project :v. to make someone quickly have success or a much better job
[ project sb into/onto sth]
i.e: His hardworking projected him into a higher position
project 最熟悉的意思是做名词表示“方案,计划”
repugnant:adj. making you feel strong dislike or disgust
i.e: I think this show is repugnant
(have) a life of its own: (of an object) seeming to move or function by itself without a person touching or working it (具有)自身生命力
i.e: This new technology stuff seems to have a life of its own
act upon/ on sth: to take action as a result of advice, information
i.e: He failed the exam, because he didn't act upon my suggestion
感想:人之所以为人就在于人是有self-awareness,可以意识到自己的对错,控制自己的行为,为了取得成功会刻意做一些违反本能的事情,比如专注力、延迟快乐。文中还指出reactive people和proactive people之间的区别,这样一条一条对照才知道自己很多方面是需要改进的,比如容易被环境影响,在意别人的看法。
书中的那句No one can hurt you without your consent 让我联想到《老人与海》中的那句A man can be destroyed but not defeated
很喜欢书中的那句In fact, our most difficult experiences become the crucibles that forge our character and develop the internal powers, the freedom to handle difficult corcumstances in the future and to inspire others to do so as well