- monitorEvents($0,eventType),该API可监控$0元素上触发的eventType类型的事件
https://briangrinstead.com/blog/chrome-developer-tools-monitorevents/ - js错误捕获
- 同步代码运行时异常(非异步代码,无语法错误)
用try,catch包裹就完事了 - 异步代码(setTimeout等)和语法错误
window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error){
return true; //阻止异常继续向上抛
setTimeout(function(){ throw Error("oh no!") }, 0)
- promise产生的异常
在new promise时链式调用.catch就可以捕获到异常。或者用
window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", function(e){
// Event新增属性
// @prop {Promise} promise - 状态为rejected的Promise实例
// @prop {String|Object} reason - 异常信息或rejected的内容
// 会阻止异常继续抛出,不让Uncaught(in promise) Error产生
- 网络请求异常,如404等
window.addEventListener("error", function(e){
console.log('网络错误:'+e) // 回显false
}, true)
- vconsole
用法: 引入以下js文件即可
<script src='https://res.wx.qq.com/mmbizwap/zh_CN/htmledition/js/vconsole/3.0.0/vconsole.min.js'></src>
<script src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WechatFE/vConsole-sources/dev/dist/vconsole-sources.min.js'></src>
<script src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WechatFE/vConsole-elements/master/dist/vconsole-elements.min.js'></src>
1、npm install -g weinre
2、任意目录下执行:weinre --httpPort 8080 --boundHost -all-
<script src=""></script>
- Fiddle
1、 设置-无线局域网-HTTP代理(手动)-服务器(填写本机IP地址,比如10.2.136.85),端口8888
2、 在浏览器打开本机IP+端口,比如10.2.136.85:8888,此时会要求你安装证书,选择安装
3、 设置-通用-关于本机-证书信任设置-打开信任证书开关
4、 打开fidder,在手机上进入任何应用都会被记录
Fidder 的原理:
1、 线上代码映射到本地代码
bpafter https://ink-staging.sohusce.com/h5/info-detail/detail.html?message_id=9225
a--jump https://ink.sohu.com/h5/info-detail/detail.html?message_id=9225
HTTP/1.1 302 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2018 14:16:43 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Last-Modified: Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:43:15 GMT
Expires: Thu, 05 Apr 2018 14:16:43 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Content-Length: 1366
Location: https://ink.sohu.com/h5/info-detail/detail.html?message_id=9225
// 自定义fidder输出
* Fiddler CustomRules
* @Version 1.0.0
* @Author xxxily
* @home https://github.com/xxxily/Fiddler-plus
* @bugs https://github.com/xxxily/Fiddler-plus/issues
* 全局配置项
* 可配置链接类型的颜色,代理、替换地址等,
* 默认对象的键【key】为要匹配的规则,值【key】为匹配后的配置
var GLOBAL_SETTING:Object = {
// 开启或禁止缓存
// 过滤配置【用于过滤出哪些URL需要显示,哪些需要隐藏】
// 只显示URL包含以下字符的连接
// "fe.w.sohu.com",
// "fe.ink.sohu.com",
// "ink.sohu.com",
// "cdn.sohusce.com",
// "",
// "cdn.sohucs.com",
// "scdn.itc.cn",
// "cdn.mxpnl.com",
// "ink-test.sce.sohuno.com",
// "ink.sce.sohuno.com",
// "sns-dev.bjcnc.img.sohucs.com",
// "527920a520000.cdn.sohucs.com",
// "ink-public.bjcnc.img.sohucs.com",
// "ink-backflow.sce.sohuno.com"
// "baidu.com",
// "youdao.com"
// 隐藏URL包含以下字符串的连接 过滤
// 只显示以下文件类型【注意:是根据header的 Content-Type字段进行匹配的,所以js文件直接写js是不行的,但支持模糊匹配 】
// 附注:使用ContentType过滤的时候不一定准确,不带 ContentType的连接会被自动隐藏,该过滤选项的逻辑还有待优化和完善
// "image",
// "html",
// "javascript"
// 隐藏以下文件类型
// 替换URL【可用于多环境切换、解决跨域、快速调试线上脚本等】
// 界面显示配置【可以对不同链接进行颜色标识,以便快速定位相关链接】
// 默认文本颜色
// 默认背景颜色
// bgColor_02:"#4b4a4a",
// 链接返回报错时的颜色
// bgColor:"#2c2c2c",
color:"#FF0000" //错误红
// ,bold:"true"
// 不同关键词匹配对应的连接颜色,key 对应的是匹配的关键字,val对应的是匹配的颜色
"\\.jpg|\\.png|\\.gif":"#ffccff", //粉紫色
"\\.js":"#00ff00", //原谅色
"\\.css":"#ffcc66", //米黄
"\\.html":"#00d7ff", //蓝色
"\\.php":"#fff32d", //大黄
"\\.jsp":"#fd4107" //砖红
// 可以为特殊状态码设置不同颜色,方便快速定位一些错误链接,例如404等
// 注意:这个只是根据responseCode 来匹配的,一些不存在response的链接配置是无效的,例如 502,504状态,应该是在onError里配置的
"404|408|500|502|504":"#FF0000", //错误红
"304":"#5e5e5e" //浅灰色
// 高亮,对特殊的链接进行高亮设置,方便跟踪查看链接
// bgColor:"#2c2c2c", //浅黑
color:"#00ff00", //原谅色
bgColor:"#FF0000", //红色
color:"#fdf404", //黄色
// 一些实用工具集,先列个可能会开发的工具集,留个坑以后有时间再开发
// TODO API 测试工具
// TODO 重放攻击工具
// TODO js 格式化工具
// TODO css 格式化工具
// TODO 内容注入工具
// TODO 类似 weinre 这样的注入调试工具
// 多项分隔符号【同一个配置需匹配多项规则时可以通过分隔符进行区分,这样就不用每个规则都要新开一份配置那么繁琐】
// 正则匹配的修饰符:i,g,m 默认i,不区分大小写
//全局配置项 END
// 调试方法 BEGIN
if( !console ){
var console = {} ;
console.log = function (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) {
// 不支持 arguments ,尴尬!
var args = [arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6] ;
var argsLen = 0 ;
for( var i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++ ){
var arg = args[i] ;
if( typeof arg === "undefined"){
break ;
argsLen += 1 ;
var argType = typeof arg ;
if( argType === "string" || argType === "number" ){
FiddlerObject.log( arg );
}else if( argType === "boolean"){
FiddlerObject.log( "boolean:"+arg );
}else if( argType === "object" && arg.toString ){
FiddlerObject.log( arg.toString() );
}else {
try {
FiddlerObject.log( "尝试遍历输出:"+argType );
for( var str = "" in arg ){
FiddlerObject.log( str+":"+arg[str] );
}catch (ex){
FiddlerObject.log( "遍历输出失败:"+ex );
FiddlerObject.log( arg );
if(argsLen > 1){
FiddlerObject.log( "----------------------------------------------" );
if( !alert ){
var alert = FiddlerObject.alert ;
// 调试方法 END
import System;
import System.Windows.Forms;
import Fiddler;
// Well, hello there!
// Don't be scared! :-)
// This is the FiddlerScript Rules file, which creates some of the menu commands and
// other features of Fiddler. You can edit this file to modify or add new commands.
// The original version of this file is named SampleRules.js and it is in the
// \Program Files\Fiddler\ folder. When Fiddler first runs, it creates a copy named
// CustomRules.js inside your \Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts folder. If you make a
// mistake in editing this file, simply delete the CustomRules.js file and restart
// Fiddler. A fresh copy of the default rules will be created from the original
// sample rules file.
// The best way to edit this file is to install the FiddlerScript Editor, part of
// the free SyntaxEditing addons. Get it here: http://fiddler2.com/r/?SYNTAXVIEWINSTALL
// GLOBALIZATION NOTE: Save this file using UTF-8 Encoding.
// JScript.NET Reference
// http://fiddler2.com/r/?msdnjsnet
// FiddlerScript Reference
// http://fiddler2.com/r/?fiddlerscriptcookbook
class Handlers
// *****************
// This is the Handlers class. Pretty much everything you ever add to FiddlerScript
// belongs right inside here, or inside one of the already-existing functions below.
// *****************
// The following snippet demonstrates a custom-bound column for the Web Sessions list.
// See http://fiddler2.com/r/?fiddlercolumns for more info
public static BindUIColumn("Method", 60)
function FillMethodColumn(oS: Session): String {
return oS.RequestMethod;
// The following snippet demonstrates how to create a custom tab that shows simple text
public BindUITab("Flags")
static function FlagsReport(arrSess: Session[]):String {
var oSB: System.Text.StringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (var i:int = 0; i<arrSess.Length; i++)
oSB.AppendLine("SESSION FLAGS");
oSB.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\n", arrSess[i].id, arrSess[i].fullUrl);
for(var sFlag in arrSess[i].oFlags)
oSB.AppendFormat("\t{0}:\t\t{1}\n", sFlag.Key, sFlag.Value);
return oSB.ToString();
// You can create a custom menu like so:
QuickLinkItem("IE GeoLoc TestDrive", "http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/HTML5/Geolocation/Default.html")
QuickLinkItem("FiddlerCore", "http://fiddler2.com/fiddlercore")
public static function DoLinksMenu(sText: String, sAction: String)
public static RulesOption("Hide 304s")
var m_Hide304s: boolean = false;
// Cause Fiddler to override the Accept-Language header with one of the defined values
public static RulesOption("Request &Japanese Content")
var m_Japanese: boolean = false;
// Automatic Authentication
public static RulesOption("&Automatically Authenticate")
var m_AutoAuth: boolean = false;
// Cause Fiddler to override the User-Agent header with one of the defined values
// The page http://browserscope2.org/browse?category=selectors&ua=Mobile%20Safari is a good place to find updated versions of these
RulesString("&User-Agents", true)
RulesStringValue(0,"Netscape &3", "Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)")
RulesStringValue(1,"WinPhone8.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 520) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537")
RulesStringValue(2,"&Safari5 (Win7)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/533.21.1")
RulesStringValue(3,"Safari9 (Mac)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56")
RulesStringValue(4,"iPad", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12F5027d Safari/600.1.4")
RulesStringValue(5,"iPhone6", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12F70 Safari/600.1.4")
RulesStringValue(6,"IE &6 (XPSP2)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)")
RulesStringValue(7,"IE &7 (Vista)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1)")
RulesStringValue(8,"IE 8 (Win2k3 x64)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0)")
RulesStringValue(9,"IE &8 (Win7)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0)")
RulesStringValue(10,"IE 9 (Win7)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)")
RulesStringValue(11,"IE 10 (Win8)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)")
RulesStringValue(12,"IE 11 (Surface2)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko")
RulesStringValue(13,"IE 11 (Win8.1)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko")
RulesStringValue(14,"Edge (Win10)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.11082")
RulesStringValue(15,"&Opera", "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.17")
RulesStringValue(16,"&Firefox 3.6", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.7")
RulesStringValue(17,"&Firefox 43", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0")
RulesStringValue(18,"&Firefox Phone", "Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0")
RulesStringValue(19,"&Firefox (Mac)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0")
RulesStringValue(20,"Chrome (Win)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.48 Safari/537.36")
RulesStringValue(21,"Chrome (Android)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 5 Build/LMY48B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36")
RulesStringValue(22,"ChromeBook", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 6680.52.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.74 Safari/537.36")
RulesStringValue(23,"GoogleBot Crawler", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)")
RulesStringValue(24,"Kindle Fire (Silk)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us; Silk/ AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16 Silk-Accelerated=true")
RulesStringValue(25,"&Custom...", "%CUSTOM%")
public static var sUA: String = null;
// Cause Fiddler to delay HTTP traffic to simulate typical 56k modem conditions
public static RulesOption("Simulate &Modem Speeds", "Per&formance")
var m_SimulateModem: boolean = false;
// Removes HTTP-caching related headers and specifies "no-cache" on requests and responses
public static RulesOption("&Disable Caching", "Per&formance")
// 默认禁止缓存
var m_DisableCaching: boolean = false;
public static RulesOption("Cache Always &Fresh", "Per&formance")
var m_AlwaysFresh: boolean = false;
// Force a manual reload of the script file. Resets all
// RulesOption variables to their defaults.
public static ToolsAction("Reset Script")
function DoManualReload() {
public static ContextAction("Decode Selected Sessions")
function DoRemoveEncoding(oSessions: Session[]) {
for (var x:int = 0; x < oSessions.Length; x++){
// ------------ 通用公共方法 BEGIN ------------
* 准确地获取对象的具体类型 参见:https://www.talkingcoder.com/article/6333557442705696719
* @param obj { all } -必选 要判断的对象
* @returns {*} 返回判断的具体类型
public static function getType(obj){
if(obj == null){
return String(obj);
return typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function' ?
obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name && obj.constructor.name.toLowerCase() ||
typeof obj;
* 根据字符串创建一个正则表达式
* @param str (String) -必选 正则字符串
* @param attributes (String) -可选 匹配修饰符,i,g,m, 默认不添加任何修饰符
static function createPattern(str,attributes) {
try {
var att = attributes || GLOBAL_SETTING.regAttr || "" ;
return new RegExp( str,att ) ;
}catch (ex){
console.log( ex.toString() );
return false ;
* 判断某个字符串是否存在另外一个字符串里面,如果存在则进行相关回调操作,不存在则忽略
* @param s_str (String) -必选 源字符串
* @param m_str (String) -必选 需要匹配的字符串
* @param callback (Function) -必选 匹配成功的回调操作,回调中返回匹配到的字符串、源字符串、需匹配的字符串
* @param splitStr (String) -可选 多项分隔符,默认为:,
* @param attributes (String) -可选 匹配修饰符,i,g,m, 默认不添加任何修饰符
public static function matchPlus( s_str,m_str,callback,splitStr,attributes ){
if( !s_str || !m_str || typeof callback !== "function"){
return false ;
var spStr = splitStr || GLOBAL_SETTING.splitStr || ",",
att = attributes || "",
regArr = m_str.split( spStr ),
len = regArr.length,
i = 0,
canBreak = false ;
for( i ; i < len ; i++ ){
var regStr = regArr[i] ;
// var patt = new RegExp(regStr,att);
var patt = createPattern( regStr,attributes );
if( !patt ){
canBreak = callback(null);
}else if( patt.test( s_str ) ){
canBreak = callback(regStr);
}else {
continue ;
if( canBreak === true ){
break ;
* 根据配置项 匹配 oSession里面的url对象,进行相关处理,注意:为了方便查看,配置项使用"|"进行多项分隔,所以如果写复杂的正则也包含|时会存在匹配冲突
* 故有特殊需要的可以改变下面代码中的分隔符,使其能进行更复杂的正则匹配(配置项注意使用跟如下一致的分隔符)
* @param str (String) -必选 要进行匹配判断的字符串(例如url)
* @param settingItem (Object|Array) -必选 GLOBAL_SETTING 下的某个配置项,可以是对象,也可以是数组
* @param callback (Function) -必选 如果存在跟配置项匹配的选项则进行相关回调处理
* @param errorMsg (String) -可选 出错时提示信息,方便快速定位问题
public static function settingMatch ( str,settingItem,callback,errorMsg ) {
var settingItemType = getType(settingItem) ;
if( !str || !settingItem || (settingItemType === "array" && settingItem.length === 0 ) ){
return -1 ;
var canBreak = false; // 是否可以终止循环,停掉没必要的循环,减少资源消耗
var errorMsg = errorMsg||"url匹配时出现错误,请检查您的配置" ;
// 为了节省代码类型为object 和 array的其实可以合并一起处理,这里为了区分对待,暂时不打算合并
if( settingItemType === "object" ){
// 对象类的配置是包含匹配项和下级配置项的,所以要进行特殊处理
for( var itemKw = "" in settingItem ){
matchPlus( str,itemKw,function ( matchStr ) {
if( !matchStr ){
console.log( str,errorMsg );
}else {
canBreak = callback( settingItem[itemKw],matchStr );
return canBreak ;
if( canBreak === true ){
break ;
}else if( settingItemType === "array" ){
// 数组类的配置项其实和字符串类的配置项一样,只是为了进行多项配置时查看更方便
var tmLen = settingItem.length ;
for( var i = 0 ; i < tmLen ; i++ ){
matchPlus( str,settingItem[i],function ( matchStr ) {
if( !matchStr ){
console.log( str,errorMsg );
}else {
canBreak = callback( settingItem[i],matchStr );
return canBreak ;
if( canBreak === true ){
break ;
}else if( settingItemType === "string" ){
// 字符串类的配置,只关注是否匹配成功,不存在下级配置项
matchPlus( str,settingItem,function ( matchStr ) {
if( !matchStr ){
console.log( str,errorMsg );
}else {
canBreak = callback( settingItem,matchStr );
return canBreak ;
}else {
return false ;
* 所有参数和settingMatch一致,唯一区别是,在不匹配时进行回调,回调里不带任何参数
public static function settingUnMatch ( str,settingItem,callback,errorMsg ) {
var isMatch = false ;
var result = settingMatch(str,settingItem,function( conf,matchStr ){
isMatch = true ;
return true ;
if( !isMatch && result !== -1 ){
// 用于背景做交替显示的记号
public static var showLinkCount = 0;
* 隐藏连接,为了确保程序没错误隐藏连接,固写成统一的方法,方便快速调试
* @param oSession (Session) -必选,Session 对象
public static function hideLink ( oSession ) {
// console.log("以下连接已被隐藏:",oSession.fullUrl);
showLinkCount -= 1 ;
oSession["ui-hide"] = "true" ;
* 设置 Session 的界面呈现
* @param oSession (Session) -必选,Session 对象
* @param conf (Object) -可选,要设置 Session 呈现的界面配置,形如:{bgColor:"#2c2c2c",color:"#FF0000",bold:true}
public static function setSessionDisplay ( oSession,conf ) {
conf.bgColor ? oSession["ui-backcolor"] = conf.bgColor : "" ;
conf.color ? oSession["ui-color"] = conf.color : "" ;
conf.bold ? oSession["ui-bold"]= "true" : "" ;
// ------------ 通用公共方法 END ------------
// 参考文档 http://docs.telerik.com/fiddler/KnowledgeBase/FiddlerScript/ModifyRequestOrResponse
static function OnBeforeRequest(oSession: Session) {
showLinkCount += 1 ;
// 过滤出需要显示或隐藏的连接 BEGIN
var showLinks = GLOBAL_SETTING.Filter.showLinks,
hideLinks = GLOBAL_SETTING.Filter.hideLinks;
// 过滤出要显示的连接,把不在显示列表里的连接隐藏掉
hideLink( oSession );
// 过滤出要隐藏的连接,把在隐藏列表里的连接隐藏掉
settingMatch(oSession.fullUrl,hideLinks,function( conf,matchStr ){
hideLink( oSession );
return true ;
// 过滤出需要显示或隐藏的连接 END
// 配色 BEGIN
// 默认背景【存在 bgColor_02 时进行交替显示】 注:因为http请求的无序特性,所以不能确保百分百准确交替,待深入优化
if( GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.bgColor_02 && (showLinkCount%2 === 0) ){
oSession["ui-backcolor"] = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.bgColor_02 ;
}else {
oSession["ui-backcolor"] = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.bgColor || "#2c2c2c" ;
// 默认文本颜色
oSession["ui-color"] = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.color ;
// 根据关键词设置连接渲染的颜色
settingMatch(oSession.fullUrl,GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.linkColor,function( conf,matchStr ){
conf ? oSession["ui-color"] = conf : "" ;
// 高亮特殊连接
settingMatch(oSession.fullUrl,GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.highlight,function( conf,matchStr ){
setSessionDisplay( oSession,conf );
// 配色 END
// 接管替换URL BEGIN
// 简单替换
settingMatch(oSession.fullUrl,GLOBAL_SETTING.replace,function( conf,matchStr ){
// System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(oSession.fullUrl, "https://" );
oSession.fullUrl = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(oSession.fullUrl, matchStr , conf);
// 高级替换
var replacePlus = GLOBAL_SETTING.replacePlus ;
if( replacePlus && replacePlus.length > 0 ){
var rpLen = replacePlus.length ;
for( var i = 0 ; i < rpLen ; i++ ){
var rpSettingItem = replacePlus[i] ;
if( rpSettingItem.enabled === true && rpSettingItem.replaceWith ){
settingMatch(oSession.fullUrl,rpSettingItem.source,function( conf,matchStr ){
var newUrl = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(oSession.fullUrl, matchStr , rpSettingItem.replaceWith) ;
if( rpSettingItem.urlContain || rpSettingItem.urlUnContain ){
// 进行二级匹配
settingMatch( oSession.fullUrl,rpSettingItem.urlContain,function( matchStr02 ){
oSession.fullUrl = newUrl ;
setSessionDisplay( oSession,rpSettingItem );
settingUnMatch( oSession.fullUrl,rpSettingItem.urlUnContain,function( matchStr02 ){
oSession.fullUrl = newUrl ;
setSessionDisplay( oSession,rpSettingItem );
}else {
oSession.fullUrl = newUrl ;
setSessionDisplay( oSession,rpSettingItem );
// 接管替换URL END
// Sample Rule: Color ASPX requests in RED
// if (oSession.uriContains(".aspx")) { oSession["ui-color"] = "red"; }
// Sample Rule: Flag POSTs to fiddler2.com in italics
// if (oSession.HostnameIs("www.fiddler2.com") && oSession.HTTPMethodIs("POST")) { oSession["ui-italic"] = "yup"; }
// Sample Rule: Break requests for URLs containing "/sandbox/"
// if (oSession.uriContains("/sandbox/")) {
// oSession.oFlags["x-breakrequest"] = "yup"; // Existence of the x-breakrequest flag creates a breakpoint; the "yup" value is unimportant.
// }
// 通过QuickExec 输入字符串来筛选出要高亮的url
if( (null != filter_and_highlight_url) && oSession.uriContains( filter_and_highlight_url ) ){
oSession["ui-color"] = "#FF0000" ;
if ((null != gs_ReplaceToken) && (oSession.fullUrl.indexOf(gs_ReplaceToken)>-1)) { // Case sensitive
oSession.fullUrl = oSession.fullUrl.Replace(gs_ReplaceToken, gs_ReplaceTokenWith);
if ((null != gs_OverridenHost) && (oSession.host.toLowerCase() == gs_OverridenHost)) {
oSession["x-overridehost"] = gs_OverrideHostWith;
if ((null!=bpRequestURI) && oSession.uriContains(bpRequestURI)) {
if ((null!=bpMethod) && (oSession.HTTPMethodIs(bpMethod))) {
if ((null!=uiBoldURI) && oSession.uriContains(uiBoldURI)) {
if (m_SimulateModem) {
// Delay sends by 300ms per KB uploaded.
oSession["request-trickle-delay"] = "300";
// Delay receives by 150ms per KB downloaded.
oSession["response-trickle-delay"] = "150";
if (m_DisableCaching || GLOBAL_SETTING.disableCaching) {
oSession.oRequest["Pragma"] = "no-cache";
// User-Agent Overrides
if (null != sUA) {
oSession.oRequest["User-Agent"] = sUA;
if (m_Japanese) {
oSession.oRequest["Accept-Language"] = "ja";
if (m_AutoAuth) {
// Automatically respond to any authentication challenges using the
// current Fiddler user's credentials. You can change (default)
// to a domain\\username:password string if preferred.
// WARNING: This setting poses a security risk if remote
// connections are permitted!
oSession["X-AutoAuth"] = "(default)";
if (m_AlwaysFresh && (oSession.oRequest.headers.Exists("If-Modified-Since") || oSession.oRequest.headers.Exists("If-None-Match")))
oSession.responseCode = 304;
oSession["ui-backcolor"] = "Lavender";
//OnBeforeRequest END
// This function is called immediately after a set of request headers has
// been read from the client. This is typically too early to do much useful
// work, since the body hasn't yet been read, but sometimes it may be useful.
// For instance, see
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/fiddler/archive/2011/11/05/http-expect-continue-delays-transmitting-post-bodies-by-up-to-350-milliseconds.aspx
// for one useful thing you can do with this handler.
// Note: oSession.requestBodyBytes is not available within this function!
static function OnPeekAtRequestHeaders(oSession: Session) {
var sProc = ("" + oSession["x-ProcessInfo"]).ToLower();
if (!sProc.StartsWith("mylowercaseappname")) oSession["ui-hide"] = "NotMyApp";
// If a given session has response streaming enabled, then the OnBeforeResponse function
// is actually called AFTER the response was returned to the client.
// In contrast, this OnPeekAtResponseHeaders function is called before the response headers are
// sent to the client (and before the body is read from the server). Hence this is an opportune time
// to disable streaming (oSession.bBufferResponse = true) if there is something in the response headers
// which suggests that tampering with the response body is necessary.
// Note: oSession.responseBodyBytes is not available within this function!
static function OnPeekAtResponseHeaders(oSession: Session) {
//FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("Session {0}: Response header peek shows status is {1}", oSession.id, oSession.responseCode);
if (m_DisableCaching || GLOBAL_SETTING.disableCaching) {
oSession.oResponse["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";
if ((bpStatus>0) && (oSession.responseCode == bpStatus)) {
oSession.bBufferResponse = true;
if ((null!=bpResponseURI) && oSession.uriContains(bpResponseURI)) {
oSession.bBufferResponse = true;
static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) {
// 过滤出需要显示或隐藏的连接 BEGIN
var contentType = oSession.oResponse["Content-Type"],
showContentType = GLOBAL_SETTING.Filter.showContentType,
hideContentType = GLOBAL_SETTING.Filter.hideContentType;
//开启了 ContentType 过滤的时候, 把不带 Content-Type 全部过滤掉
if( !contentType && showContentType.length > 0 ){
console.log("隐藏不带 ContentType 的连接");
hideLink( oSession );
// 过滤出要显示的连接,把不在显示列表里的连接隐藏掉
hideLink( oSession );
// 过滤出要隐藏的连接,把在隐藏列表里的连接隐藏掉
settingMatch(contentType,hideContentType,function( conf,matchStr ){
hideLink( oSession );
return true ;
// 过滤出需要显示或隐藏的连接 END
// 根据不同状态码设置链接颜色
var statusCode = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.statusCode ;
settingMatch(oSession.responseCode,statusCode,function( conf,matchStr ){
oSession["ui-color"] = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.color ;
conf ? oSession["ui-color"] = conf : "" ;
return true ;
if (m_Hide304s && oSession.responseCode == 304) {
oSession["ui-hide"] = "true";
//OnBeforeResponse END
// 请求完成时的回调
static function OnDone(oSession: Session) {
* 链接返回出错时的回调方法
static function OnReturningError(oSession: Session) {
// 出错时的颜色配置
var onErrorConf = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.onError ;
!onErrorConf.bgColor ? onErrorConf.bgColor = GLOBAL_SETTING.UI.bgColor : "" ;
setSessionDisplay( oSession,onErrorConf );
// This function executes just before Fiddler returns an error that it has
// itself generated (e.g. "DNS Lookup failure") to the client application.
// These responses will not run through the OnBeforeResponse function above.
static function OnReturningError(oSession: Session) {
// This function executes after Fiddler finishes processing a Session, regardless
// of whether it succeeded or failed. Note that this typically runs AFTER the last
// update of the Web Sessions UI listitem, so you must manually refresh the Session's
// UI if you intend to change it.
static function OnDone(oSession: Session) {
static function OnBoot() {
MessageBox.Show("Fiddler has finished booting");
static function OnBeforeShutdown(): Boolean {
// Return false to cancel shutdown.
return ((0 == FiddlerApplication.UI.lvSessions.TotalItemCount()) ||
(DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Allow Fiddler to exit?", "Go Bye-bye?",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)));
static function OnShutdown() {
MessageBox.Show("Fiddler has shutdown");
static function OnAttach() {
MessageBox.Show("Fiddler is now the system proxy");
static function OnDetach() {
MessageBox.Show("Fiddler is no longer the system proxy");
// The Main() function runs everytime your FiddlerScript compiles
static function Main() {
var today: Date = new Date();
FiddlerObject.StatusText = " CustomRules.js was loaded at: " + today;
// Uncomment to add a "Server" column containing the response "Server" header, if present
// UI.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn("Server", 50, "@response.server");
// Uncomment to add a global hotkey (Win+G) that invokes the ExecAction method below...
// UI.RegisterCustomHotkey(HotkeyModifiers.Windows, Keys.G, "screenshot");
// These static variables are used for simple breakpointing & other QuickExec rules
public static var bpRequestURI:String = null;
public static var bpResponseURI:String = null;
public static var bpMethod: String = null;
static var bpStatus:int = -1;
static var uiBoldURI: String = null;
static var gs_ReplaceToken: String = null;
static var gs_ReplaceTokenWith: String = null;
static var gs_OverridenHost: String = null;
static var gs_OverrideHostWith: String = null;
static var filter_and_highlight_url: String = null; //根据匹配的字符来高亮筛选出的url
// The OnExecAction function is called by either the QuickExec box in the Fiddler window,
// or by the ExecAction.exe command line utility.
static function OnExecAction(sParams: String[]): Boolean {
FiddlerObject.StatusText = "ExecAction: " + sParams[0];
var sAction = sParams[0].toLowerCase();
switch (sAction) {
case "bold":
if (sParams.Length<2) {uiBoldURI=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Bolding cleared"; return false;}
uiBoldURI = sParams[1]; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Bolding requests for " + uiBoldURI;
return true;
case "bp":
FiddlerObject.alert("bpu = breakpoint request for uri\nbpm = breakpoint request method\nbps=breakpoint response status\nbpafter = breakpoint response for URI");
return true;
case "bps":
if (sParams.Length<2) {bpStatus=-1; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Response Status breakpoint cleared"; return false;}
bpStatus = parseInt(sParams[1]); FiddlerObject.StatusText="Response status breakpoint for " + sParams[1];
return true;
case "bpv":
case "bpm":
if (sParams.Length<2) {bpMethod=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Request Method breakpoint cleared"; return false;}
bpMethod = sParams[1].toUpperCase(); FiddlerObject.StatusText="Request Method breakpoint for " + bpMethod;
return true;
case "bpu":
if (sParams.Length<2) {bpRequestURI=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="RequestURI breakpoint cleared"; return false;}
bpRequestURI = sParams[1];
FiddlerObject.StatusText="RequestURI breakpoint for "+sParams[1];
return true;
case "bpa":
case "bpafter":
if (sParams.Length<2) {bpResponseURI=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="ResponseURI breakpoint cleared"; return false;}
bpResponseURI = sParams[1];
FiddlerObject.StatusText="ResponseURI breakpoint for "+sParams[1];
return true;
case "overridehost":
if (sParams.Length<3) {gs_OverridenHost=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Host Override cleared"; return false;}
gs_OverridenHost = sParams[1].toLowerCase();
gs_OverrideHostWith = sParams[2];
FiddlerObject.StatusText="Connecting to [" + gs_OverrideHostWith + "] for requests to [" + gs_OverridenHost + "]";
return true;
case "urlreplace":
if (sParams.Length<3) {gs_ReplaceToken=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="URL Replacement cleared"; return false;}
gs_ReplaceToken = sParams[1];
gs_ReplaceTokenWith = sParams[2].Replace(" ", "%20"); // Simple helper
FiddlerObject.StatusText="Replacing [" + gs_ReplaceToken + "] in URIs with [" + gs_ReplaceTokenWith + "]";
return true;
case "allbut":
case "keeponly":
if (sParams.Length<2) { FiddlerObject.StatusText="Please specify Content-Type to retain during wipe."; return false;}
UI.actSelectSessionsWithResponseHeaderValue("Content-Type", sParams[1]);
FiddlerObject.StatusText="Removed all but Content-Type: " + sParams[1];
return true;
case "stop":
return true;
case "start":
return true;
case "cls":
case "clear":
return true;
case "g":
case "go":
return true;
case "goto":
if (sParams.Length != 2) return false;
Utilities.LaunchHyperlink("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&q=" + Utilities.UrlEncode(sParams[1]));
return true;
case "help":
return true;
case "hide":
return true;
case "log":
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString((sParams.Length<2) ? "User couldn't think of anything to say..." : sParams[1]);
return true;
case "nuke":
return true;
case "screenshot":
return true;
case "show":
return true;
case "tail":
if (sParams.Length<2) { FiddlerObject.StatusText="Please specify # of sessions to trim the session list to."; return false;}
return true;
case "quit":
return true;
case "dump":
UI.actSaveSessionsToZip(CONFIG.GetPath("Captures") + "dump.saz");
FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Dumped all sessions to " + CONFIG.GetPath("Captures") + "dump.saz";
return true;
if (sAction.StartsWith("http") || sAction.StartsWith("www.")) {
return true;
}else if( sParams[0] === "*" ){
filter_and_highlight_url = null ;
filter_and_highlight_url = sParams[0] ;
FiddlerObject.StatusText="将为你高亮包含【" + filter_and_highlight_url + "】的url";
// FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Requested ExecAction: '" + sAction + "' not found. Type HELP to learn more.";
return true;
- eruda 和console差不多
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/eruda"></script>
- spy-debugger
npm install spy-debugger -g
// 2、启动
spy-debugger -b false
// 3、设置手机的HTTP代理
- Android设置代理步骤:设置 - WLAN - 长按选中网络 - 修改网络 - 高级 - 代理设置 - 手动
- iOS设置代理步骤:设置 - 无线局域网 - 选中网络 - HTTP代理手动
// 4、手机安装证书
// 5、开启证书信任(略)
// 6、手机访问想调试的页面即可
- 不能和vconsole混用(vconsole会触发意外bug)
- 启动方式:spy-debugger -b false // false代表抓http和https;true只抓https
- 注意项目初始化代码位置,有时初始化代码是放在ios或安卓相关函数的回调里的,在PC端模拟器没有这个环境,也就不能初始化代码。如果遇到这种情况,只需将初始化代码拿出来,确保得到调用;
- 注意请求所需header,有的接口需要通过客户端传header或设备相关信息才能拿到数据,若要在pc端看,需要伪造header,这个可以通过用fidder抓包得到。
- 并不是所有情况都能用PC模拟,如手机端键盘弹起,PC无能为力