EMPRESS'S FAVORITE 太后恩宠 | Chapter 19
2017年12月27日, 星期三
<1> The Sung dynasty was unusually fortunate in having a succession of good empresses. In the great Han and Tang dynasties, some wives of the emperors either usurped the throne and ruled through powerful eunuchs and relatives of their maiden families, or otherwise succeeded in bringing about the fall of the imperial house.
usually可以表示“经常”,unusually 则并非“不常”,而应为“异常”或者“非常”:
原文中的 unusually fortunate 是特别幸运、极为有幸的意思。
succession 是名词表示接连、连续,A succession of 表示一连串的(人或事),in succession 则意为接连地、连续地。
succession 含有词根 -cess,相当于 go,表示“行走,前进”,意思相近的词根还有 -ced, -ceed,-cede 等。如:
- succeed 成功,继续
- proceed 继续进行,前进
- recess 休息,隐居
- recession 撤退,交还
usurp the throne
Usurp pertains especially to the forcible seizure of kingly power. Leaders who usurp power don't ask for permission to take control of their country. They seize power, often with the help of a large army of followers. A usurper doesn't have to be human. A brand-new radio station can usurp the most popular station in town by playing a better mix of music.
- an upstart pretender trying to usurp the throne(一个试图篡夺王位的暴徒)
- The powers of local councils are being usurped by central government. 地方市政会的权力被中央政府攫取了。
- The Congress wants to reverse the reforms and usurp the power of the presidency. 议会企图颠覆改革,夺取总统权力。
imperial house
这里 imperial house 的 house,应该是 royal family or dynasty 的意思。
(不得不说,house 的意思还真多…)
<2> The wording of this decree required a great subtlety in the art of damning a man by left-handed compliment.
left-handed 在这里为“不诚恳的;暧昧的 Of doubtful sincerity; dubious”之意:
- left-handed flattery 虚情假意的溜须拍马
- a left-handed compliment 言不由衷的赞美
<3> Thereupon, he gathered up his gown and sat in an erect posture and looked as though he was ready to remain in this position until he gave up the ghost.
“Only at the fifth watch,” said the old man, “can one attend to one's own business. As soon as the sun rises, it is not possible to do it.”
give up the ghost
give up the ghost 是死亡的一种非正式说法,用在含有比喻或幽默意味的语境,还可以表示人放弃,撂挑子;机器报废,不再运转等:If someone gives up the ghost, they stop trying to do something because they no longer believe they can do it successfully. If a machine gives up the ghost, it stops working.
attend to
attend to one's business 表示处理事务,这个用法在上一章子由任监酒官时所言“事委于一”( I had to attend to everything myself.)也有出现。
链接:YEARS OF WANDERINGS 浪迹天涯 | Chapter 18
“Get up at the fifth watch.” “Only at the fifth watch can one attend to one's own business.” 本章穿插的这个小故事,死生之际,极为了然地传达了独处的意义和哲学。想到之前看李老鼠说车,调侃间说到男孩子拥有第一辆车的重大意义,下班回家进门前,有片刻时间可以躲开世界在自己的车里,什么也不想不去承担。