支付宝返回结果失败, resultStatus=6002, memo=Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1022 "The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection., NSUnderlyingError=0x16ead4c0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1022 "The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection.}}}