- 连通图、有向图、计算出度入度
- If the edges are directed, the graph is said to be a directed graph. + 画图举例
- An undirected graph is a graph that is not directed. + 画图解释
入度 indegree
- The indegree of vertex v is the number of edges that ends in v.
- P6 有例子
- A path in a graph is a sequence of vertices
- A simple path(简单路径) is a path that does not contains same vertex more than once(except for the first and last vertices, which may be the same).
- The length of a path is the number of edges in a path.
P8.Cycle in directed graph
- 回路存在即不能进行拓扑排序
- A cycle is a path of length at least one, and it starts and ends in the same vertex.
- a directed graph contains no cycles
P10.Connected undirected graph
- 概念判断、什么是强连通图、连通图、判断这个图是不是强连通的、判断是不是完全图
- 完全的无向图里面的边数的关系
- A connected graph is an undirected graph where is at least one path between each pair of vertices.
- A strongly connected graph is a directed graph where is at least one path between each pair of vertices.
- A directed graph is a weakly connected graph that is not strongly connected, but its underlaying graph is an undirected that is connected.
- A complete graph is a graph where there is an edge between each pair of vertices.
- 两种定义方式
- A tree is an undirected graph where each pair of vertices is connected by exactly one path.
- A tree connected with n vertices and n-1 edges.
- A directed tree is a directed graph which would be a tree if the
directions on the edges were ignored.(有向树不算树)
P18.Graph representation
- 图的两种存储方式、把选择的那一种画出来
- 各自的优缺点
- 矩阵索引快,但是空间消耗大(存储较多无用的值0)
- 链表查找慢,但是节省空间,没有无效存储
- There are two different ways to represent graphs:
- Adjacency matrix(还可细分为有向,无向,带权,带权的把1改成对应权值即可)
- Space requirement:
- Adjacency list P.22 具体是怎么样的要会画
- Space requirement:
Which of the representations that is best depends on the density of the network.
- Space requirement:
- Adjacency matrix is best if the graph is dense(|E|约等于)
- Adjacency list is best if the graph is sparse(E<)
- Adjacency matrix(还可细分为有向,无向,带权,带权的把1改成对应权值即可)
The Shortest Path Problem
- 算法要求
- 无环
- 有向
- Dijkstra's algorithm
P29.Spanning Tree
- A spanning tree of a graph is a subgraph of that graph, which:
- Is a tree
- connects to all vertices(如果是树,不是已经满足这个条件了吗?)
Kruskal's algorithm
Prim's algorithm
P35.Topological ordering
- 找出拓扑排序、并且解释为什么不能有环、彼此是彼此的依赖结点
- A topological ordering of a DAG is an ordering of vertices such that if there is an edge(u, v) between u and v, then u comes before v in the ordering.
- 求各个点的入度
- 将入度为0加入列表(顺序)
- 循环1.2,直到求完所有点