空窗 如何利用这段时间提高自己的异性吸引力如何满足我们的渴望对于任何一段关系来说,非常重要的方面是我们和自己的关系,我们一定会有一个没有伴侣的空窗期,这就是一个很好的时间去了解自己,可以开始成为自己的好朋友,也需要一个成为自己所是的样子的方式。我们的教育告诉,如果我们有自己的需求以及渴望,我们要去到外在的世界去寻找,但是我们可以拥有的最大的转化是,在我们的关系以及自己的生命中,将这个渴望的方向转回来,回到那个非常深层的内在空间。我们可以管这个叫做本质,你有一个内在的本质。当你可以和这个内在的本质连接时,你就真的可以连接到宇宙般的爱,以及宇宙般的友谊,我们对此可能没有任何想法,因为也从来没有学习过。但是在那之前,我们先来看一下友谊,友谊也是非常重要的,拥有友谊还有群体的沟通能让我们不会孤独。我们需要有其他好友,我们需要有一些自己喜欢做的事情,比如是舞蹈或者瑜伽,冥想,音乐,或一些有创造性的整改,比如画画,唱歌跳舞。当女性能量和男性能量相遇时所带来的伟大的关系,就是我们所谓的阴阳。如果我们没有在自己的男性和女性能量中的话,我们都是中性的,那么在能量层面很深层的边境就不会发生。
冥想后Today’s technique is about balancing and merging our inner male and female energies. We have both polarities in us, because we are born from a man and a woman. But usually these inner polarities are unbalanced in us. One part is in fact often repressed or denied, or at least ignored. And this is the source of many of our inner conflicts – our inner male side has one idea and our inner female side has a contrary idea. Maybe the feminine in us wants to be sensitive or emotional and the masculine wants to be tough and not show any vulnerability. Maybe one side wants to dominate the other, or one side wants to possess the other. Maybe one side has to be always right and can’t allow any doubt or hesitation, or any possibility of another viewpoint. Maybe one side wants to be practical and the other side a little frivolous. As we start to acknowledge and become aware of these often contradictory inner aspects of ourselves, and to see their conflicts, we often find that they reflect our outer conflicts – with other people (especially in our relationships) or in dealing with situations. This is often why it is difficult to make up our minds about something, and why we feel torn inside.One way to have more outer harmony is to start having more inner harmony. But these two parts of us, our male side and our female side, rarely meet, let alone know how to communicate with each other. This technique is a way to acknowledge that both parts are in us, both have their unique energies, and both compliment each other. In fact both are part of the one whole that we are, just two different sides. This is reflected in the Taoist symbol, where yin and yang, darkness and light, female and male, negative and positive, introvert and extrovert, death and life, moon and sun meet and merge to form one complete circle. A breathing technique to do in the mornings and evenings to Balance Inner Male and Female Energies.The technique we will practice today uses the image of the energy of the sun – golden, warm, strong, active - to represent the masculine energy, and the image of the energy of the moon – dark, cool, passive, receptive – to represent the feminine energy. This audio guides you into getting the knack of this technique. It is a little tricky in the beginning, as it seems to go against our idea of how the imagery should flow with our breathing. I suspect it may have been so designed for exactly that reason – so it doesn’t easily become automatic! The Practice It is best to practice the meditation as soon as you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed. And again in the evening before you go to sleep. You can also practice it many times during the day, particularly if you feel some kind of inner conflict or indecisiveness... And if you like this technique and want to use it to go really deep, then practice it for at least 20 minutes morning and evening for three weeks minimum.