2020-12-04 对培训师比赛结果的描述


1.一个付诸实施了的平凡想法比一打你保留到“某一天”或者“正确时机”再实施的卓越创意要更有价值。One average idea that's been put into action is more valuable than a dozen brilliant ideas that you're saving for "some other day" or the "right opportunity".

2.“除非你知道如何可以把政策付诸实施到人们的生活当中,否则你不会成功,”他说。"Unless you understand how you can translate the policies into the realities of where thepeople are living, you will not succeed," he says. 


Dickson eatraining manager

In fact, Mr Dickson and I has been discussingabout the “high-end” sales topic, we exchange our views and constantly revisingtraining material; For training manager’s career orientation, this topic is absoluatly not a competition, it’s a long term strategy to put into action, One average idea that'sbeen put into action is more valuable than a dozen brilliant ideasthat you're saving for "some other day" or the "right opportunity"; For my point of view,  I really appreciate Mr Dickson’s training Powerpoint material, and his presentation which cover both business and execution, breadth and detail, I think thenext move is try to summarize the training content and make it possible to improveour overall training quality, and then to increase our sales.

Michael : eatraining manager

The name of Mr Michael’s speech isHigh Grade Selling Technicwhich very common choice in our participators’, Butwhen it comes to content innovation and execution, few can matched with MrMichael’s. He is really professional at the training affairs, In his works, wecan appreciate that how can we define the high-end product in customers' mind,how to have a better experience from customers' perspective, and the storiessharing, that is very interesting and useful.

and we all know that this competition topicis too wide, and need to concertrate on one point and then go into moredetails, or you will lose the “time control” scores. Mr Michael did just fine.And thank you for Michael’s sharing which also inspired our judge. We all hopeit will have a better implementation. this is the real purpose of this speech.

Hanna Dessalegne :from Ethiopia

Ms.Hanna’s topic is so special that our judge are all agree that is innovative speech in our trainers team. In her speech, she demonstrated what a good UI interface is, UI interface may affect the high-end customer’s choice, and what should we do to help our UI goes well, What can you learn from other mobile phones. Its very attractive, and the appearance of the PPT is very neat and clear, it helps her speech prominent How to influence and promote the sales of high-end products. What HANNA needs to be aware of is, the time control and our TECNO’s business knowledge, In her speech, these two parts are losing scores, so pay attention to them.At the same time, we will timely share her PPT to the Product department and the Marketing Department for reference and joint improvement.

SolomonSsemuyaba : from uganda

Mr Solomon’s concept is cutting-edge, we once felt that its verysuitable for our leader to learning Mr Solomon’s Powerpoint material, we reallylike this kind of the work. Not only about the current online and offlineanalysis in Uganda, but also about the future and what is the current model ofhigh-end retail stores, the CRM, BTL and etc. These are the future of TECNO,and they are very significant. But at the same time, what we need you to beaware of is that we need to execution. It would be even better if yourmaterials had more info of detail embodiment, the process of execution.thankyou very much for your contribution to the development of TECNO in Uganda,  wehope our TECNO in Uganda will develop better and better.

Bruce Dickson :Frl is usom Uganda

Mr. Bruce has only worked in the field oftraining for two years, but the knowledge and the ideas he brings to the speechare beyond many trainers. The content of Mr Bruce’s speech material is veryrich and comprehensive, the definition of the high-end product, what trainershould do to support the high-end product,  the contribution that thecompany needs to make, those infomation are all explained convincingly, Themost valuable thing is that the layout of his PPT is very good.although thewords number is also numerous in a lot of slide, but the main points ismagnified, those kind of PPT making skiled very skillfully. The only weaknesswas that his voice was too smooth and unfluctuating; And lack of rich gestureskills. This may affect the fact that his offline classroom training is notinteractive enough. But in general, he has been very excellent. we hope he willhave better development in the future. Thank you.

Berry : FromKenya

Berry's speech was extraordinary, directlyfind the clue of our TECNO advantage, help our phones to be the high-endproducts. And the most important is, it can be seen from the materials that mostof the contents can be implemented, and we can also see Berry's own efforts intraining and our phone bussiness. The speech considered every detail andevery aspect of the business, however, these are relatively normal thinking,not particularly eye-catching, This may affect the score on the innovationside. Especially in this kind of speech work, need several shiny points.

Eugenio Quenhe: From Mozanmbique

Mr Eugenio’s speech was extraordinary, Welike his work very much, which is very close to reality and can be verycomprehensive, it will help our phones to be the high-end products. And themost important is, it can be seen from the materials that most of the contentscan be implemented, and we can also see Mr Eugenio’s efforts in training andour phone bussiness. The speech considered every detail andevery aspect of the business, however, these are relatively normal thinking,not particularly eye-catching, This may affect the score on the innovationside. Especially in this kind of speech work, need several shiny points.


Duncan is a very professional man, wearinga nice suit on speech day in cafes. Duncan's performance is excellent incontent, PPT presentation and speech ability, and his score is around 7.35.This is enough to reflect that he is also very excellent in his daily work. Formy own side, I really like the ideas about the “design training manual andlearning materials”, that is enlightening. And this process is focus on thecustomers. The speech considered every detail and every aspect of the business,however, We still hope that you have enough eye-catching points so that you canget a higher score, because the competition is very fierce.It's just like ourproducts are competing in the middle and high end product in Kenya market.

Angela: FromUganda

In general, the Ugandan training team isdoing extremely well, and Angela is no exception. Clear in content, clear inexpression, most importantly, she stepped out of the training perspective andthought about high-end development from her own perspective. The content is notparticularly complex and lengthy, very suitable for the understanding of thereferee. But also based on this situation, You cannot have your cake and eat ittoo. There is less sparkle in the presentation when you try to compare withother people. But on the whole, we like her materials very much, and hope thatshe can continue to work hard to create a better future

AlbertNkunzimana : From Burundi

Mr. Albert's work in the field of trainingis very careful and professional, It was also the first time participants hadclassified training and reward types. It is enlightening for all trainers.Thank you for Albert’s efforts. In his material also put forward a lot ofpractical suggestions. It also leads to the problem that there's less infoabout the business, company directional development, cultural building and etc.But also based on this situation, You cannot have your cake and eat it too. onthe whole, we like her materials very much, and hope that she can continue towork hard to create a better future. In my own opinion, Mr Albert lost thepoints on the third page of the definition of high-end products, -- “High-gradedoes not imply high quality.” Achieve high-end products in the hearts of customers.Productquality must pass the standard.This is the unanimous agreement of the judges.

MichaëlLA :From Madagascar

The judges at first thought it was a Frenchspeaker, But Michelle was very professional in English spoken, and it wasgreat. What we like most is the detailed configuration analysis of high-endproducts in her works, as well as the overall plan to improve the middle andhigh-end products. But also based on this situation, You cannot have your cakeand eat it too. There is less sparkle in the presentation when you try tocompare with other participators. But on the whole, we like her materials verymuch, and hope that she can continue to work hard to create a better future.

Linus MwangiNguitui : From Kenya

Mr. Linus won the big prize in the lastcontest, but his performance this time is not as good as before, which may becaused by the noisy environment during his speech, which affects his ability toplay and the judgment of the referee. personally like the part about creatingenvy. It's innovative idea, At the same time, the content is not too rich,mostly for the explanation of training. There's not much local business affairsintroduction; There is no summary in the speech, which is not good enough; Wehope that you could give a good speech next time and do your training better.

Juliana : From Cameroon

First of all, thank you again for yourgreat contribution to our product translation work. In your speech, you gave adetailed account of the local business development. And the current problems.And the suggestion for the high-end product development. But that's notenough.  Because this is a speech, not areport.We need more bright ideas, something that makes you feel innovative.Onlyin this way can we beat other opponents and win high scores. Of course as apresentation report on the high-end, this is certainly a very good one. But weneed to do more. Thank you for your continuous contribution to TENCOtraining.thank you.

Waheed : FromPakistan

Mr. Waheed is the only participant in thecompetition in Pakistan. He is also a very experienced training supervisor. Hehas a good understanding of the middle and high end of the competition, basedon the development of Pakistan.After all, he's been through a lot.In theselection of content, he focuses more on the product and market end.This willmake our speeches more concentrated. The unique trainer's perspective makes thespeech more wonderful, but verbal expression in speech, and gestures, areclearly demerits. you need to strengthen it. There is no conclusion or summary.Although in the content has some supplement, it should be paid attention to inthe future. we hope your work in the future will be better and better. Thankyou.

Mofu: FromZambia

The training in Zambia was reallyextraordinary. Although the speech environment was a little noisy, Chichishowed what a trainer should be. Ms. Chichi is the first trainer to using locallaunched product to introduce the high-end product, and With her richexperience, she suggests what a high-end phone should look like and what thecompany should do. But there is less explanation given in terms of business andtraining. It is suggested to add more examples and the development direction ofour business or training in the future. But on the whole, we like her materialsvery much, and we hope you can continue to work hard and do a good job in everytraining affairs. Thank you.

Shadrack waore:From Kenya

Although Mr. Shadrack is a junior trainer,but the PPT and speech content can reach the level of senior trainer. Its rellygreat, But at the same time, Beautiful PPT templates do not represent high-endproducts. We need more in-depth research and more reasonable solutions to meetthe business requirements of our high-end product. the 4P'S of change rule isrelly excellent to make our team efficiency, but he doesn't go into it to makeit more detail,and clear. We hope that you can present your content in moredetail, so that it will be better.

Joyce JKaswalala: From Tanzania

Thanks for your attandance. We have got many details of product's expectation from your PPT and your presentation,and you have feedback many disadvantage for your own market, that is a goodphenomenon.

Based on the evaluation standard, here are some of suggestions for you to focus.

A. PPT part: The logic is very clear, but need to improve your design sense.

B. Presentation part: The unique trainer's perspective makes thespeech more wonderful, but verbal expression in speech, and gestures, areclearly demerits. you need to strengthen it. There is no conclusion or summary.we hope your work in the future will be better and better. Thank you.


Ms. Shakila is try to talk about the TECNOdisplay, that is first work to disscuss abou the local display standard, andThanks for your effort in this competition.We have got many details ofexpectation from your PPT and your presentation,and you have feedback many disadvantage for your own market, that is a goodphenomenon.

Based on the evaluation standard, here are some of suggestions for you to focus.

A. PPT part: TECNO counters should store TECNO products, otherproducts are not available, this is a matter of principle, We need morein-depth research and more reasonable solutions to meet the businessrequirements of our high-end product.

B. Presentation part: There is no conclusion or summary. Yourlanguage speaking is too smooth, Trainers should express themselves in cadencesand gestures

we hope your work in the future will bebetter and better. Thank you.

Laura cyril:From Tanzania

Ms. Laura’s topic is PRODUCT FEATURES,which is very attractive,You are one of the most familiar with the products colleagues I've ever seen in TECNO. I believe that your sensitivity of market will take you further and better. We have got many details ofexpectation from your PPT and your presentation, And what you have shared about our products we would share with product team as well.Based on the evaluation standard, here are some of suggestions for you to focus.

A. PPT part: TECNO counters should store TECNO products, otherproducts are not available, this is a matter of principle, the logic is very clear, but need to improve your design sense. B. Presentation part: There is no conclusion or summary. Need to improve your confidence,Your language speaking is too smooth, Trainers should express themselves incadences and gestures. we hope your work in the future will be better andbetter. Thank you.

Trevor: From Malawi

Actually, Mr Trevor’s presentation have not finished yet, it was wassuddenly interrupted Because the network problem. As you see, The material wascrafted by Mr Trevor, and the presentation was exceptionally good, Thank youfor your efforts. In his material also put forward a lot of practicalsuggestions. But on the whole, it was very much like an annual report andtraining material, not like a speech, which greatly affected his scores. MrChalie will be well positioned to help you ascend and keep in touch with him. thankyou very much for your contribution to the development of TECNO in Malawei,  wehope our TECNO in Malawi will develop better and better.

Lavrov Bohdan:From Ukraine

Mr. Bohdan's work is a PPT game, whichguides the development of high-end products and how to better guide customersto buy our products through the development of the game. The content form isvery novel, which has been unanimously praised by the judges. This kind ofnovelty is very suitable for the development of our enterprise. We must win byinnovation skillfully. But this PPT also exposes some problems, the first oneis how to present it as a speech, If Mr Bohdan explain this PPT game, it won’tbe a speech. If it's a game playing time, The explanation for the high end isnecessarily not enough. Apparently, Mr Bohdan not dealt with it successfully.If you can read the PPT of the other participator, You will find that otherparticipants will pay more attention to the business development of high-endproducts, and there are a lot of case studies.There are even plans forexecution. Tha all info is missing in his speech. But in general, he has beenvery excellent. we hope he will have better development in the future. Thankyou.

Martine: From drc

Ms. Martine is a French speaker, but the material was made byEnglish, it helps our judge a lot, she did a great job at the presentation,very clear thinking ideas. Explains in detail what the company and its trainersshould be doing to boost sales of high-end products. although the words numberis also numerous in a lot of slide, but the main points is magnified, thosekind of PPT making skiled very skillfully. Based on the evaluation standard, here are some of suggestions for you to focus.

1. Rich content but no beginning and ending summary; 2. There are still too fewthings involving the business level; 3. The content lacks argumentation andevidence, and the words number at the end of PPT is too much. thank you verymuch for your contribution to the development of TECNO in Malawei,  wehope our TECNO in Malawi will develop better and better.

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