You cannot beat the low energy state without resting and replenishing yourself. No amount of pumping caffeine into your system will work. It might keep you awake and alert for a short while, but you won’t be able to work at your optimum capacity for long.
When you’re feeling low on energy, it’s best to hit the pause button and give yourself a quick break.
The best way to feel instantly refreshed is by taking a power nap. As the name suggests, it’s a brief period of sleep that can help revitalize you. It usually lasts 10–30 minutes and has many benefits, including making you feel active and improving your focus and short-term memory.
You might not always have the luxury of lying on a bed. And that’s understandable. However, there’s still a considerable scope to provide yourself with the requisite nap.
Use whatever is available and make yourself comfortable using a recliner, sofa, couch, pull-back office chair, or employing the good ol’ technique of sitting in the chair and lying head down on the table. Make sure you’re in a calm and noise-free environment to make the most of your nap time.
Most times, it’s not the duration of the nap per se but the fact that you took a break that can make a huge difference. Naps as short as 20 minutes of eyes shut time can help you relax, recharge, and bounce back with vigor and greater alertness.