Panda Transfer Falls Victim to Fallout Over Missing Plane
fall victim to:成为...的牺牲品
fallout:核辐射 radioactive fallout;余波 any adverse and unwanted secondary effect,unpleasant consequences
China is not shy about using “panda diplomacy”as a tool of soft power.It has a long tradition of bestowing nations with the bamboochomping mammals,most famously in the early 1970s,when Beijing sent two pandas to the National Zoo in Washington amid President Richard M.Nixon’s ground breaking diplomatic opening to China.
bestow: bestow something on someone means to give or present it to them 授予
bestow an honor on someone 或赠与礼物
chomp:the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws
I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette.
in the middle of or during something, especially something that causes excitement or fear
He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.
surrounded by something
The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.
ground breaking:破土 开拓性的 史无前例的
But panda diplomacy,it appears, cuts both ways.With tensions high between Malaysia and China over the search and investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight370,two pandas that were bound for a zoo near Kuala Lumpur this month won’t making the trip.
cuts both ways:两面性 双向的 有利有弊 依违两可(不太确定这个意思是否正确)
bound for:开往 奔向
The South China Morning Post report that the pandas,Feng Yi and Fu Wa,will remain in their Sichuan Province abode,at least for the near future.The Chinese Embassy in Kuala Lupur said the decision to postpone the transfer was made out of respect for the families of the passengers on the missing plane,which carried more than 150 Chinese citizens.
China Morning Post:《南华早报》
The Malaysia authorities have come under intense criticism from the passengers’ relatives and from the Chinese government,which faults Kuala Lupur for a lack of transparency and generally bungling its response to the disappearance of the plane.In recent days,though,officials involved in the search have expressed confidence that they are getting closer to finding the plane,making this a particularly sensitive time for the families.
乘客家属以及中方政府都对马来西亚当局进行了强烈批评,称其缺乏透明度并且指责其在飞机失踪时没有妥善响应。尽管近日以来负责搜寻工作的官员自信的声称他们已经快要找到失事飞机,让此时乘客家属的心又悬了起来。(particularly sensitive time for the families一句感觉翻译的不太好)
come under:遭受
fault:用作动词 指责挑剔毛病
bungle:If youbunglesomething, you fail to do it properly, because you make mistakes or are clumsy 此处可以翻译为“没有妥善处理”
China and Malaysia are close trading partners,and the gift of the two pandas was meant to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.They were to make their new home at Zoo Negara starting on April 16.But now it was not known when Feng Yi and FuWa might eventually make their journey south,or whether the delay portended their staying in Sichuan perhaps permanently.
portend:indicates that it is likely to happen in the future 预示 预兆
These words refer to places or buildings in which people live.
Habitation suggests permanency of occupancy and may apply to a building or to an inhabited place.
habitation作住宅、住所讲时,是个书面 用语,主要指人们安了家的住处,暗示居住的永久性。有时,它是相对于游牧民或吉卜赛人的流浪生活而言的。
He has no fixed~.他居无定 所。
On these vast plains there was not a single human~.在这些辽阔 的平原上,没有一户人家。
Shakespeare chose Verona for her~because of its agreeably sounding name。由于维罗纳这个地方的名字美,莎士比亚把它选为她居住的地方。
Dwelling typically refers to a building or shelter for a single family or individual,often as opposed to a building used in business.
He laboriously dug a cave for his~and built a garden in which he raised vegetables.
He had his~in the city.他的寓所在城里。
Abode may apply to a building,but more often it designates a place as a seat or center of occupancy.Distinctively,abode may stress transience.
abode是个文学用词,比较高雅,常用作比喻。它可用于建筑 物,但更多地指住处,居住中心。与其他词不同的是,强调居住地方的暂时性,如旅馆、营帐、海滨小屋等。
There is the view that other planets may be the~of life.有人认为其他星球可能有生命。
He is a pedlar of no fixed~.他是一个没有固定住处的小贩。
The traveller reached the night~in time.旅行者及时到达宿营地。
Residence in reference to a building may be somewhat formal and convey a suggestion of dignity and substance.But it also may refer to an area or place where one lives and in such use carries specific legal implications.
residence是一个正式用词,暗示住处富丽堂皇,常译作官邸、公馆。它可用来区别一个人的办公地方,也可指某人居住的地区,如住在某 城市或某个省、州在这种情况下,它具有特定的法律含义,指户籍所在。
The mayor`~市长公馆/the ambassador`s~大使官邸/
The doctor has his office in the city,but his~is in the suburbs.这位医生的诊所在 城里,宅邸在郊区。
No one may vote in a given election in more than one place;and this place must be the voter`s legal~.在一次选举中,任何人只得在一个地方投票;而这个地方必须是投票人的法律居住地。
Domicile denotes a place of residence where one may or may not own property but where one is permanently established or intends to reside indefinitely.
domicile作为住房讲时没有什么特殊含义,一般只用于 法律意义,指某人主要的和永久的住处,亦称正式居住地。
Grandfather`s~was considered an architectural curiosity;it was an oversized log cabin.祖父在老家的住房被认为是一件建筑珍品;这是一 座超大型的木房子。
The~of a person is where he has his permanent home and principal establishment,to which,whenever he is absent,he intends to return.一个人的正式居住地是他长住的和家庭主要成员所 在的地方,无论何时离开,他总是打算回去的。
Home is used either of a structure or a place of residence or sometimes of origin,but it distinctively conveys the notion of one`s dwelling as the seat and centre of family life and the focus of domenstic affections.
home是本组最普通的用词,一般指家庭或家庭成员生活的处 所。在美国可单指住房或住宅。它还可引申指一个人出生的地方,即故 乡或祖国,常带有亲切的感情色彩。
Are you at~this evening?你今晚在 家吗?
He built a~in the new section of town.他在城市的新区造了一 幢住宅。
Some women can make a truer~or a shanty than others can of a mansion.有些妇女可以把棚屋拾掇得比公馆更象个家。
He had lived in New York for years but still thought of Georgia as his~.他在纽约居住多年,但依然认为佐治亚是他的故乡。
House applies to a building used or intended for use as a dwelling place and,especially as compared with home is a very general and neutral term.
house指房屋,即指用作或打算用作住处的建筑物。和home的 区别是,它是个普通的中性词,只表示有墙、门、窗、顶、供人居住或作其他 用途的建筑物这一房子的概念,不象home那样带有感情色彩。
He has one~in the town and another in the country.他在城里有一幢房子,在 乡下也有一幢。
A landlord`s~may become the home of a tenant.房东的房子可以成为房客的家。
Who keeps~for you when you are away at work.你上班时谁给你看家?