1. 商城坚守品牌正品,杜绝“假、二、水”,全力打造让客户满意的网上商城;
2. 商家企业资质要求: 公司注册资金50万及50万以上人民币;公司企业凭证。
3. 京东平台使用费用是6000 保障金看你做哪个行业 从1万到10万不等。
1. 如商标处于“注册申请受理”状态(即“TM”商标),注册申请时间须满六个月;
2. 开店公司注册资本不得低于50万元人民币。
(B2B or, in some countries, BtoB) refers to a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when:
A business is sourcing materials for their production process (e.g. a food manufacturer purchasing salt).
A business needs the services of another for operational reasons (e.g. a food manufacturer employing an accountancy firm to audit their finances).
A business re-sells goods and services produced by others (e.g. a retailer buying the end product from the food manufacturer).
B2B is often contrasted with business-to-consumer (B2C). In B2B commerce, it is often the case that the parties to the relationship have comparable negotiating power, and even when they do not, each party typically involves professional staff and legal counsel in the negotiation of terms, whereas B2C is shaped to a far greater degree by economic implications of information asymmetry. However, within a B2B context, large companies may have many commercial, resource and information advantages over smaller businesses. The United Kingdom government, for example, created the post of Small Business Commissioner under the Enterprise Act 2016 to "enable small businesses to resolve disputes" and "consider complaints by small business suppliers about payment issues with larger businesses that they supply".
2.Marketing for B2B vs. B2C – Similar but Different
Posted on April 6, 2007 by Debra Murphy
Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing is different. Some people think marketing is marketing and whether you are marketing to consumers or marketing to businesses, you are still just marketing to people, right?
Well, yeah they are people, but a person buying a product for themselves verses buying for their company is a very different, emotional experience. In fact, there are profound differences that you must remember when developing your marketing activities. B2B depends on relationship building marketing efforts. Using consumer-focused strategies to market your B2B business will, at best, just cost you money. And, in some cases, it may cost you customers.
3.C2C (also known as Coups2Cross) was formed in 1998 in the city of Nantes. The collaboration group consists of 4 French DJs: Atom and pFeL from Beat Torrent and 20Syl and Greem from Hocus Pocus. Each member of the group uses his turntable as an instrument, recreating in turn drums, bass guitars, scratching a riff of guitar or shearing the brass.
2.阅读一篇以上ecommerce innovate相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
ecommerce innovate:
The world economy throughout history has bared witness to a series of innovations, fluctuations and new concepts created out of what seemed for many, thin air. The way of doing business has continuously evolved, from a commodities market to a goods based economy to a service economy and to the latest, experience economy. Most of human history has functioned by relying heavily on what is known as the commodities, and later goods based economy, in recent history however, most of the developed countries have switched to a service based economy transferring most of the goods production facilities to the developing world.
The question might arise however, why would countries willingly give up goods production and therefore the job comes with them. In the simplest terms, countries that are considered first world simply aim for their economy to be based on what is most profitable and what is considered to be cutting edge. Technology which incorporates both hardware and software elements are at the forefront of those types of business activities there with computer knowledge becoming the norm for even the simplest of service providing companies.
There is no doubt that the IT incorporates much of the skills required for individuals to be successful and competent at the workplace both in the world of today and that of tomorrow. One only needs to look at the number of both young and seasoned individuals who choose to pursue a bachelor’s in IT science as it provides certainty when it comes to the job market. And if there is still any doubt, one only needs to open a job search engine and look at the available listings in any developed country, and see for themselves that the competences required are most if not all dependent on an IT background. If you are looking for more information on IT related industry, visit ecommerce-innovation.com.
economist 经济学家
socialist economy 社会主义经济
capitalist economy 资本主义经济
protectionism 保护主义
autarchy 闭关自守
primary sector 初级成分
private sector 私营成分,私营部门
public sector 公共部门,公共成分
economic channels 经济渠道
economic balance 经济平衡
economic fluctuation 经济波动
economic depression 经济衰退
economic stability 经济稳定
economic policy 经济政策
economic recovery 经济复原
understanding 约定
concentration 集中
holding company 控股公司
trust 托拉斯
cartel 卡特尔
rate of growth 增长
economic trend 经济趋势
economic situation 经济形势
infrastructure 基本建设
standard of living 生活标准,生活水平
purchasing power, buying power 购买力
scarcity 短缺
stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气
underdevelopment 不发达
underdeveloped 不发达的
developing 发展中的
initial capital 创办资本
frozen capital 冻结资金
frozen assets 冻结资产
fixed assets 固定资产
real estate 不动产,房地产
circulating capital, working capital 流动资本
available capital 可用资产
capital goods 资本货物
reserve 准备金,储备金
calling up of capital 催缴资本
allocation of funds 资金分配
contribution of funds 资金捐献
working capital fund 周转基金