《Everything Will Flow 》是我很喜欢的一首歌,在此翻译一下,像山羊皮乐队致敬!
Watch the early morning sun 晨观初阳
Drip like blood from the day 泻若血光
See the crazy people run 反观众民
So many games to play 自由奔放
See the blue suburban dream 恍若世外
Under the jet plane sky 穹庐为窗
Sleep away and dream a dream 梦醒辗转
Life is just a lullaby 我生彷徨
Ahh, and everything will flow 万物皆逝 岂止你我
Ahh, you know everything will flow 万物皆逝 宛若流光
Watch the day begin again 日复一日
Whispering into the night 呢喃流淌
See the crazy people play 渺渺众生
Hurrying under the light 行色匆忙
A million cars, a million trains 车马如织
Under the jet plane sky 穹庐为窗
Nothing lost and nothing gained 勿患失得
Life is just a lullaby 生若儿郎
Ahh, and everything will flow 万物皆逝 岂止你我
Ahh, I said everything will flow 万物皆逝 岁岁苍苍
Ahh, you know everything will flow 万物皆逝 终于自然
Ahh... and everything will flow 万物皆逝 匆匆来往
Ahh... you know everything will flow 万物皆逝 宛若流光
The neon lights in the night tonight will say Everything will flow 万物皆逝 霓虹阑珊
The stars that shine in the open sky will say Everything will flow 万物皆逝 闪瞬星光
The lovers kissed with an openness will say Everything will flow 万物皆逝 佳人才子
The cars parked in the hypermarket know Everything will flow 万物皆逝 复返苍茫