1. 过滤数据 ,使用specification-arg-resolver 条件查询
2. jpa 关键字
过滤数据 ,使用specification-arg-resolver 条件查询
jpa specification 数据过滤器:
public void addArgumentResolvers( MutableList<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver())
public Object findByName(
@Spec(path="registrationDate", params="registeredBefore", spec=DateBefore.class),
@Spec(path="lastName", spec=Like.class)}) Specification<Customer> customerSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customerSpec);
url:[GET http://myhost/customers?registeredBefore=2015-01-18&lastName=Simpson](GET http://myhost/customers?registeredBefore=2015-01-18&lastName=Simpson)
生成sql: select c from Customer c where c.registrationDate < :registeredBefore and c.lastName like '%Simpson%'
model 里面配置
@JoinColumn(name = "member_id", foreignKey = ForeignKey(name = "none", value = ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT))
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = Member::class)
@NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
val member: Member? = null,
关联表字段 在controller层过滤
@ApiOperation(value = "会员列表", response = MiningTeamVo::class, responseContainer = "List")
ApiImplicitParam(name = "name", value = "团队名称", paramType = "query", dataType = "string"),
ApiImplicitParam(name = "number", value = "团队编号", paramType = "query", dataType = "string"),
ApiImplicitParam(name = "usr", value = "用户名", paramType = "query", dataType = "string"),
ApiImplicitParam(name = "invitationCode", value = "邀请码", paramType = "query", dataType = "string"),
ApiImplicitParam(name = "startDate", value = "创建起始时间", paramType = "query", dataType = "long"),
ApiImplicitParam(name = "endDate", value = "创建截止时间", paramType = "query", dataType = "long")
fun page(
@Joins(fetch = [JoinFetch(paths = ["member"])])//关联表
Spec(path = "name", spec = Like::class),
Spec(path = "number", spec = Equal::class),
Spec(path = "invitationCode", spec = Like::class),
Spec(path = "createdAt", params = ["startDate"], spec = GreaterThanOrEqual::class),
Spec(path = "createdAt", params = ["endDate"], spec = LessThanOrEqual::class),
Spec(path = "member.usr", params = ["usr"], spec = Like::class)//查询关联表字段
private fun getMemberSpec(teamId: Long, nickName: String?): Specification<Member> {
return Specification.where { root, query, cb ->
val predicates = arrayListOf<Predicate>()
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nickName))
predicates.add(cb.like(root.get<Any>("nickName").`as`(String::class.java), "%" + nickName + "%"))
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get<Any>("teamId"), teamId))
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get<Any>("status"), 1))
query.where(* predicates.toTypedArray()).groupRestriction
poPage =miningTeamMemberRepository.findAll(getMiningTeamMemberSpec(it.get().teamId, nickName), pageable!!)
query.where(* predicates.toTypedArray()).groupRestriction
.groupRestriction-->Predicate getGroupRestriction() 使用and 合并回失败需要使用 .restriction-->Predicate getRestriction()
Spring Data Jpa 查询关键字
关键字 转载自
关键字 | 示例 | 同功能JPQL |
And |
findByLastnameAndFirstname |
where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2 |
Or |
findByLastnameOrFirstname |
where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2 |
Is,Equals |
findByFirstname,findByFirstnameIs,findByFirstnameEquals |
where x.firstname = 1? |
Between |
findByStartDateBetween |
where x.startDate between 1? and ?2 |
LessThan |
findByAgeLessThan |
where x.age < ?1 |
LessThanEqual |
findByAgeLessThanEqual |
where x.age <= ?1 |
GreaterThan |
findByAgeGreaterThan |
where x.age > ?1 |
GreaterThanEqual |
findByAgeGreaterThanEqual |
where x.age >= ?1 |
After |
findByStartDateAfter |
where x.startDate > ?1 |
Before |
findByStartDateBefore |
where x.startDate < ?1 |
IsNull |
findByAgeIsNull |
where x.age is null |
IsNotNull,NotNull |
findByAge(Is)NotNull |
where x.age not null |
Like |
findByFirstnameLike |
where x.firstname like ?1 |
NotLike |
findByFirstnameNotLike |
where x.firstname not like ?1 |
StartingWith |
findByFirstnameStartingWith |
where x.firstname like ?1 (参数前面加 %) |
EndingWith |
findByFirstnameEndingWith |
where x.firstname like ?1 (参数后面加 %) |
Containing |
findByFirstnameContaining |
where x.firstname like ?1 (参数两边加 %) |
OrderBy |
findByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc |
where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc |
Not |
findByLastnameNot |
where x.lastname <> ?1 |
In |
findByAgeIn(Collection<Age> ages) |
where x.age in ?1 |
NotIn |
findByAgeNotIn(Collection<Age> age) |
where x.age not in ?1 |
True |
findByActiveTrue() |
where x.active = true |
False |
findByActiveFalse() |
where x.active = false |
IgnoreCase |
findByFirstnameIgnoreCase |
where UPPER(x.firstame) = UPPER(?1) |