Strings Management
// Set a label's text
label.text = "Population"
// Set a label's text to a localized string
label.text = NSLocalizedString("Population", comment: "Label preceding the population value")
// Load localized string from a specific tablelabel.text = NSLocalizedString("Population", tableName: nil, bundle: .main, value: "Localizable", comment: "Label preceding the population value") // Create a formatted string let format = NSLocalizedString("%d popular languages", comment: "Number of popular languages") label.text = String.localizedStringWithFormat(format, 2)
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .full
let str = formatter.string(from: Date())-
Localization Process
Stringsdict File
- Handling Plurals
- Adaptive Strings
- Localization Export and Import
- Other Resources