二、深度卷积网络Deep Convolutional Neural Network(CNNs)
MNIST:60,000 images of hand written digits; deep convolutional neural networks can learn to recognise them with as low as 0.23% error rate (Ciresan et al. 2012)
ImageNet:1M+ images; 1000 classes; exemplar deep convolutional neural networks recognise them with an error of 2.25%
AlexNet (Winner of ILSVRC 2012, 1000 classes)AlexNet, Krizhevsky et al. 2012
VGG16 (Stack of small conv layers with 3*3 filter, the number of conv filters: 64 -> 128 -> 256 -> 512 -> 512)VGG16, Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014
A stack of 4 Conv layers with filter size 3x3 has equivalent receptive field size to a single Conv layer of 9x9 filters (assume no padding and stride = 1)
GoogLeNetGoogLeNet, Szegedy et al. 2015Naïve inception module, Szegedy et al. 2015GoogLeNet, Szegedy et al. 2015Inception module with bottleneck layers, Szegedy et al. 2015
- ResNet (Very deep network with 152 layers)
背景:如果只是简单的堆叠卷积层,则模型的性能不会随着深度越深,性能提高,因此提出残差网络(Residual Block),实验表明,残差网络可以有效提升深度网络性能
Densely-connected network
comparison between ResNet and Densely-connected network, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVhD2OBqoyg- 优点
重复利用feature maps,一定程度上减少卷积层
- 缺点
大量内存消耗,需要保存所有中间的feature maps
四、微调(Fine tuning)
Example: Fine tune AlexNet for clothing classification
Given: AlexNet pre-trained on ImageNet dataset
Aim: fine-tune it to classify clothing (shirt, jeans, etc)
Case 1: when we have very few dataNote: if the data is very few, it is worth to trying if a simple linear classifier (e.g. SVM) works
Note 2: if the pre-trained data is very different from the data in your task, it might be better to train a linear classifier (e.g. SVM) on shallower level features
Case 2: when we have more dataNote: you could free more layers to see if the performance gets better
注意⚠️:训练过程中容易出现过拟合Case 3: when we have very large amount of data
- We could train the network from scratch(从头开始重新训练)
- The performance may still benefit from initialization with pre-trained weights
- 增加数据(Data augmentation):对于图像来说,可以放大缩小、旋转、增加噪声等
设置Dropoutfigure from Srivastava et al., 2014
设置Early stoppingfigure from Lboro University slides
- 减少模型中的参数
- propagate input-to-output signals (feedforward pass)
- observe output and compare to input (i.e. find error)
- propagate error with BP and adjust weights