English the American Way
晨读笔记 0812 Day 1
1. 事务繁忙,I'm so busy. I’m okay, but school has been really hectic since I came.
2. 不见不散 Be There or Be Square; I am not leaving until we see each other.
3. -er; go-getter. Someone who is determined to succeed and who works hard to achieve this.
4. If you change your mind, come on over.
5. All the time 替换 always
6. 唠叨 nag. My mom nags me to find a boyfriend all the time.
7. Gotta run; gotta go; I guess I gotta go. Catch you later
8. 纸币 cash; dollar bills, banknotes. Quater 25美分。零钱 “ You’ll need $2 in change. The driver won’t take dollar bills, and he won’t give you change. Make sure you have exact change.”
Can you make change for a 20 dollar bills.
Can I have change for 20
1. 乘车相关:turnstile 验票闸门;metered 里程计费; flat-rate 固定费率; Uber; lift; cabbies 出租车司机 cabby. Traffic will be hectic that time. “That’s right in the middle of rush hour. Traffic will be a nightmare at that time. ”
2. 噩梦 nightmare; head-scratcher;
3. Address 重音前后都可
4. Hail a cab
time off; time of year; nothing much
To 发音更自然,de轻
“how’s it goin’. Nothing sounds like nothin’.”
晨读笔记 0813 Day 2
1. 吊销驾照 revoke license, 取消博士学位 revoke doctor degree
2. 车:economy, midsize, luxury, compact, hatchback, convertible, van
3. thought 虚拟语气 “I’m sorry, Officer. I didn’t notice the sign, but I thought I was driving slower than that.”
4. speed limit 重音在前
5. do, doing 70 miles per hour; 模仿 I do pretty good Claire.
烹饪 How would you like your steak done? 参观 We did the Eiffel Tower yesterday.
晨读笔记0814 Day 3
1. 痛饮,暴食 Pig out / binge on food, drink
2. 性格的一面:aspect of character — streak. Most of the players have a strong competitive streak.
3. Tell me more/ fill me in
4. 小费 tip, gratuity
1. “I printed out some new recipes and cooked some interesting ethnic meals, too.”
“ We dove for shells one day and water-skied another day.”
1. 同一意群藕断丝连
2. “it was an awesome, all-inclusive resort. We paid for the hotel”
晨读笔记0815 Day 4
1. Upside downside 优缺点
2. part-time, secondhand, 既可作形容词也可做副词
3. what’s up? What’s wrong? What’s it with you?
4. I am worried sick 表达担心
5. time 计时
6. 透支 overdraft, max out the credit card
7. Hassle-free salon 麻烦少的
8. get carried away 高兴过头,太激动
9. payroll 工资名单,工资总支出 company do payroll; our company has 5 employee on the payroll.
10. Here’s my two cents 这是我的意见
11. Bring down the house
12. a dime a dozen: informal phrase extremely common, and therefore not very valuable or special
1. secondhand 重音在后
2. suburb 重音在前
3. In, on 不要读后鼻音g
晨读笔记0816 Day 5
1. sample 小样,试吃
2. could use 想要
3. big box store Costco 好市多
4. peach, someone or something that is extremely good, impressive, or attractive
peach of: A peach of a goal!
1. BOGO Buy One Get One Free买一送一
2. Go bananas/ nuts, crazy, you are a peach, lemon 破车
3. How do you like? How are liking the movie? Where did you get them? 日常聊天
4. Breath is pronounced / breθ / and means ‘the air that goes in and out of your body through your nose or mouth’:
I could smell whisky on his breath.
Breathe is pronounced / briːð / and means ‘to take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth and let it out again’:
1. mall, more, small
2. 通过断句去引导语句的重点
3. If it is