part one vacabularies
1, pull an all-nighter 通宵熬夜
这个短语一般用在年轻人的口语中, 经常是指考试之前的熬通宵地死记硬背. 也可指工作时为了某个大项目的会议或者展示通宵地工作.
原文: Students cram their heads with facts and formulas, pull all-nighters, and push themselves to study hard enough to make up for ten weeks of dorm parties and Frisbee golf.
2, abduction /əbˈdʌkʃən, æb-/ 绑架
masochism /ˈmæsəkɪzəm/ 受虐狂
原文: His work has even touched on satanic ritual abuse, sexual masochism, and UFO abductions—topics that would scare away most researchers.
3, drain /ˈdreın/ V-ERG 及物/不及物动词 (使)(精力)耗尽
If energy drains or is drained from you, you lose all energy and become very tired.
原文: The muscle model of willpower predicts that self-control drains throughout the day.
4, deplete /dɪˈpliːt/ VERB 动词(大量)减少,消耗
To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it.
原文: A concentration task didn't just lead to worse attention over time; it depleted physical strength.
5, nondominant hand 非惯用手 (有人用左手也有人用右手所以用这个表示不经常使用的那只手哇聪明)
原文: Strengthen I Won't Power: Commit to not swearing (or refraining from any habit of speech), not crossing your legs when you sit, or using your nondominant hand for a daily task like eating or opening doors.
part two sentences
1, where there's a want, there's a will. --有志者事竟成.
2, Strengthen I Will Power: Commit to doing something every day (not something you already do) just for the practice of building a habit and not making excuses. It could be calling your mother, meditating for five minutes, or finding one thing in your house that needs to be thrown out or recycled.
3, Sometimes our strongest motivation is not what we think it is, or think it should be. If you're trying to change a behavior to please someone else or be the right kind of person, see if there is another 'want' that holds more power for you.找到最能说服你的动力很重要
4, It's not just a matter of caring; change requires doing. 改变是需要行动的.
5, Self-control is like a muscle. It gets tired from use, but regular exercise makes it stronger.自控就像肌肉一样,有规律的习惯可以使其强大。
part three summary
看完chapter three,今天只有一个想法,就想做一个简单的决定:
我给自己设置的目标任务不大,关键是想看在这简单的任务量下我的三分钟热度能坚持多久,是否能在睡觉前看几页书形成一个好的习惯。书上说,Self-control is like a muscle. It gets tired from use, but regular exercise makes it stronger.愿我坚持久一点形成一个好习惯。