释义:To make it possible for someone to do something, or for something to happen.
例句:'One Word A Day' enables English learners to take a fresh look at the words that are overlooked.
『“enable”是及物动词,从词形可以看得出它由“en”和“able”两部分组成,意思是“让/使某人做某事,使......成为可能”。它经常可以用来替换同义词 let 和 allow,在口语和写作中都可以使用。』
例① 苹果的 AppleCare+ 服务可以让用户延长硬件保修时长
AppleCare+ enables Apple customers to extend the one-year hardware repair coverage to up to two years.
例② 微信朋友圈让用户能够轻松分享自己的想法和生活
WeChat Moments, a popular WeChat feature, enables users to share with their friends what they are up to and what is on their mind.(注意:“WeChat Moments”是“微信朋友圈”的英文名称,是专有名词,表示一个功能,所以谓语动词用了单三。)
例③ 《经济学人》是这样解释社交网络是怎样帮助广告商做精准投放的:
Social networks like Facebook and Twitter track people’s movements around the web and enable advertisers to reach users via tailored advertisements.
1. 翻译:雅思考试可以让考生知道他们的英语水平如何。
IELTS testing enables examinees to have a clear idea of their English level.
(参考翻译:IELTS enables examinees to get a sense of how proficient their English is. 或者:IELTS enables examinees/candidates to measure their English proficiency.
2. 造句练习:
场景: 智能时代使生活更加方便快捷,通过智能手机,足不出户就能买到我们需要的东西。
造句: The Era of Artificial Intelligence brings more convenience to our life, for instance, smart phones enable us to buy the things we need without leaving home.