- Similar to GUN make, you specify target in terms of a persodu rule at the top.
- Input & output files can contain multiple named wildcards.
- DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
- Of course, the input file might have to be generated by another rule with different
Multiple wildcards in one filename can cause ambiguity. - Note that shell commands in Snakemake use the bash shell in strict mode by default.
Includes:include: "path/to/other/snakefile"
Another Snakefile with all its rules can be included into the current:
Sub-Workflows:In addition to including rules of another workflow, Snakemake allows to depend on the output of other workflows as sub-workflows
subworkflow otherworkflow:
rule a:
output: ...
shell: ...
- Cluster:
- --cluster, -c:
- Execution:
--dryrun,-n:Do not execute anything, and display what would be done.
--dryrun --quiet :Just print a summary of the DAG of jobs. -
--forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]], -R[TARGET [TARGET ...]]
Force the re-execution or creation of the given rules or files. - --keep-going, -k:Go on with independent jobs if a job fails.
--dryrun,-n:Do not execute anything, and display what would be done.
- Utilities
--rulegraph:print the dependency graph of rules in the dot language ; each rule is displayed once ;
common smk command + --rulegraph |dot -Tpng/-Tpdf > output.file
notice:the Building DAG of jobs... line should be deleted to make sure flow chart generated correctly;there is also a functionally similar argument called --dag,which could generate DAG for each sample,it's redundancy in common application scenario to my mind. -
--list, -l/--list-target-rules, --lt :print the dependency graph of rules in the dot language.
Show available rules/ available target rules in given Snakefile.
Working with given config info. - --unlock :Remove a lock on the working directory.[default:false]
--delete-all-output/--delete-temp-output :
Remove all/all temporary files generated by the workflow.
Use together with --dryrun to list files without actually deleting anything.
not recurse into subworkflows ;Write-protected files are not removed.
--rulegraph:print the dependency graph of rules in the dot language ; each rule is displayed once ;
- Output
- --quiet, -q: Do not output any progress or rule information.
- --printshellcmds, -p :Print out the shell commands that will be executed.[default:false]
- Behavior:
- --latency-wait, --output-wait, -w :wait seconds for these files to be present before executing the workflow. This option is used internally to handle filesystem latency in cluster environments. [Default:5s]
- --restart-times :Number of times to restart failing jobs [defaults:0].
- run: a rule can run some python code instead of a shell command
- Protected and Temporary Files
#A protected file will be write-protected after the rule that
#produces it is completed against accidental deletion or overwriting.
#An output file marked as temp is deleted
#after all rules that use it as an input are completed:
- Ignoring timestamps
For determining whether output files have to be re-created, Snakemake checks whether the file modification date (i.e. the timestamp) of any input file of the same job is newer than the timestamp of the output file.
rule NAME:
#marking an input file as ancient to assume it's older than output file
- Flag files
rule mytask:
#touches (i.e. creates or updates) the file mytask.done after mycommand has finished successfully.
output: touch("mytask.done")
- Log-Files
log: "logs/abc.{dataset}.log"
Multiple log files supported:log: log1="logs/abc.log", log2="logs/xyz.log"
Can be used as input for other rules/are not deleted upon error.
You may always use 2> {log} to redirect standard output to a file (here, the log file) in Linux-based systems. - Dynamic Files
rule cluster:
input: "afile.csv"
output: dynamic("{clusterid}.cluster.csv")
run: ...
#The number of output files is unknown before the rule was excuted.
#Snakemake determines the input files for the rule all after the rule cluster was executed,
#and then dynamically inserts jobs of the rule plot into the DAG to create the desired plots.
rule all:
input: dynamic("{clusterid}.cluster.plot.pdf")
rule plot:
input: "{clusterid}.cluster.csv"
output: "{clusterid}.cluster.plot.pdf"
Useless INFO
- The name of a rule is optional and can be left out, creating an anonymous rule. = =