all seem to haveemerged at around the same time — two of which have taken off globally. Thatmeans Omicron had time to diversify before scientists noticed it. Any theoryabout its origins has to take this feature into account, as well as the numberof mutations, notes Joel Wertheim, a molecular epidemiologist at the Universityof California, San Diego.

“The virus has to change to stick around,” says Ben Murrell, aninterdisciplinary virologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Thereceptor-binding domain, where many of Omicron’s mutations are concentrated, isan easy target for antibodies, and probably comes under pressure to change in along-term infection.

Butnone of the viruses from individuals with chronic infections studied so far hashad the scale of mutations observed in Omicron. Achieving that would requirehigh rates of viral replication for a long time, which would presumably makethat person very unwell, says Rasmussen. “It seems like a lot of mutations forjust one person.”

Ifthis is the case, it means that the virus would have to replicate sufficientlyin a person’s body to explore the effects of combinations of mutations — whichwould take longer to achieve than if it were sampling the space of possiblemutations one by one.

And many scientists say they might never find out where Omicron came from. “Omicron really shows us the need for humility in thinking about our ability to understand the processes that are shaping the evolution of viruses like SARS-CoV-2,” says Bloom.

Omicron 是从哪里来的?三个关键理论

nature  news feature article NEWS FEATURE 28 January 2022







9.Will Omicron finally overpower China’s COVID defences?

nature  news article NEWS  28 March 2022

All eyes are on China as it attempts to quash its largest COVID-19 outbreaks since the early days of the pandemic. More than 62,000 people across all 31 of its provinces are infected, most of them with the fast-spreading BA.2 Omicron variant.

If Omicron runs out of control, the effects could be devastating — and similar to the current outbreak in Hong Kong, where deaths have surged and hospitals are overwhelmed. An analysis by Airfinity, a life-sciences market analytics firm in London, suggests that more than one million people in mainland China could die during an Omicron wave, partly because of lower levels of protection in older people. Only 50% of people over the age of 80 are fully vaccinated, according to the Chinese government.

Recentexperience in Hong Kong has highlighted the cost of low vaccination rates inolder people. In early March, there were close to 900 cases of COVID-19 per100,000 residents in Hong Kong, the highest level recorded anywhere in theworld during the pandemic. Deaths have also surged to nearly 300 a day earlierthis month. Experts blame low vaccination rates in elderly people for theregion’s high mortality rate. Only about one-third of those aged over 80 yearsare fully vaccinated, and 90% of deaths have been in people who are not fullyvaccinated.

MainlandChina faces a similar predicament if the current outbreak is not controlled.China’s overall vaccination rate is higher than 85%. That has been achievedwith the introduction of a digital vaccination-passport system — required forentry into many public buildings and workplaces — and a colour-coded ‘healthcode’ that indicates whether someone poses an infection risk. But Cowling saysthat older people are less likely to use facilities that require a vaccinationpassport and have been able to remain unvaccinated.

Fifty-twomillion people aged over 60 years are yet to be fully vaccinated. The mostvulnerable — those aged over 80 years — are the least well vaccinated, withonly 20% having received the primary vaccination course and booster shot. Workby Cowling and his colleagues that is yet to be peer reviewed indicates thatthe Sinovac vaccine, one of the two main vaccines used in China, is effectiveat reducing severe cases and deaths, but that the third shot is necessary toconfer high levels of protection in those aged over 601.

Deathsfrom COVID-19 could be “much worse” than the 1 million estimated by Airfinityif Omicron spreads through the population, says Lu Jiahai, aninfectious-diseases epidemiologist at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou,China. The government is “taking responsibility for people’s lives, so will notchange or relax the current prevention and control strategy”, he says.









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