The human ego likes to pretend that evil exists "out there " and seduces its hapless, innocent self into inadvertently falling into the trap of seduction .the real tempter is the ego's desire for gain--whether that be sensation ,excitement, advantage,prestige, or the pleasure of controlling others.
from--《Dissolving the EGO realizing the SELF》
我理解ego 喜欢伪装邪恶在外在,这里说道了一个受害者的意识,其实就是在说是外在害了我,引诱了我,我是无辜的,而其真正的原因都是在于内在,内心对于desire的渴望,永远都想要掩盖。永远是别人的问题,其实本身就是自己的贪婪而已。