arise /əˈraɪz/ v.起床;由...引起,发生
I arise at 8 a.m every morning
词根: a加强意义 + rise升起 ->arise起来,升起
afford /əˈfɔːrd/ v.买得起;提供
I can't afford this house now because I don't have money.
donate /ˈdoʊneɪt/ v.捐献;捐赠
I donate blood to help those who need it
词根: don给予 + ate使 ->给出去 ->donate捐赠
proceed /proʊˈsiːd/ v.前进(尤指停止后继续进行);继续进行,继续做; n.收入,获利
You should proceed if the signal is green.
词根: pro向前 + ceed行走, 前进 -> 向前走 -> proceed前进
to do something next, after having done something else first
distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ adj.截然不同的; 清晰的;独特的;明显的
The red umbrella is distinct among the black ones
词根: dis分开 +stinct(sting) 刺,做标记 ->分开标记的;区分清楚的;->distinct独特的,清楚的
easily or clearly heard, seen,felt,etc.