In the last years, the dynamic and evolving market in China is becoming more attractive. Moreover, young generations are changing the trends in the market, building also potential opportunities in the country. Online channels and retailers are an essential key of the business and that’s why Montes keeps developing and cooperating with them in the market.
Two years ago, we dipped into online channels in China together with Pinshanghui with the aim of promoting the importance of Chilean wines in Chinese market. Our team has a high ambition for the development of online business and we also trust on its influence in people as consumers are increasingly seeking for premium quality in products.
To reflect of our interest in offering exquisite tastes to all wine lovers, we were travelling together with our clients and importers from Pinshanghuiaround different cities in China.
第一站:深圳 / Shenzhen
5月25日,我们的出口经理Carlos Serrano先生,非常荣幸地在品尚汇平台介绍并推出了全新的蒙特系列葡萄酒和它们顶级系列——经过两年的成功合作,蒙特斯将推出一系列新的葡萄酒产品从而提高在酒类销售平台上产品多元性:
On May 25th our Export Manger, Mr. Carlos Serrano had the pleasure of introducing the new Montes Series and Icons in Pinshanghui platform.After two years of a successful cooperation, Montes will launch a new series of wines expanding the offer on the platform with:
Montes Angel’s Secret Chardonnay 2016
蒙特斯酿酒师精选梅洛红葡萄酒 2016
Montes Winemaker’s Choice Merlot 2016
蒙特斯限量系列马尔贝克红葡萄酒 2015
Montes Limited Collection Malbec 2015
蒙特斯天使秘密赤霞珠红葡萄酒 2015
Montes Angel’s Secret Cabernet Sauvignon 2015
During the new series release and the after wine dinner in Shenzhen Westin Hotel, clients were possitively impressed with the new tastes and notes of our stars.
第二站:北京 /Beijing
第二站我们来到了北京,6月2日,在新品发布会上,Aurelio Montes Junior先生非常高兴地向所有与会者介绍我们的经典、欧法和限量系列,并特别感谢了来自京东的客户和消费者。
在过去的2年中,我们的经典和欧法系列受到了京东客户广泛欢迎,而本次在北京举行的活动,这些客户更零距离体会和进一步探索到了我们著名的酿酒师Aurelio Jr.的所有的秘密和品味。
The next stop was Beijing where we had a wine release with our icons wines on June 2nd. Mr. Aurelio Montes Junior was delighted to present and introduce our Classic, Alpha and Limited series to all attendees,specially JD clients and consumers.
During the last 2 years, our Classic and Alpha Selection has been well received by JD clients and this gathering was the perfect occasion to enjoy and discover all secrets and tastes presented by our renowned winemaker, Aurelio Jr.
第三站:成都 /Chengdu
在上星期日,我们很高兴能与我们的进口商一起访问成都的1919酒类直供网办事处和旗舰店。在过去的几年里,成都这个人杰地灵的地区正变得越来越重要,在此地包容的文化中,葡萄酒行业也变得越来越收到青睐。与品尚汇和1919的代表一起,我们的团队很高兴地出席了在成都香格里拉大酒店举行的新闻发布会,来自不同行业的10多家媒体出席了本次会议,随之而来的,我们还举行了一场由Aurelio Montes Jr.先生主持的,令人惊叹的美酒盛宴。
Last Sunday, we were happy to visit 1919 offices in Chengdu and flagship store with our importers. The region has become more and more important during the last years, and so for wine industry. Together with Pinshanghui and 1919 representatives, our team was glad to attend the press release held in the Shangri’la Hotel Chengdu where more than 10 medias from different sectors were in attendance followed by an amazing wine pairing dinner headed by Mr. Aurelio Montes Jr.
From Montes team, we want to thank our friends from Pinshanghui, JD and 1919 for their great support and collaboration during these years, we believe we will keep offering premium and the best in quality in each of our bottles!