Preface to
《A general theory of sales, profits, and a new currency》
Lord. Hades <the U.S. >
I hold these truths to be self-evident: make the most of everything, make the most of capital, and do your part. But that is not the case. Machiavelli, a gifted politician, once said: if a person only knows what he should be and forgets what he really is, he is often very difficult to save himself and may even destroy himself. This is the kind of self-destructive silence of the soul that I believe in, but I think it's an unreasonably harsh reality, because under this law, things don't work, capital is wasted, and humans forget fiduciary duties and missions. The third revolution of science and technology has changed the world, but confused, also disrupted the market, the world needs to be a revolution of wisdom, rather than from economics itself to change model, because the model cannot be changed on the basis of the model, that is why the Nobel Prize awarded every year, around the market is still in the doldrums, the government also helpless, Taoist thought in ancient China "laissez-faire" becomes a kind of stability of comfort.
"The difficulty is not how to accept new ideas, but how to get rid of old ones." -- John Maynard Keynes
From classical economics to macroeconomics, is also the strength of the world economy from the Marine economy to activate the domestic demand of the process of market economy, but congenital insurmountable defects of market economy, spontaneity, blindness and hysteresis, high level requirements for the government macroeconomic regulation and control, my hopes on the party and the President of the United States, I saw every election candidates canvassing various speech, I felt like performance art, ritual feeling is very strong, but useless. The specific problem that the market is the mainest is not solved, macroscopical also can be grandiose only can be appreciable just. The theory of microeconomics so far hundreds of years, the so-called experts and works are countless, but... All the theories that never fall into place are novels. Novels can make people sad and happy or bring commercial value to the screen. The economics works that never fall into place can only scratch the surface. This is also the original intention of my design of Miracle Tool. I want to really show you a dance in the huge dance hall filled with many lame dancers. The first year of microeconomics is supposed to be 2019. How to solve the contradiction between sales, profits and the new monetary system by solving the problem of goods, capital and people is the very beautiful first dance of microeconomics that shocked the market.
This business after the system design, first get the perfect and often praised its closed loop is the great driving force for the world market, I saw the picture is many beneficiaries were leaving metempsychosis hell came to the humanitarian from the the six paths of Buddhism, and saw the wisest people didn’t succeed were morphing into the asura, with the belief of our country, is: into the narrow gate, for redemption. I began to suspect that such a design should not be my ability to reach, is the hand of god! So, in my awe, I added “God's” in front of the system. In April 2019, borned God's Miracle Tool (GMT) -- a gift to the world from a lonely believer .
从古典经济学到宏观经济学,也是整个世界的强势经济从海洋经济走向激活内需的市场经济的过程,但是市场经济先天的不可克服的缺陷:自发性、盲目性和滞后性,对政府宏观调控的水平要求极高,美国把希望寄托在党派和总统身上,每次大选我看见候选人各种演讲、拉票我就觉得像行为艺术一般,仪式感很强,但是,没用。市场最主要的具体问题不解决,宏观也只能是宏大得可观赏而已。微观经济学的理论到目前为止上百年的时间,所谓的专家和著作可谓不计其数,只是……一切不落地的理论,都是小说,小说还可以让人悲喜交加或者搬上荧幕产生商用价值,不落地的经济学著作只能是隔靴搔痒。这也是我设计Miracle Tool的初衷,我想在充斥众多跛脚舞者的巨大舞场里,真正的让大家看一场舞。微观经济学的元年,应该是2019。如何通过解决物、资本和人的问题,从而解决销售、利润和新型货币体系之间的矛盾,就是微观经济学震撼市场极其漂亮的第一支舞。
此商业系统设计完后,先得者时常赞叹其闭环之完美以及即将对世界市场产生的巨大驱动力,我看到的画面是众多受益者从佛教六道轮回地狱道中来到了人道,看到了大智慧却不得志者蜕变进入了阿修罗道,用我们国家的信仰来说,是:进窄门,得救赎。我开始怀疑,这样的设计不应该是我能力所及之,是上帝之手!所以,我敬畏的在此系统名字前面加上了God’s 。2019年4月,God’s Miracle Tool(GMT)—— 一个孤独的信徒,送给世界的礼物。!