1. Key concepts:
co-text: other parts of the same text, the rest of the text, surrounding text.
context: written or spoken, by particular people in particular situations and for particular purposes.
Pragmatics: the study of language in its contexts of use - and how these contexts impact on the way we produce and interpret texts. (The study of how we 'read between the lines' of texts)
Pragmatic meaning VS. semantic (literal) meaning
(the pragmatic meaning of an utterance or text is context sensitive, being variable.) VS. (the semantic meaning is more fixed.)
Without contextual information, a text is open to a variety of interpretations.
Without context knowledge, the meaning of a text is difficult, if not impossible, to unpack.
*整体而言text和context关系较清晰,因为有一种文化下的共同知识 shared culture. *
2. context, text type, text三者关系
- Text中的语言选择(grammar&vocab)反应出了它的text type. (A-B)
- Text type也反应出context,如文本的field, tenor, mode. (B-C)
3. text function 功能
function: 一种contextual factor, 决定text语言选择。language is doing some job in some context.
macro functions: (分类方式多样)
- referring -- using language to convey or solicit information.
- expressing feelings -- e.g. say what you like or dislike.
- regulating -- using language to influence people and get things done, such as requesting, ordering, giving or refusing permissions, promising, warning, etc.
- interacting -- using language to establish and maintain social relations.
- playing -- using language imaginatively and playfully.
(Of all the language functions, the regulatory one is the most sensitive. Risk of threaten other's face. Face-saving strategies. Indirect. )
4. text register 语域
field, tenor, mode三个contextual variables共同决定文本register,进而决定language choice, e.g. grammar & vocab
field: the what of the situation (kind of social activity, topic)
tenor: the who of the situation (participants and their relationship)
mode: the how of the situation (the means that the text is being created, e.g. email, face-to-face talk, broadcast talk, written monologue, etc)
5. genre
Genre: through repeated use, certain institutionalized register combinations become institutionalized and are called genres. (frequently occurring, culturally-embedded, social process which involve language)
genre analysis不需要太细,关键要能帮助学习者production.
Text type VS. Genre
Genre更多用于文学,不只描述文本结构generic structure, 还以social和cultural角度解释explanatory.
When using texts in the classroom:
- situation the text firmly in its context before learners read or listen to it
- ask learners to guess the context after an initial exposure
读几行或略读,听几句,回答who wrote the text, what about, to whom and why? 【register: field, tenor, mode】【activate learners' schema】,然后问:what do you think is going to happen? 【predict】
schema:mental representations of how things happen, specifically where language is involved.
PPT展示阅读文本,一次放一句,不断放,一边猜和讨论。【交替gradual disclosure of a text & discussion】
Genre-based approach
先分析代表性text type例子,再让学习者Production(写或说)
genre analysis:
- macrostructures: how it is organized into obligatory and optional elements; how are they ordered.
- the texture: the way that the text is made cohesive by the use of linking devices.
- lower-level language features that leads to the register of text, e.g. field, tenor and mode.