the will of god is my will
My life is wonderful since my will and the will of God have become one. I no longer have to struggle with judgments and decisions, nor do I have to worry about being right, because God know what is best for me at every moment. Now my life is filled with peace and joy. Everything I hope for and dream about is showing up effortlessly. Today and every day I follow the will of God at every instance.
Everyone is in his perfect place
Acceptance is in order today.
At every event, just say, "This is here only to bless me."
合一 become one:身心灵合一
评判judge,担心 worry:follow your heart
follow the will of the god
每个人都在最佳位置上,每个人的现在都是他想要体验的生活,everyone is in his perfect place:the situation is what the ego wants to experience
love somebady unconditionally: respect and hornor his choice to be wherever he was, this would allow him to have the experience he had created for himself.
Donot put my will on other's. 不要把自己的意愿强加给别人
give up control in s situation, and ti always works out the way that is best for me. 放下控制,放下对被人的控制,我只是分享,放下对回报的要求,放下对别人反应的要求,放下对自我小我的控制