English--Learn English with Funny Jokes(晨读)



1  I would appreciate it if you responded soon.  客套

She was lying about being sick yesterday. 谎称生病(句型:lie about doing sth)

2 jump: informal  to attack someone suddenly

3 fool around on his wife/ her husband 出轨, 不忠 cheat on sb

4 I was not going to let him get away with this.

5 file your taxes 报税

6 Do you have change for a hundred? 找零

7 Be off with you. = go away

8 I can't be telling you. / I cannot say./ I'll never tell./ I'm sorry, but I can't name her./ My lips are sealed./ Please Father, I cannot tell you. 拒绝告诉对方

9 pull the plug on sb/ sth 终止

10 This snowstorm is the least of your problems.

11 带孩子上班 We brought our daughters to work today.

12 housework-challenged 不擅长家务

13 Whatever it is you are bothering me with, it better be important. 除非有要紧事,否则别来烦我

14 I thought long and hard about my decision.

15 What can I get for a dollar? 一块钱能买点啥

Day 1

1 注重节奏和不熟悉的语调

1 听录音,找语调重点

2 stomach /i/

区别发音: bathe与 bath; breath与 breathe

3 way up there 强调

Someone might be way up there, looking what we do every day.

4 out of breath 上气不接下气

asked/æst/ 不读/k/  calmly 三声

Put your money where your mouth is. 别光说,付诸行动

1 well-built 身材匀称,健美的身材; well-proportioned 魔鬼身材 chubby, plump 丰满 slim苗条

2 slip out of it 很快地脱掉衣服,slip it off

3 屁股  粗俗ass, butt, 一般 bottom, rear, behind

1 head-on collision 2 rear-end collision

1 lie on one's stomach俯卧, lie on one's back,  front 仰卧,  lie on one's side 侧卧

2 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of breath from running 跑得喘不过气

3 太美了 It takes my breath away.   It's breath-taking.

动词breathe 发音

4 flustered 懵逼  embarassed

I’m always flustered at interview.

1 Not really. Not exactly. I'm afraid not. 委婉的反对

2 I very much like it.

I apprecaite it very much that .....

1 stiffen 呆若木鸡

2 你不能这么对我 You can't do this to me. 强调do

3 Assemblyman /mən/

4 插入语 replied the robber 放在句中,制造悬疑感

5 jump 打劫,突袭, 出其不意

1 jumper 英式 套头衫= sweater 美式

2 jumpy 坐立不安的

3 well-dressed 穿着时尚的 well-proportioned

时尚的 chic, stylish 讲究的

1 put your money where your mouth is 用行动说话

2 a money-back guarantee 退款保证

get my money back

3 物超所值 get your money's worth


1 sketchy 令人怀疑的

劝人从良  You don't wanna do this. 

1 can't eat all at once 听上去can't eat 像candy


1 stunningly 重音

2 sure enough 不用多说,轻松自然的感觉,升调

1 亲子鉴定 paternity test

2 有其父必有其子

bear, resemblance 长得像

性格像 Like father, like son.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

3 渣男 fool around on sb, two-timer 脚踏两条船,scumbag

1 怀的是男孩还是女孩 Do you know what you're having?

Day 2

1 asked /æst/; our读为 字母r

2 on all fours

3 A is the spitting image of sb 长得一模一样

4 金发blondie blonde,棕发brunette

one day 升调

comforted her for the whole day 阅读强调 whole

1 set the tone 定下基调


blonde: 胸大无脑的stereotype


1 哭的死去活来 cry your eyes out

I was so sad that I cried my eyes out.

真人秀 Too hard to handle

1 Misery loves company. 同病相怜

1 sheriff/ʃer.ɪf/ Paris, origin, Alice 的/i/ 口语中一般弱读为/ə/

2 southern drawl 南方口音, 拖长音

3 think to oneself 心里想,暗想

4 interview 弱读时不读/t/音 winter, printer, international,interview   nt连着出现时,t音可以不读

5 语调 金发美女升调太多,给人一种比较蠢的感觉;所以一般读法应该是降调为主

1 招聘 look for interns 招实习生

2 人手不足 understaffed 增添忍受 staff up

We're staffing up.

We are looking for more staff.

It's a shocker. 万万没想到 He never thought himself.

回答正确 Correct!   Bingo. There you go.

It's what I ordered to a T. 这正是我想要的=exactly

jackpot 大奖

正中要害 hit the nail on the head

差太多 off the mark

pizza parlour披萨店

court 球场 bowling alley 保龄球馆

rink 滑冰场 ski resort 滑雪场 run 滑雪跑道 dojo 道馆(柔道馆、空手道馆)

1 标点符号的笑话

2 hit and run 撞完就跑

3 Asian /ˈeɪ.ʒən/  origin /ˈɔːr.ə.dʒɪn/

4 《本事》hack your nature 顺势而为

5 restaurant通用, eatery 小馆子, diner小餐馆, deli 一半卖熟食,一半可以吃饭

6 你觉得熊猫大哥能逍遥法外吗?

Do you think Panda can get away with that?

7 fat chance=high impossible 不可能

above the law 不遵守法律


1 罗列事情 不一定全是升调

2 muster a smile 强颜欢笑

3 鼓起勇气 I muster up my courage to ask her out

I worked up my courage to hold up my hand, screw up my courage

1 usual

1 老样子The usual ? -Yeah, the usual.

美国酒 Budweiser百威, Heinecken, Corona

2 骂得狗血喷头 call sb every name in the book

call sb names 骂人

Nosy netizens start calling Papi names under the son. 天底下所有的坏话

under the sun 太阳底下 under the son 与 in the book 差不多

Day 3

1 order 两个卷舌音

2 hold each other accountable 对彼此负责

I don't bite. 别怕我啊

1 What for? 干啥用

1 Says who? 谁说的? Where to? 去哪儿? How so?怎么这样?

How else?另一种方法怎么说?

1 big mouth

无意说漏嘴 Let the cat out of the bag.

There's no room to swing a cat.  地方不大

1 Living will 重音在living

2 If that ever happens, just 小停顿 pull the plug, okay? 语调

3 像歌曲一样反复播放,洗脑然后才能说出来

1 He's a vegetable. 植物人 (不建议使用)

in a vegetative state 通用

1 终止某个项目 pull the plug on the project

2 plug 恰饭 动词和名词

脱衣服 undress

看完了整个人都不好了,挥之不去 You can't unsee it once you've seen it.

沉溺游泳无法自拔 Could you un-teach me how to swim.

分分合合 We broke up and un-broke up. /On and off, on and off.

Cases went unreported. 隐瞒不报

Your efforts wouldn't go unnoticed. 努力不会让人不注意到

Beer me. = Give me a beer.

Let's make/do a beer run.

Let's a make a supply run.   补给品 supply, essentials

1 English mania 英语狂热,maniac 疯子,沉迷于中无法自拔的人

2 diagnose动词 ,diagnosis 名词;重音在不同位置

3 minute 三声 a basketball coach

1 scream at the top of his lungs 喊破喉咙, no one is gonna come rescue you.

1 最后一段的念法

2 喝醉了 drunk, loaded, smashed

3 Got away with that one! 金蝉脱壳,安全了


Fire Chief:白帽子,双排扣,袖口条纹

Police Officer: 黑帽子,单排扣,袖口无条纹

1 pharmacy, drugstore 差不多的意思

1 precinct 警察局,派出所

2 美剧 Brooklyn 9-9

1 in the world= on earth 究竟

1 Adam ate the apple again 男人又上了当

2 demolish, wreck, total 车弄坏了

3 女人的表现:从傻大姐到精明女

1 If the car comes back in two pieces, you're good to go.

come back in one piece 完好无损

2 It's a sign of God.

It's divine intervention.

We're a match made in heaven. 我们是天造地设的一对

3 Do you drink? 喝不喝酒?

1 喝完了吗? Are you through?

2 取快递 get my parcel/ package, fetch, collect my parcel/ package

1 Nah. =No.

2 骗我一次是你坏,骗我两次是我傻 Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on you. (开玩笑用)

XX is cut. 身材好,腹肌分明

Day 4

1 美音 nodded, got up 读成/nɑːd/

1 you know 你懂的

2 mid-prayer= in the middle of praying

3 chapel, church

4 minute, daily 经常念成三声

5 No. I'm going to stay with the church. I believe God will save me. 练习发音

6 Arkansas /ˈɑːr.kən.sɑː/

1 No, I'm going to ... 其中no拖长音

1 What else could we have done?  弱读have/əv/

读音 1 Greenwich /ˌɡren.ɪtʃ ˈ/ 

2 San Jose /ˌsæn hoʊˈzeɪ/

3 Illinois /ˌɪl.ɪˈnɔɪ/

4 Yosemite /joʊˌsem.ə.t̬i /

5 Worcester / 'wʊs.tə /

1 mid= in the middle of

2 说教 preachy

1 Oh me and God? 口语化,接地气,街头风,年轻人的口吻

1 关系很铁 We are close/ tight.

2 体检 I'm gonna go to the doctor's to do a physcial.

Did you have a physical? 发生肉体关系

3 turn on sb

They started turning on me. 针对我,攻击我

turn sb on 让人产生性幻想,turn sb off 让人没有性幻想

Your tatoo is a turn-on. 让人产生好感

The smell is a definitely turn-off. 让人产生恶感

1 let the genie out of the bottle 覆水难收

1 老样子 same old thing

2  PMS = premenstrual Syndrome

1 发作 act up 

My PMS is acting up. 实用句型

1 真的不懂 I don't get it.

2 不能这么做 You can't do this to me. / How could she do this to me?

1 walk in on sb doing sth 走进屋里不小心撞见某人

Day 5

1 business /ˈbɪz.nəs/

2 I wired 其中d有口型无发音 my wife that I'd be back a day early.

3 PMS连读

1 talking dog 两个单词同样重读

2 one-size-fits-all 通用的,一刀切的

1 No matter+ what/who 不能单独使用

2 Sport 哥们,兄弟

3 talent scout 星探

1 高高在上 condescending,一脸懵逼 blank , stare 注视

2 下逐客令 show sb the door 把人撵出去

Let me show you to the door. 我送你出去

1 We have no one that we can go to when we have problems. 练习发音

2 we are all problems 原文漏了are

3 hear each other out 大家互相说说

hear me out 让我把话说完 = let me finish, don't interrupt me

4 tr, dr 朗读的时候发成两个音

1 out of breath from running 跑得上气不接下气, cheat sb out of one's money 骗钱

花言巧语骗我钱,色诱我 He sweet-talked me out of my money. / He charmed me out of my money.

2 大嘴巴 big mouth, run your mouth about me doing sth

1  seconds after he stepped into the laundry room 练习节奏

2 housework-challenged (politically correct 政治正确)家务废

academically-challenged 差生 directionally challenged 路痴 visually challenged 看不清,视力差

differently-abled 残疾人  lesser able-bodied  力量差一些

vertically challenged 矮

horizontally challenged 胖(开玩笑)

1 koala /koʊˈɑː.lə/ 考拉

2 Wing it.  informal  : to do or try to do something without much practice or preparation 上吧。没有任何准备就上。

1 Someone might say 语气上扬,三声

1 The penny drops. 真相大白,恍然大悟。 读音 dropped

2 minute 三声 explanation 语调上扬

3 wasn't 缩略语本身表示不重要,不会重读


1 模仿:给自己洗脑,听比说更重要

2 迁移:解决一个问题,就是解决一串问题

3 内容:关注看上去简单却用不出来的东西: 心想think to oneself, out of breath from running, 取快递collect, 关注细节cry your eyes out, 马上就能用的表达 me and God, we are tight.

4 委婉语/政治正确:Did you two get physical?

5 单词的七大姑八大姨;还能怎么说;查证与联想的习惯

Day 6

1 vertically challenged 矮个 horizontally challenged 胖, horizontally blessed 苗条

2 小盲注 small 大盲注 big

3 You've got a little something on your nose.

拍马屁的人,马屁精  brown-noser, apple polisher, boot licker, suckups, sycophant 

4 I can't put my finger on sth. 弄不清楚,太奇怪=  I don't have your number. 不知道你的底细

5 home depot /ˈdiː.poʊ/ 五金

6 Polish /ˈpoʊ.lɪʃ/ 区别 polish /ˈpɑː.lɪʃ/

7 Huh?    non-verbal expression

8 taco 美[ˈtɑːkoʊ]

1 Kosher 犹太人的食物处理 Kosher food 犹太食品

2 Korea  区别 career 卷舌音

Just because it's your birthday,(it)doesn't mean you can be an asshole. 句型, 只是因为不意味着

Just because I ask for Polish sausage, doesn't mean I have to be Polish.

1 golf 美[ɡɑːlf] prestigious /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/

2 BMW 重音在后面

3 运气不太好 I'm down on my luck.

1 Lucky you! 真心或酸的语气

2 真巧 As luck would have it, you are here. 原来你也在这里

真不巧 As luck would have it, I missed the flight.

1得寸进尺 push one's luck     Hey man, you are pushing your luck.

见好就收Don't push your luck.

2 福星高照 on one's side   Luck is on my luck. 幸运之神的眷顾

Advantage is on my side. 优势在我这边,对我有利

3 You're willing to do what it takes to get by.

I don't know if you have what it takes to become a teacher. 想做某事必须拥有的素质

Some people are willing to do what it takes to get by.

1 punchline 抖包袱

I would very much appreciate ...

Just pretty much leave me alone.

2 The journey of a thousand begins with a step. 千里之行始于足下

fan belt,leaky tire 破车

3 walk on water 在水上行走

You think you can walk on water? 你觉得你有神力吗?

1 Put yourself in somebody else's shoes and walk a mile. 设身处地,换位思考

2 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. 可能他什么都不愿意干,或者他发达了,享受生活


walk a mile in her shoes

1 put your foot in your mouth 说错话了 Did you say something awkward/ wrong?

A closed mouth gathers no foot. 怕说错话就别说话, 言多必失

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

A closed mouth don't get fed.  如果不张口说,就不会得到想要的东西

2 laxative 泻药

1 How is it that you know so much about baseball? 你怎么会了如指掌

How is it that you can get up at six?

2 IT 特指 What is it? 那个东西,一时想不请来怎么说

Don't tell you-know-who. 别跟她说

The movie is it. =very good 非常棒

I'm looking for it job. 特别好的工作

3 martial arts 连读: stereotype 刻板印象

1 kick my ass 踢我屁股,拉倒吧= Get out of here. Hey wake up.

2 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 /tʃəˈwɑː.wə/

3 别激动 tick sb off 生气了, work sb up激动,不一定生气

Day 7

1 and 弱读/n/ 连读 and if I, or if 连读,when he /i:/ 人称代词弱读

2 我的错误:连读got you , isn't a

1 语法 I wasn't feeling very well +ing 补充信息

I got up at six, listening to Eric's live.

2 停顿 给人带来悬念 Well, that's marriage for you. 结婚了还图啥

3 She barely said good morning. 强调

4 准备套话gambit:  That's the nicest thing I've heard all day.  

This is the best thing that ever happened to me.

5 反问疑问句的语调 You're Eric, aren't you? 结尾降调表示确定,升调表示不确定

6 生日快乐 Many happy returns.

7 dine: diner 美国餐馆 dine and dash 吃完就跑,wine and dine 款待

1 she came out carrying a huge birthday cake 重读huge

2 I'm going to step into the bedroom  其中step是关键词,其他部分轻读

1 naked, in your birthday suit

2 寿星 birthday boy/ girl

3 许愿 make a wish

1 学习词汇和语调

1 问句的语调 From which animal do we get catgut? 羊肠线

2 canary 美[kəˈneri] 金丝雀

3 弱读 gooseberry [ˈɡʊzbəri]

4 阅读时想象自己是智力问答节目的主持人

Now rememer, you need four correct answers to pass.

5 不要有省音的概念,听起来音被省读了,但是口型仍然需要做出来

6 Chinese 重读三声 Where are Chinese gooseberries from?

7 连读 we are, you are

弃牌 out                 You are out?

1 a middle-aged woman 连读

2 九死一生 I've had a near-death experience.     experience 美[ɪkˈspɪriəns] 死亡边缘

3 连读/j/ experience,science, appreciate

4 完了 This is it?

5 否定 No. Nah.

6 face lift拉皮 , liposuction美[ˈlɪpoʊsʌkʃn] 吸脂术, breat augmentation丰胸 , tummy tuck 整腹术

7 might as well 最好, 不妨,还是……为好

You might as well stay at home.

8 受不了了 I've had it up to here.

9  重音 30 to 40 years to live  当几个重音同时出现,出现次重音

10 I thought 三声,强调我以为 it was Friday.

I thought you said I had another 30 to 40 years?

11 Botox 肉毒杆菌 /ˈboʊ.t̬ɑːks/

Should I get Botox?

She's been Botoxed?

12 recognize 认出来,认可,嘉奖

怀才不遇 He thought his talent had not been recognized.

Day 8

1 发音细节:said /e/, bedroom/dr/

2 重读:音高、音长

3 her 弱读的时候 /ər/

4 口语: I would like to invite you for coffee or drinks on Friday afternoon/ evening if you're up for it? - I'm down. I'm quite flexible, time- and location-wise. So just let me know the time and place, and I'll be there. - Awesome! Will confirm time and place with you in a bit. 

1  口语 I wanna get to know you more.

2 I didn't know 三声about三声 a broken taillight ! 语调,对……不了解

I didn't know about ...

3 all the time 总是这样,天天这样,强调

I read English all the time. 

Does your husband talk to you this way all the time?

4 You never wear your seatbelt. 重音,语调

1 You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone. - I was doing only 65. 时速,驾驶 going, doing

2 citation 罚单=ticket

3 闭嘴 shut your mouth, shut up严厉, shut your face, zip it别说了

Can you keep your mouth shut?

Can you not talk for a second? 商量的语气

小点声 Can you keep it down?
4 出卖 rat out 露出马脚 giveaway

That's a dead giveaway. 显而易见

5 酒驾 DUI= driving under the influence (of drugs or alcohol).

1 Miami /maɪˈæm.i/

2 鼓起勇气 work up the courage, screw up the courage, muster up the courage, summon up the courage

3 蠢女人 bimbo(胸大无脑,很冒犯), broad(娘们,冒犯= son of a bitch)

4 I speak your language. 我理解你们的说话方式,我知道怎么跟他们交流

I speak blonde.  

5 inform sb of sth. , inform sb that

suggest doing sth, suggest that

6 大吵大闹 make a fuss, make a scene 出洋相

1 scream at the top of her lungs

2 新信息 、强调用升调,旧信息、不强调用降调

3 I have a gun, and I know how to use it !  我有枪,不乖乖就范我就开枪。

遇到骚扰, 再惹我就修理你 I have a boyfriend, and he is a boxer. 言外之意

1 他们吓得屁滚尿流 They didn't wait for a second threat.

Are you waiting for a second chance? 没有第二次机会了

2 I didn't pay you to think. 你不要浪费时间

1 I had to run like mad to catch the bus. After that I was so out of breath.

  1 sergeant /ˈsɑːr.dʒənt/

1 凑合吧 will do.

1 come across 无意间遇见,给人留下印象 strike sb as , come off as

Eric comes across as a serious man.

Eric comes across as confident.

Do I come across as a slut? 你觉得我很浪吗?

2  pull out the cork 拔出来,uncork a bottle

déjà vu 似曾相识

1 let the genie out of the bottle

2 This is what I ordered to a T.

I know exactly what I want. 这正是我想要的

Day 9

1 not worth the candle : not worth the necessary effort, cost, or trouble

The car is so old that replacing the engine is not worth the candle. 不上算,得不偿失

2 come off as: : to seem to be (a specified quality or character) 给人的印象是,看上去似乎是

He's really just shy, but he comes off as a little arrogant.

He came off as a stuffy old man.

1 male organ 委婉语 私处private parts

2 perish 凋零 委婉语 die

3 A trains hits a bus filled with Catholic school三声 girls

4 Have you ever had ... 句型,语调

5 racy 下流,没品 /ˈreɪ.si/

6 What seems to be the rush? 你急什么?

1 你快点 I don't have all night.

2 服务太差了 I didn't get the best service there.

3 不好相处 Eric is not the easiest person to get along with.  吐槽

1 scrotum 阴囊 美[ˈskroʊtəm]; sternum 胸骨 美[ˈstɜːrnəm]

2 pray 动词 prey 发音相同 prayer /prer/

3 podium 讲台,布道台

soapbox 肥皂盒,临时的演讲台

4 excruciating 痛不欲生 /ɪkˈskruː.ʃi.eɪ.t̬ɪŋ/

The doctors didn't know if they could help him.

很烦人 obnoxious   荒谬的 preposterous,可笑的 ridiculous

1 crash course 速成班

2 拼凑起来 piece together

piece together the evidence / clues

team up with sb

Eric teamed up with Justin to co-create the Phenomenal English.

3 graphic 过于真实

4 念错了单词 mix sth up

说错了词 butcher   Sorry, I butchered your name.

The wife butchered the word "sternum".

Did I butcher the word?

1 old /oʊld/ , 标题语调 getting 三声

2 put 放,说

Let me put it this way. 委婉语

How do you want me to put it? 你想让我怎么说

3生日相关: in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体 birthday boy, birthday cake, many happy returns

4 cake  相关

1 sell like hot cakes 热销

2 a piece of cake

3 the icing 糖霜on the cake 锦上添花

4 You can't have your cake and eat it (too). 鱼与熊掌不可兼得

1 down 一口闷 Down his shot in one gulp.

Down in one go. Down in one sitting. 一口闷

感情深,一口闷 If you think we are tight, please down it in one gulp.

It you treasure our relationship, please down it in one gulp.

Day 10

1 give the floor to sb.

2 fun前鼻音; open 读音听上去像/b/

3 没有晨读的时候,可以解决基本发音的问题。每天练习模仿一句话。

4 I don't know how .. 记住语调,前面语调平,how 重读

Start with why. 想象怎么去用这句话,如: 最有意思的是 The real fun didn't start until the penny dropped. 当真相水落石出的时候

5 It's so good I can't stop. It's like popping bubble wrap. 

Let's get to the beef. 干货

1 robot /ˈroʊ.bɑːt/

2 She's a dog. 丑女人 dog

bimbo胸大无脑,蠢, broad 侮辱女性

劣质产品 lemon, dog  Sth is a dog.

1 call sb a show-off 他说我太能装

turn-off 让人产生恶感

You're a show-off. 装逼 You're showing off.

2 只能怪自己。You only have yourself to blame.

3 为……而懊恼不已 I'm kicking myself. 责备自己,我真不该啊

1 金句 one-liner, one liner 幽默的 a very succinct joke or witticism

If I work hard at it. I'll be where I wanna be. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

2 a dime a dozen 白菜价

latte 美[ˈlɑːteɪ] 拿铁

3 raise your right foot 同意某事,抬起右脚不要加油

4 特别便宜

A mask used to be cheaper than bread, now it's more expensive than my dinner.


1 You're going nowhere. 没进步 You're going somewhere. 有进步 But it can only get you so far. 只能到这儿了

2 have been struggling to get used to .... ever since 时态,造句

3 not yet 连读

4 do, go 驾驶的速度 do his chores 做家务

5 cereal 美[ˈsɪriəl] 麦片

1 不太喜欢做家务 I'm not very domestic.

2 keep sb out of the loop, keep sb in the dark 不知道

3 I'm a homebody. 恋家的人

1 抢劫 mug, jump

2 I don't know. It all happened so fast.发抖并慢速读,模仿乌龟的语速

1 intrigued 比interested 更高一级;intriguing 比 interesting 更有趣

2 on earth, in the world 究竟


1 第一行重音在前,第二行重音较平均

1 名词 hotdog 重音在前   hot dog 重音较平均,意思不同于hotdog

生气 He is ticked off with me for some reason.

1 加音triangle, 美[ˈtraɪæŋɡl]  quiet

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