


What is the code of professional ethic for tourism industry?

1:爱岗敬业devotion to the profession



4:服务游客willing to serve the tourist

5: 奉献社会willing to serve the community.


What is the content of professional ethics for the tourism industry?

It consist 3areas.

1: 马克思主义“三观”,世界观,人生观,价值观:Marxist outlook on the world, life ,and values.

2:社会主义“三德”:社会公德,家庭美德,职业道德socialist citizenship, family virtues, professional ethics.

3:“三意识”:政治意识,敬业意识,服务意识:political awareness, professional and service consciousness.

5: 导游的行为规范有哪些?

What are the codes of conduct for tour guide?

1:忠于祖国,内外有别:loyal to the country and sensitive in handling the foreign affairs.

2:遵守法律: obey the laws .

3:遵纪守法: follow the rules and regulations, contact with the superior in the first time if some problems has happen.

4:自尊,自爱:main the personal and national dignity.

5:注意工作和生活的小节: be careful in the treatment details.


What are principles of collaboration for tour guide when leading a group?

1:主动争取各方的配合: try to get the cooperation from all the parties.

2: 尊重各方的权限跟利益:respect the others rights and benefits.

3:建立相互之间友情关系if it is available, make a friendships with the others .

4:彼此尊重、分担责任:respect each other and share the responsibilities.

8: 地陪上团前如何做好语言跟知识的准备?

What preparations should a guide do in respect to language and knowledge before conducting a group?

1:熟悉要参观的游览项目: familiar with the explanatory materials on the place that the groups is going to visit.

2,有专业要求的团队,做好相关专业知识的准备:if it is a special groups ,make a professional knowledge and vocabulary of the specialty.

3:就当前热门话题,国内外重大新闻、游客可能感兴趣的话题做准备:make a well preparation about the hot topics, the important news at home and abroad and the subjects that the tourist may be interested in.



What should be included in the general introduction of his city?

1:气候、人口、行政划分、社会生活、历史沿革、文化传统等等:Such as the city's climates, population, administrative division, social life, history and cultural traditions.

2:适时分发导游图:give out the maps and seek a good occasion to introduce the history of the city.

3:对沿途景点,重点建筑物做一个简单的介绍:make a simple introduction about the important architecture and building along the way .


What should be included in a welcome speech?

1:代表旅行社欢迎各位的到来stand the travel agency to welcome the tourist.

2:介绍自己及所属单位introduce yourself and the company you are work in.

3:介绍司机introduce the driver.

4:表达提供服务的诚挚愿望expressed you are willing to supply a good service.

5:简要介绍当地的行程安排briefly introduce the schedule.

6:祝愿大家有一个好的旅程wish the tourists enjoy a good trips.


What should a tour guide do when his group checking at a hotel?

1:协助游客办理入住(跟前台打交道)help the tourists to check in with the contact for front count。

2:简单介绍酒店的设备设施make a simple introduction about the Hotel public facilities, such as where is the swimming pool 。

3:宣布当日或次日的行程安排tell the tourist the schedule about the next days.

4:照顾行李进房间help the tourist luggage to come to the room.

5:查房,询问是否需要帮助heck rooms to found out if there something problems that need help.

6:交代用餐地点tell the groups the time and place for their first meal here.

7:确定第二天叫早时间make the next day morning call for the tourist.



taking the group to their first meal?

1:提前在跟餐厅取得联系I will contract with the restaurant manager to check over the meal menu again.

2:before we arrived restaurant ,the way of the meal, the time and the place in advance and some regulations of the restaurant. for example, if they want to have an extra order ,they have to paid by themselves.

3:after we arrived here ,introduce the leader to the manage,and tell them the groups special requirement.

15:how should a local guide decide on the next days morning call?

1:he should check with the leader and national guide about next days mornings call time.and ask them to tell the groups about it.

2:the local should ask the reception or the telephone operator about it。

16:when he is taking his group to a tourist resort?如何做好途中讲解!

1:tell the tourist the sight-seeing program of the day ,including how long it will take get to the destination ,how lengthy we will stay at the resort,and what time do we meet and come back

2:make a general introduction of the place that the tourist are going to visit.

3:if there is a long ride,the local can organize some games for the tourist to keep them entertained.

4:make a landscapes introduction along the way.

17:remind the tourist to do when they are going to leave the bus for sightseeing?离开车前的注意事项?

1: tell the tourist to remember the model,color,number of the bus。and where the bus will parked and what time they will leave for the next destination.

2:show the tourists the sightseeing route, the time and the place we will meet before the group leave ,so that the tourist can join the group even when they lost in the sightseeing process.

3:tell the tourist the dos and don'tS during the sightseeing,always be a carefully about the safety 。

18:sightseeing precautions should tell the tourist before they begin the tour?

1:is the environmental precautions,such as no smoking ,no littering,no picking the flowers.

2:is the safety precautions,such as no pushing in a crowed ,don't standing up when the performance is holding.

3:is the special rules of particular spot ,like no photographing ,no touching .

19:coming to an end and on the way back to the hotel?

1:reviews the sightseeing programs of the day ,answer the tourist questions and make a more detailed introduction if the tourist is need .

2:if the bus came back to the hotel in another way ,he should tell the important sight they pass by .

3:show the tourist about the next days programs and the time and the place they will be meet .

4:ask the tourist to take belongs with them before get off the bus。

5:fist to get off the bus and assist them to Get off the bus if it is need ,finally say goodbye to the tourist.

20:proposed to make a minor change or add new item to the sightseeing?

1:should report to the ground operator ,if there is no extra charge and the time is available ,and got a permission from the ground operator ,the local guide can arrange it for the tourist .

2:if it add an extra charge ,he should inform the tourist in advance ,and collect the money accordingly.3:if the demand is really hard to meet,he should make a clear explanation to the tourist and follow the original program.

22:prevent the tourist from getting lost?

1:local guide should stay with the tourist all the time and keep an eye on them.

2:get across some special surroundings,such as the toilet,the local guide should make more attention to the tourist ,work with the national and frequently count heads.

23:do with the luggage when the group is leaving the hotel ?

1:contact with the luggage man of the hotel.

2:after collecting all tourists luggage,check the number luggages with the tour leader and the luggage man.

3:carefully check the packing conditions ,to make sure if there some luggage didn't locked of packed well.

4:finally,fill out the luggage consignment cards and keep it.

24:a farewell speech include?

1:review the trip of the group and thank for their cooperation

.2:express his reluctance and sadly to part with them.

3:ask the suggestions and opinions from the tourist.

4:make apologies to the tourist if the things on the does not goes well.

5:have a good wishes to the tourist.

25:local guide leave when seeing off an outbound tour groups or domestic group?

1:if it is a domestic group ,the local guide didn't leave until the plane,train,or ship leaves.

2:if it a outbound tour group the local guide can leave after the group check in and go through the customs and security inspection.

27:shop-related services?购物服务?

1:during one day ,don't arranged too many shop trips,take the tourist to the designated shops and never force the tourist to by anything.

2:tell the tourist about local specialties and show them how to distinguish the true and the false.

3:help with translation and consignment procedures when necessary.

4:have a responsibility to warm the tourist if they come across a stand shops force them to by anything.

5:help to reflect to the manager if tourists' interest was defend.

29:deal with the travel certificates of the tourist?旅游证的证件。

1:normally,the local should keep the travel certificate of the tourist.if he really need to use them ,return them to the tourist as soon as possible after he has finishes us ring them.

2,before the groups leaves,the local guide should check over his belongings to make sure there are no tourist certificates.and if it has,return them to the tourist .

3:remind the tourist to have the passports and declaration form with them ,so that they can entrance the customs examination.

30:how long before departure time must the tourist arrived at the airport or train?

1:if it is a tour group,and for a international flight ,arrived here two hours before the departure time.and one and a half hour for domestic flight and one hour for a train.

2:if it is a individual tourists,for a international flight ,two hours before the departure time.one hour for a domestic flight and 40 minutes for a train.

31:national guide responsibilities after the group arrived at a hotel?

1:help the local guide with the check in procedures.

2:ask the tour leader to assign the rooms and keep a list of the name and room numbers of the group.and exchanged the room numbers with the tour lead so that can reach each other in the case of need.

3:show the tourist the way to their rooms.

4:if the local didn't stay in the hotel for the night ,the national guide have a responsibility to take good care of the tourist .

5:the national guide should have the number of hotel's reception and local guide's emergency contact information.

32:liaison work of a national guide?

1:have a responsibility for liaison and coordination between the tour leader and local guide and between the tourist and local guide.

2:is supposed to communicate necessary information with the next destination,for example,the requirements of the tourist and confirmed the service is picked up of the the next destination.

34:the national guide of an inbound tour group do when the group is about to leave the country ?

1:remind the tourist to check over belongings,and make sure all the necessary certificates and belongings with them.

2:ask the tourist's suggestions and opinions on the tour .

3:make a farewell speech to thank for their cooperation and understanding,and expressing a wish for them .

35:local guide do when his group is leaving for the destination?

1:confirm with the local guide about the departure time and transport ticket for the next destination.

2:take over the transport tickets and luggage checks from the local guide,and keep them well.

3: help the local guide or tour leader with the necessary procedures.such us check in or check out .

36:what is the role of  a national guide

1:a national guide is work for the organizer.he accompanies with tour group throughout the tour .

2:to make sure all the sightseeing programs was carry out according to the contracts and run smoothly.

3:he coordinates with the tour leader ,the local guide and driver ,so they can work nicely together,

4:play an important role in evaluate the ground operator's services.

37:how should a local guide work with the bus driver?

i think weather a tour group can run smoothly,it can't leave the cooperation between the local guide and the bus driver,so we should try out best to assist the driver's work,respect the driver labor from the heart.but ,another hand ,we should have some requirements of the drivers work.

1:no drinking driving .

2:to catch the tourist on time .

3:to have a break every two hours throughout the long ride.

4:no driving over the speed,and compare with the other drivers in order to show his driving skills.

5:the bus equipment is well enough to use.

6:the bus is clean and tidy.

7:friendly to the tourists,reach the reasonably requirements ,such as to have a stopovers if the tourist wish to get off to enjoy the view.

8:never to stop the bus come across the strangers.

38:tourist's oral complaints?

1:no matter whether the complain is reasonable,listening to the tourist patiently and not trying to argue.

2:report to the ground operator immediately,and ask them to have a investigation.

3:once the complains was confirmed,the guide should make a apologies to the tourist.

4:after the complaints is handle,thank to the tourist's understanding and continue the trip.

39:how Can a tour deal with the dissatisfaction?

1:appease the tourist by upgrading the accommodation and meals or giving the gift.

2:explain the situation to the tourist and ask for an forgivenesses.or ask the ground operator to make a apologies to the tourist.

3:make the tourist pay more attention to something fun and enjoyable,so that they can forget the unhappy things.

40:what are the four principles of the language in interpretation?

1:the informations must be correct.

2:the language must be clear,well organized and full logical.

3:the language must be vivid and interesting.

4:face different audiences and occasions the language must be flexible.

42:what are the three common faults in the guiding practice that every guide should guard against?

1:have little enthusiasm to the job and ignoring the code of guiding practices.

2:giving wrong information for the tourist due to the poor knowledge.

3:failing to came down and lack the ability to solve the emergency problems.

43:independent tour different from a group ,concerning the way of buying and using tour services?购买跟消费形式,散客旅游跟团队旅游的区别?

1:there are differences in scheduling ,way of paying,price ,flexibility,and the numbers of tourist.

44:independent tour different from a group ,concerning the development and marketing of tourism products?旅游产品生产和销售上,散客旅游跟团队旅游的主要区别?

1:an independent tour most come in smaller but more frequent batches.

2:and it mostly order in a short time .

3:with more requirements from the tourist .

4:the tourism products are more flexible to change.

45:how do you explain the gentle language?

1:it means the language you are use must be gentleness,friendliness,and naturalness.

2:usually to talk in a negotiations and and peaceful voice ,avoid the a command and discontented voice.

3:of course,it doesn't means you need to accept the unreasonable requirements and to fawn on the tourists.

48:provide psychological services?心理服务的方法有哪些?

1:respect the tourist .


3:use the gentle language

4:establish a friendship with them .

5:provide reminder services.

6:provide personalized services.

49:what are the trends in guiding services?导游服务的发展趋势?

1:knowledge intensiveness ,culture is an important parts of tourism.and the tour guide have a responsible for the cultural transmission,so it is vital for tour guide to become more professional.

2:technology intensiveness.with the development of the digital,guiding services has been changed,such as the using of wireless.

3:diversified guiding methods.diversified tourism activities naturally require diversified guiding methods.

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