A common species within the rainforest of Tasmania, the sassafras is able to reproduce vegetatively by growing stem suckers from the base of the trunk after the main trunk has died.
The leaves of the Sassafras tree are lance-shaped with a saw tooth edge and a strong scent. Its beautiful aroma gives the rainforest it occupies a distinctive appeal. Juvenile leaves are dark green with a white underside, that turn yellow as they age.
It has separate male and female flowers. Some species bear both male and female flowers on the same trees while others on separate ones. Each flower is surrounded by a pair of bracts that appear in winter. The female flower is contained within a cup-shaped receptacle. The fruit is a drupe, blue-black when ripe.
It is a commercial timber often used for quality furniture. The black stain often seen in its heartwood is caused by a bacterial infection. Blackheart is highly prized for decorative work.